Charlotte's Debut

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Blood dripped from Lily’s little fingers onto the wooden floor.  The black bird laying on the table in front of her oozed the red blood out, onto the table.  The birds feathers were stained red and lay in disarray.  The eyes were voids of darkness gazing into the infinite ever after.  

Lily reached forward and yanked the knife from the black bird’s breast.  She almost dropped the blade because of the slickness of blood on her hand.  The red stains on her clothes and hands looked almost artistic.  She decided that painting the bird really colorful would be a good way to send it to her parents.  Maybe they would know that she did it.  Maybe they would come back to her just to thank her for her little artwork. 

She reached forward, the blood dripping off the tip of her finger as she...


Lily jumped bolt upright.  From her eye came a single tear, she had trained herself not to cry.  Somehow only one could ever get through but it helped.  

Looking around she noticed she was in the same room as before.  Only this time she was laying on the coach and no one else was in the room.  The room was inviting, even when empty.  The wall paper was a nice shade of bluish greenish and the carpet was black.  Everything in the room held no sign of it being used by people who were crazy.  Everything looked used and abused by a bunch of kids who loved being in this room.  This room had to be the family room.  

She stood up and felt the fluffy carpet between her toes.  Someone had removed her shoes and socks when she had fallen asleep.  When she was younger she loved it when her and her father had rolled around on the carpet.  Mother used to yell at them, calling them silly and to do something if they were that bored but she loved those moment more then anything.  Strange the things she treasures, even now. 

“Lily, would you like something to eat?”  Lily’s head snapped up to see Richy standing in the doorway to what sounded like a kitchen.  As the fear slowly left Lily’s body she nodded at Richy.  He put out his hand as an invitation.  Lily was free to refuse to touch anyone but she jumped up and put her hand in his.  She smiled carefully, a strained smile that did not quite reach her eyes. 

Richard realized that Lily would have an easier time then the others.  She was just a child and would adjust a little better with just little care.  First would be getting her to express her true feeling and demand attention when she feels she needs it.  Then, and only then, would he try to tell her just what death really meant.  

He pulled her into the brightly lit kitchen that was currently empty but would soon be full with rowdy kids that almost never stopped yelling about this or that.  The way they communicated helped them with their path back into society but sometimes it gave him a headache. 

He gently pulled Lily to a chair at the table with a plate of grilled cheese and broccoli.  She sat down and began to pick at her food.  Richard had been this all before, she had a lack of appetite because of a self punishment regimen.  The poor girl thought that this place was a prison or something of the like.  What had her family told her in order to frighten the poor girl?

Just as Richard was about to comment Jade walked into the kitchen.  He nervously sat down and said very respectfully, “This smells really good Richard, thank you.”  He took a bite of his sandwich then suddenly seemed to notice Lily in the room.  He smiled a crooked little smile that brought out a dimple then spoke to Lily, “Hello, my name is Jade.  You must be Lily.  Welcome to the family.”  

A tension rolled off of his shoulders that Richard had not noticed was there.  Jade would not hurt Lily, ever.  He was always one of the ones to be close to the newer ones until they settled in.  He did not like anyone being left out, though Drake would only make Lily even more nervous.  

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