Chapter 5: The Teddy House

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A day like any other at the call center (Epital) in the dark dimension's technical support department. There is the self-proclaimed best support center Ludovico Montoya talking to himself.

>> Damn my life, after Manolo released the souls of the technicians there is an endless queue. I do not understand how a superior being like me, has to go through these situations. Fortunately, I had sent several resumes to the vacancies that are available but they have not sent me any response, but I know that promotion will come to me.

-Mr. Montoya, how are you and the family? -Said one of his colleagues.

-How is Mr. Wilbert, lazing around as usual while we have a queue on fire," answered Ludovico.

-We were free, sleeping with two hands with few calls. -Wilbert answered.

-Mr. Montoya, have you listened to the music library that I sent you through the Musicfy link?

-Yes, I have listened to it. -Ludovico answered.

-You and your devil's metal. -Answered Wilbert.

-The metal is not for the devil, it is for everybody, Mr. Wilbert. -Montoya answered.

-Amen, Mr. Montoya. -Elian answered.

-You two are satanic scum. -Wilbert replied.

-Say what you want, Wilbert, but metal is cool. -Ludovico answered.

-Here come the supers. -Shouted one of the coworkers guarding the front door, since her position is at the front door of the apartment. Wilber parkours to land on his position which is in front of Montoya's position.

-What's going on, it's like a chicken coop in here. -I exclaim the supervisor entering the department.

-Nothing, my super, we were asking for assistance. -One of Montoya's coworkers answered.

-Don't tell me, everyone was asking for assistance. Ramon," answered the supervisor.

-If you come back with your scandal, I'm going to give you feedback, with a phase two warning to everyone. -The super answered, causing everyone to concentrate on their work.

-Well, let's get on with the job. -Montoya thought until he noticed an email that arrived and added. -An email.

Ludovico read the mail carefully.

-I was promoted, today is spent. -Ludovico exclaims, followed by a shout of jubilation and his companions carry him and throw him up several times.

Ludovico tries to call Manolo, but he does not answer. After this, Ludovico with the money he had made an ice cream toast for his department for his promotion as a dark dimension analyst. The next day Ludovico prepares for his new job.

He prepares to go to the dimension when he sees a portal open in front of him, once he enters the place, he sees the number of monsters there.

-I haven't come to this mountain full of monsters for a long time, the last time I came here, Manolo and I almost lost our lives in this dark world. -Ludovico thought and sat down on a seat that almost devoured him and exclaimed. -A mimic, damn it.

-Good eternal night, you must be Mr. Ludovico Montoya, right. -Hope answered.

-Yes, I am. -Ludovico answered and thought. -A humanoid rabbit, how cute.

-Come follow me, I will train you and escort you to your office. -Hope answered and escorted him there.

Hope is training Ludovico when Meredith passes by to see them.

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