chapter four

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"The desire in his eyes, I couldn't say no to that."

Thursday morning at the gym, Mr. Charles asked the whole XI-2 class to run 5 laps around the running track on their gym's second floor(Moving reference), it's tiring as hell for everyone, but they kind of enjoyed it since they joked around with each other a little bit too much.

After done with the 5 laps run, Rafael lay down on the cold gym floor. He's trying to stabilize his breathing and feeling his legs since he might've lose it somewhere in the track. In the meantime, a guy with a mischievous smile is having a plan to surprised him.

"NUCLEAR INCOMING!" he shouted as he jumped over his body. Rafael is truly shocked and scared that he might got crushed by the guy, but luckily for him, this guy know what he can do and what he cannot do.

Rafael groaned in annoyance as the guy started to cackled over his own jokes, "Brian! You almost crushed my future!" he shouted out loud, making Brian snort.

The cat then brought up a bright smile as he saw the taller sulking at his place,  "It's just a joke." he said, sitting beside the now sitting male. Rafael's head turned to his side and saw how the cat seated there with a smile, it automatically made him smile stopped his acts.

They observed the others who's busy doing the task Mr. Charles asked them to do so. Brian and Rafael stayed silent because of how tired they are, or at least that's what Rafael believes they are. Brian started to poke his side and made him flinched.

Rafael turned to look at Brian who's giving him a playful grin out of his boredom. Rafael play along with him by also poking his sides. They somehow ended up running around chasing each other in this game of tag they're playing.

Th others that are done joined them and they're now playing together. Of course with the consent of Mr. Charles since they did not want to get into any trouble this early in the morning. More reasons because this is just the third month of the second semester.

After some more minutes, their game is put to an end cause of Mr. Charles calling them to gather around in front of him. And he also gives them a homework to do and need to be done in a week. Such a thing to do, Rafael might say.

Next after P.E is gardening, and they need to change clothes fast before going to met Miss Lilac. To be honest, Rafael didn't really like her class since in his opinion her way of teaching is not his style. And also, Vernon keeps on reminding him about do not touch this and do not touch that because it can caused various things to happened to him.

"I know he's doing it for my own safety, but come on," he muttered to himself as he wears the normal uniform, "My curious ass cannot hold it." he pouted, feeling upset that he can't do exploration like the kids on television ads.

A knock was heard on his changing room door, "Ael, I can hear you." the iconic hoarse voice ended with a laugh, Rafael felt heat creeping up to his cheeks as he felt embarrassed. This Vernon guy is really annoying, he could at least pretend to hear nothing.

Getting out of the changing room, Rafael was met with all of his friend getting their stuffs from the locker, throwing wet towel here and there, even one hit his head, "Bro what." he snorted as he threw the towel back to Dylan who's the one throwing it to him.

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