Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Cho Hee POV

I woke up and saw no one sleeping next to me, What happen to Myungsoo? I got out of bed and changed my back to yesterday's clothes, I step out of the room and no one was home... huh where did they go? i grabbed my phone and dial Myungsoo's number...... no answer I hope they are okay. I went back inside Sungjong's room and waited, but I have to get in the studio by 11 am today. It's already 9 o'clock and the boys are still not here. Did something happened to them? I should go find them, but how? I grab my phone terrified maybe my dad took them and hid them somewhere.... Oh please lord let them be fine. I took hold of the doorknob, but I heard the doorknob move... huh who is that? When the door open its them. Thank you lord! I quickly hugged whoever was in front of me. 

"Thank goodness you guys are okay. I thought I lost you guys." 

"Angel are you okay we just got out from our interview and also bought food." I knew that voice its Dongwoo. I totally forgot they don't know me except for Myungsoo.

"Sorry I just had a bad dream and I just got paranoid.... sorry Dongwoo." I said letting go

"You must be hungry come and eat now." Sungkyu said

"Thank you guys for letting me stay I must have been a burden."

"Not at all you slept like an Angel... maybe that's why your name is Angel." Oh Hoya that's not really my name. I'm so sorry I can't put you guys in danger.

"Alright ready for your debut stage again?" Woohyun said

"Of course!"

 We all got in the van and I was greeted by their manger. He's really kind and he wished me good luck.. As we got to the studio, I got ready and waited for my turn then I felt someone touching my shoulder. I turned and it was Kwangmin.

"Hey did you sleep well?" Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend before that's what I wanted to say but it couldn't come out. 

"I sleep well!" I said trying to smile. It hurts ever time I look at him I just want to cry. I thought that one day he could be holding me in his arms

"Did anyone sleep next to you?" He asked quietly. Should I say that Myungsoo slept next to me? 

"Umm..." When I was going to say it the staff member told me I was next. Thank goodness I didn't have to say it. 

I left him standing their and as I looked back I saw Mi Sun hugging him, but he was still looking at me.... huh maybe that was just my imagination. I step on stage and I saw Infinite waving at me in the front. I started to sing my heart breaking song that I wanted to really sing, it was about a girl heart broken because the guy left her for another girl. At the time I just like the lyrics and the meaning, now it's a reality. I looked back at Kwangmin and their was saddness in his eyes, then I felt something warm on my cheeks.... I'm crying. I looked at my audience they all had their cell phones out which lighten the studio. I feel the song and it's making me cry. After the song ended the other song came on, I quickly wipe my tears and started to dance. This song was a fast, but happy song mostly it brings out my rapping skills. As the stage went dark I heard the crowd screaming my name asking for an encore, I was happy that I have people who admire me and was their for me. I went backstage to my waiting room, when I opened the door I saw Boyfriend and Infinite with flowers and cupcakes. I smiled but it quickly faded when I didn't see Kwangmin once again my heart is broken. I saw Youngmin came up to me and hugged me I wanted to cry in his arms, but it will make the others worried. I put back my fake smile. 

"Thank you guys, you guys didn't have to do this." 

"Well to tell you the truth that's why we came a little late." Sungyeol said scratching his back head

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"We weren't at a interview, we were actually decorate your waiting room."

"Aww thanks guys... GROUP HUG." 

We all went in for a group hug and I couldn't take it anymore my tears came out. Myungsoo looked at me and let go of the hug the rest followed. They all looked at me crying my eyes out I didn't care I needed this. I looked down and I felt someone's arm around me I hugged back. It hurts so much I want to go back when I didn't meet Boyfriend and I would still have been with grandmother. 

"Shh it's okay please stop crying." It's Myungsoo 

"What's going on, why is Angel crying?" Hoya asked, should I tell them... no I can't put them in danger.

"She's just so happy that she has great oppas there for her." Youngmin said 

"Yeah... sorry it just made me cry that you guys care for me." 

"Of course you are different from the other girls in the kpop world." Sungkyu said 

I wiped my tears and we all ate together. I feel happy that they are there for me and I didn't have to worry about anything. As we got out of the station it was pretty dark outside. I felt someone's warm hands on mine.

"Here put this on you'll catch a cold." Huh it's Sungjong holding my hand and giving me his jacket 

"Umm... thanks Sungjong." 

"You're welcome!" 

When we were going to our vans I heard footsteps. Huh... what was that? I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer to us. 

"Wait! Get it the van Sungjong!" I pushed him in the van then closed it and there I saw 4 guys in front of me.

"Hey are you Cho Hee?" One of them said

"No... but may I ask who are you jerks." I tried to be brave but I feel my hands shaking

"So you are her... GET HER!" one of the guys grab my hands

"HEY LET HER GO IF YOU WANT HER YOU HAVE TO GET THROUGH ALL OF US!" It's Jeongmin with Infinite and the rest of the members

"Shit we are out numbered, but we can do this." I guy grabs me and neck lock me then pulls a gun out.

"Let go of me!"

"Shut up or your head will be into bits." I'm so scared oppas help me

"Let her go you bastard!" Myungsoo said forming a fist with his hand

"Come closer and she will be gone just like her grandmother." What! What did they do to grandmother

"What is he talking about hyeong?" Sungjong asked

"What did you do to my grandmother?" I yelled at him

I started to cry what did they do to her? I can't let them hurt her. Lord please tell me that my grandmother is fine please oh please. The guy's gun kept getting closer and closer to my head *sob*. I want this to end now.

"Ugh!" Huh I felt the guy fell and someone grabs me into a hug.... the scent it's Kwangmin 

"Just close your eyes okay." I nodded and I heard all the guys grunting

"Okay open your eyes now." but I couldn't I feel dizzy and last thing I remember was all of them calling my name.

Sorry I haven't made an update because school has now started. So things might come late or you guys have to wait until next summer... idk yet also I'm sorry that it's very short -_- 

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