Chapter 17~

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Chohee POV

Days pass since the kidnapping and things gone back to normal. I still sing my heart out to my wonderful fans and I have the man that I wanted all of my life. Myungsoo and I are great friends, he still cares and loves me. As for Boyfriend I am still their dongsaeng haha nothing will ever change that. Oh yeah as for the News of Myungsoo and I split fans took it the hard way, some hated me and Myungsoo for it. But of course some move on others well you know how fandom works. Today is the day I get to meet Kwangmin's and Youngmin's family and I am super nervous 

"Are you okay? You look sick." Kwangmin ask looking at me closely 

"Yeah just nervous." I hold his hand tighter then the door opens 

"Oh you are here! Omma Kwangmin and his girlfriend are here!" A cute young boy said must be their younger brother 

"Hello family I am home!" Kwangmin yells hehe they are so hyper, his family gathers around us 

"Hello I am Chohee it is nice to met you all." I bow at a 90 degrees 

"Kwangmin she is very beautiful and kind." His mother tells him and leads me to the kitchen 

"Chohee do you know how to cook?" She asks me 

"Yes I do, would you like some help Mrs. Jo" I start to help dice the vegetables 

"Oh but you are guest Chohee. Stop that." But I still continue to dice 

"It's okay Mrs. Jo I would love to help. Please let me." I smile at her and she smiles back 

The whole time I am helping with the preparation of the food and I get to know Kwangmin's mother more. She is a wonderful woman, I kinda of got inspire to write a strong song about independent women. As we finish the men set up the table, Kwangmin shoots me lots of smiles and kisses. I blush just looking at him doing that, he can be a hyper guy but he is really sincere about me. We all sit down and say our prayers then we eat. 

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Jo Hyunmin the youngest." He gives me a smile just like Youngmin  

"It's okay it is nice to meet you." I give him a smile back and continue to eat

"So I watch you a lot on television Chohee, but you call yourself Angel." Mr.Jo tells me well I could tell them about my past 

"Well my fans and coworkers only know me by Angel. My past has to do with hiding my real name. My parents abused me when I was young and I ran away with Boyfriend. Then as years past my father looked for me just to come back home, he would do anything to get me back home." Kwangmin squeezes my hand gently then I continue, "I did everything from changing my name and looks so my father could not find me, but it did not work he still found a way to know where I am. I put everyone in danger even your sons which I apologize for doing that." I finally said and bow my head 

"Aigoo you been through a lot. It's okay my sons are a lot happier since you came in their lives. They always talk about you during dinner time." She holds my hand and smiles hehe I feel so welcome here 

"Well at least that is over I saw it on the news, but it did not explain you guys are included in the scene." His father said 

"Oh well we kind of sneak away from the reporters because we did not want to release Chohee identity." Kwangmin said 

After all the explaining and talking about other things it was our time to leave. We said our goodbyes and went to the car, but before we did Kwangmin takes my hand and pulls me to an area with flowers. I look around and the flowers are beautiful, I turn to look at Kwangmin and he just smiles at me. 

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