Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cho Hee POV

I was so shock that I have all of them in my classes. Cho Hee think of it as a miracle okay...... No what am I thinking they are just students like me. I was so confused and worried at the same time well first they are talking to me which then everyone is going to be mad and second I have all of them in my classes.

"Hey are you okay, you look pale?" Kwangmin asked with a worried on on his face.

"Oh I'm fine don't worry about me!" I said giving them a smile.

"Hey is it okay for us to walk with you since we don't know this school much." Youngmin asked

"Sure ummm let's go the bell is going to ring in 5 minutes!"

We all got up and started to walk, I kinda went ahead of them so people won't think that I was with them everybody hates me in this school. I sometimes glance at them to see if they were still following me which they are but they are giving me a confused look. We were almost there, but someone trip me and I think I sprang my ankle everyone laughed of course except them. I looked down and started to cry wow great job Cho Hee way to cry in front of them.

Minwoo POV

Cho Hee was walking way ahead of us and we don't know why but at least she glances at to see if we were still there. I wonder if she is scared of something but anyways we were almost there to our classroom until someone trip Cho Hee everybody laugh at her. No wonder why, she gets bullied here I feel really sorry for her. We quickly run to her and I heard her crying aish she doesn't deserve this. She is to beautiful to get hurt I think she sprang her ankle because she started to cry it was silent but we knew. Everyone looked at us and started to back away from her. Good!

"Cho Hee~ah are you okay do you want to go to the nurse please speak to us!" I said with a worried tone.

"It's okay." She said still crying. She got up by herself and tried to walk but fail it was a good thing Kwangmin was there to catch her.

"No! We are bringing you to the nurse I'll carry you!" Kwangmin said carry her bridal style. I kinda felt jealous for a second there.

Everyone stare at us but I guess it was for Cho Hee because they all looked really mad.

Kwangmin POV

I carried Cho Hee to the nurse and she got checked we all waited I'm so worried right now. I can't believe everybody hates her at this school she doesn't deserve this. She so shy, kind, and beautiful to get hurt. We saw the nurse come back to us with a sad look on her face.

"Poor Cho Hee she need to go to the hospital to get her cast."

"Are you a friend to her?" Youngmin asked

"Yes, she would always come here during breaks and lunchtime she is a really nice girl thank you for bringing her here. Also please drop her off to the hospital and don't let them call her parents I beg of you. Take this pass and leave." She said, she looked so sad and worried

"Can we ask why to not call her parents?" I said looking confuse.

"Her parents abuse her and if they found out that she is in the hospital they will abuse her again because of the money they have to spend. Here call this number instead this is her grandmother's number also please take care of her she is like a niece to me."

We all bow our heads and took the pass and number then head out to the front. I had Cho Hee in my back she was sleeping, Jeongmin hyeong called Donghyun hyeong to pick us up. He came with the van and got out to help me put Cho Hee in the car. I place my blanket on her because she was really cold and sweating I think she was a fever.

"Hyeong please drive faster." I said worried

"Alright we are almost there and what happened." He said while driving

"Someone trip her and she sprang her ankle also we just knew that everybody at that school hates her." Minwoo said

We all arrived at the hospital and I quickly ran to the emergency room, the nurse and doctor took her in. We waited for 2 hours now and I'm starring to get worried. I could tell Youngmin hyeong was nervous because he keeps washing his hands every 5 minutes. Finally the doctor came and we all rushed to see him.

"Cho Hee is fine she had a fever but we took care of that all she has to do is rest for toady."

"Thank you doctor is it okay to see her." We all said

"Yes you may her room is 203 it will be on you right."

We bow ours heads and went straight to Cho Hee. We knocked on the door and went in she was still sleeping. She look really cute when she sleeps heheh. I grab the paper with her grandmothers number and I started to call.

"Hello~ who is this?"

"Hello~ I'm Kwangmin Cho Hee's friend I'm here to tell you that she is in the hospital someone trip her at school and she sprang her ankle. We took her here because she started to have a fever but don't worry she is fine and we paid for the bill for you."

"Thank you so much I promise to pay you back, I'll come there in just a minute."

"Oh it's fine she's good friend and we will be waiting."

We hanged up and Cho Hee started to wake up. She looked around and notice we were there. Youngmin hyeong and I helped her sit up. I gave her some water for she had trouble talking to us.

"Where am I?" She said confused

"Your at the hospital Cho Hee~ah your grandmother is coming and we paid for you bill so you guys won't have to worry."

"You didn't have to do that I had money and thank you for staying with me!" She said smiling I really like her smile.

"Your welcome are you feeling okay now!" We all said.


Her grandmother came in and hugged her I guess she is really close to her. We all smiled her grandmother looked at us and bowed her head.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her can I ask who are you guys?"

"Hello we are Boyfriend!" We said

"Oh right now I remember you guys, you guys work for Starship Entertainment."

"Yes we are!"

"My granddaughter loves you guys mostly your songs and dance I would always see her sing and dance to your songs."

"Grandmother!" She said blushing

"Oh sorry anyway I have to go back to work please take care of her."

"Alright grandmother don't work too hard okay." We all said smiling

"Don't worry about me okay!" She said and she kiss Cho Hee

We all said our goodbyes and she left we all looked at Cho Hee because we just heard she stomach growled. We all laughed Donghyun hyeong and Hyunseong hyeong went to go buy us some food while the rest of us stay with Cho Hee. The whole day we knew a lot about Cho Hee she had a hard life and we talked about us how we were formed and stuff. She really enjoyed it and it was time for us to go we couldn't really give our numbers to her because she didn't have a phone. Instead we told her we will meet right after school. I know what to get her tomorrow. We all said goodbye to her and went to our dorms. I couldn't stop thinking about Cho Hee I don't know why. I fell asleep thinking about her.


A/N: Sorry if its really short but I hope you guys like my new story!

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