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A scream echoed behind the closed door, “Send that little monster away. Ask her! Ask her! SHE IS INSANE.”  The woman’s cries carried out to the hallway where Lily waited.  Lily was a small girl of only five years old.  Her bright blond hair was long enough to touch the middle of her back.  Her face still had plenty of its baby texture and her long eyelashes framed her innocent blue yes.

Lily sat quietly, waiting for her turn with the smelly man.  Almost as if summoned from the dark depths of her mind, he opened the big door.

The man was scary.  His face supported a huge black beard that matched his greasy hair.  He smiled, a creepy little smile that sent chills down Lily’s spine.

“Come on Lily, we are ready for you.”  The stench of his breathe gagged poor Lily even from a distance.  She stood up, covering her nose in the process, and walked into the room he had come from.  

The room was a normal office with a desk, bookshelves, and two couches that faced one another.  This office however had a few additions.  Two police officers stood in the back of the room,  their eyes trained on Lily. Small heaves came from a woman on the coach farthest from Lily.  The woman had brown hair that fell in front of her tear filled brown eyes.

The smelly man had just shut the door behind them when the woman spoke up hysterically, “Why is she here?  That monster will kill us all.  You can’t-”  The smelly man interrupted the woman’s shrill voice, “Ma’am calm down.  Now then...”  He turned and spoke to Lily in a patronizing voice, “Why did you do it, Lily?”

Lily felt confusion worms its way through her mind.  She gave the smelly man a calculating look before she replied, “I thought Mommy and Daddy were lonely.” No one spoke after this simple statement.

Finally after what felt like forever smelly man whispered, “Don’t you understand Lily?  Do you know that your Grandmother almost died today?”

Lily smiled with joy until she noticed the adults expressions.  Did they not understand? Lily tried explaining again, “Mommy and Daddy needed company.  Since they went away after they died I though Grandma should go there by dying too.”

The woman screamed, covering her ears.  Lily jumped at the noise and shrunk back in preparation for punishment. At that moment a knock on the door silenced everything in the room.  The door opened admitting a nice looking man.  His hair was a nice shade of gold with bright blue eyes.  smelly man said to the golden man, “There you are Mr. Rowland, I need your help with this young...”

However Mr. Rowland (Golden Man) was paying him no mind.  In fact he ignored everyone else in the room as he walked up to Lily.  His voice reminded Lily of her father as he began to speak to the five year old.

“Hello Lily.  My name is Richard Rowland.  I was wondering if you would like to come live with me. Before you answer,”  Richard got down on one knee so he was on eye level with her,  “In this place there are five other kids.  You won’t be alone anymore, little Lily.  You know when you’re not lonely anymore your parents will be happy.  They have enough company from knowing you’re happy.  Do you want to come with me Lily?”

The room was stuffy with silence as they waited for Lily’s response.  The girl dropped her head.  She missed having people around, people who would talk to her as Richard did now.  She stepped forward and grabbed the man’s shirt.  Not wanting anyone to know she was crying, Lily nodded saying to herself, ‘anywhere is better than here.’

Richard picked the small child up.  Her silent tears began to stain his shirt but he did not care.  This child was a wreck.  What did her family do to her? This poor child that they trapped in a corner till she finally bit back.  The family even had the audacity to say all this trouble was little Lily’s fault.

The woman on the couch quickly said, “Excuse me, Richard, if i may call you that, that little monster may try to kill you.”  That lady’s voice might as well had been a knife to the man’s heart.  Lily can’t stay here.  It’s not safe here for her sanity.

Richard refused to face the woman, “Mrs. Evans, I don’t allow anyone except the kids to call me Richard.”  He directed his attention to the girl now quietly sniffling on his shoulder.  “What do you think Lily?  Why don’t you call me Richy?”

Lily stiffened at this statement.  She then lifted her now smiling face to Richards. “Thank you, Richy I believe I will.”  Lily quoted her mother. (something she always loved to do.)

Richard did not look back, he did not think twice, he left.  As he walked out of the building he carried Lily with him, hearing the people in the background attempting to protest.  He knew they would not protest over much because he was the expert.  Not many knew of how to care for a child such as Lily, and not many cared to find out.  Richard loved his job but it always saddened him to see their broken state such as little Lily’s crying.

He placed the child in his car and quickly pulled out of the parking lot.  That woman... Mrs. Evans is supposed to be Lily’s aunt.  Such a fine job she did. (note the sarcasm)  Lily feared her family now because none of them helped her in her time of need. Richard tried to ignore his own thoughts as he glanced back to the frightened girl, “Welcome to The House, Lily.  I’m sure you’ll be happy with your new family..”

Lily just smiled then looked out the window thinking of the near future...


Authors note

I apologize for the short first part but it had to start some where and Lily seemed to fit that.

In the next one you will be introduced to everyone in The House.

Thanks for reading

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