Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cho Hee POV 

I saw my grandmother waving and smiling at me I rush to hug her but then my parents stab her on the back. I quickly ran to her as fast as possible but couldn't they kept getting farther and farther. I gave up and I land on my knees crying what do they want from grandmother and why did they kill her. My head was see images of her dead corpse laying on the ground and seeing my family laughing at her. She is so helpless I want this to stop, I heard someone yelling my name and shaking me.

"Cho Hee wake up you had a bad dream." The nurse said to me worried

"Oh thank you for waking me up." I said getting up

"You had me worried there, here is your medication."

"Thank you!" I said and she bowed her head and left with food on my little table.

I ate my food and started to watch some television. I was watching Running Man it's my favorite so ever I love the MCs and the guest stars. It was 12:00 pm and I got bored I can't for Boyfriend to come over they really make me happy. They get out at 2:30 ugh I can't wait that long. Instead I fell to sleep again.

Youngmin POV  

I can't wait to get out of school and visit Cho Hee we missed her already. After school we are going to buy her a cell phone Kwangmin thought of it because we couldn't give her our numbers. Finally we got out of school, we got in the car with Donghyun hyeong and drove to the Samsung to buy a phone for Cho Hee.

"What phone should we get her guys!" I ask them

"We should get her the same phone as us but white and a blue case." Kwangmin said

"I agree!" Jeongmin hyeong said

"Hello what can I do for you guys today!" The sales lady asked us.

"Yes can we have a white Samsung galaxy S4 with a light blue case please." I said

"Sure here you go have a nice day!"

Kwangmin hand her the money and we left. We got to the hospital and saw Cho Hee sleeping like an angel. We sat around her bed until she woke up.

"I wish you guys could stop doing that it makes me uncomfortable." She said rubbing her eyes

"Sorry you just look so cute when you are sleeping." Hyunseong hyeong said

"Hehe thanks but what's that in your hands Kwangmin~ish."

"Well we wanted to give you this and for now on just called us oppas okay."

"Oh my goodness it's a phone wow thank you guys but you didn't have to get me this."

"It alright it's a sorry gift from us for getting hurt." I said

"Hey it's not your guys fault okay don't ever think that again!"

Cho Hee POV 

I can't believe they would think its their fault that I trip and sprang my ankle. I looked at my phone it was so cute because it had my favorite color case. Yeah my favorite color is light blue I smiled looking at it.

"Hey we should take a picture!" I said smiling

"Okay!" They all said

"I'll take it oh but first take your medication." My nurse said coming in

I took my meds and my nurse took the pictures a normal and funny one. The doctor said I can go home finally but I'm afraid to go home because my parents. I hope they don't notice well I think my cast is so obvious ugh.

Donghyun POV  

Cho Hee looks frustrated maybe she is scared of going home. Oh yeah her parents abuse her I'm worried if they are going to hit her ankle.

"Cho Hee~ah are you okay?" I said rubbing her shoulder

"No oppa I'm scare to go home my parents might hit me." She said holding my hand.

Kwangmin and Minwoo look kind of jealous maybe they both like her. I hope they don't fight about her. Cho Hee is like a little sister a dongsaeng to me even though I just met her yesterday. She seems different than other girls I just I always meet people who could afford to see us but she is really poor like she can't even afford her own cell phone. I guess I felt bad but I'm glad to meet her she is really kind.

"I thought your grandmother is there for you." I said she was still holding my hand

"Yeah but if she gets hurt then it's all my fault." She was about to cry

"Don't worry we would stay here by your side we will wait by your house and if we hear any noise we will come to your rescue." I said hugging her

Kwangmin POV 

Why is Donghyun hyeong hugging her that should be but just looking at it maybe hyeong is just helping her. Hyeong signed the papers and Youngmin and Jeongmin hyeong helped Cho Hee with her crunches. I on the other hand was just watching her struggle and every time our eyes meet we both blush. I really want to take this slow this time. Last time I had a 2 year relationship with Mi Sun she was my childhood friend. We would always hang out and had a blast then I decided to make a move right when I became a part of boyfriend. We dated and instantly fall in love with each other but after we had our anniversary she cheated on me with other guy. She told me that I wasn't useful anymore so this whole time she used me for money.

"Oppa wake up we are at my house and are you okay?" I started to blush she was way to close to me

"Yeah I'm okay oh I'll drop you off."

"No it's okay Kwangmin all I need you to do is just listen if I'm okay or not." She said hugging me

She went down on her own and opened her door. I heard yelling, I try to went down but Youngmin hyeong stop me.

Cho Hee POV  

I went in and my parents started to yell at me. They were drunk omma was yelling at me on the floor while appa was doing something that a girl is afraid of. He was trying to rape me.

"Come here I never knew you were so hot Cho Hee!"

"Get off of me ahhhhhh!"

I try to pull him off but I can't he was too strong. I met with his eye it was full of hate and desperation I didn't understand him his face was confuse and drunk. Lord is this what I deserve was I that bad to my parents I couldn't be I did everything. I closed my eyes and pray then I couldn't feel anything on top of me. I opened my eyes and Kwangmin was there.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea oppa thank you!"

"No problem I'm going to carry you." He said carrying me bridal style which made me blushed

"Where are we going oppas?"

"You are going into our dorm it's okay with our manger." Minwoo oppa said

"Thank you oppas so much is there anything I can do for you guys."

"Well~~!" They all said


A/N: Hey guys I hope you like it. I'm really working hard starting my new chapter for my other story right now.

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