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Years passed and the world moved on after Danny's death.  Sorry to say but nothing big happened because she died.  No one named a street after her, made up new gun laws, or even mentioned her name in the news as anything but another accidental death victim.  The world just moved on without her there to make people smile like only she could.  Lily moved on as well.  

The young blonde stayed in The House till she was released at the age of 18.  She chose to stay there and help Richard with the other children that came and went in what felt like a blink of the eye.  Richard was glad for the help and there relationship went from patient and doctor to daughter and father.  The boys left once they were 18 and new kids replaced them quickly.  Soon Lily got into a cycle of a new family every few years.  She tried to fill the void that Danny left in her heart but nothing could.  The girl still had a hole in her life from her parents death but Danny had managed to fill some of it up with her own light.  After Danny died Lily almost stopped smiling but then she remember all the raven haired girl had taught her and Lily forced herself to keep going, taking it one day at a time. 

The six children, Skyler, Simon, Wyatt, Jade, Drake, Gray, and Lily, stayed in touch after the boys left to go on with their lives.  Lily knew the ins and outs of the other's lives and loved to hear about anything outside of The House. 

Skyler became a very successful lawyer after attending a nearby community college.  He managed to get past everyone telling him that no one would hire him because of his mental illness that still plauged him.  A local firm however took a chance on him.  They hired him and it payed off in the long run for them.  Skyler knew when people were lying to him and he found it funny when other lawyers tried to bring up his past.  Learning how to not be bothered by the voices in his head, Skyler found ways to shoot down the accusations that he was unfit for his job because of his so called 'illness.' Three years after he became a full time lawyer he got married.  Her name is Bethany and she is incredably sweet.  She accepted Skyler for who he is and shortly after they got married they had a beautiful baby girl, Sarah.  The two of them, however, decided that one child was enough for both of them and took good care of their baby.  The one time that Lily held her in her arms she could not look away from Sarah's brown eyes.  Those eyes seemed to draw her in and she saw the innocence that Danny had once seen in her.   The future held great things for Skyler and his family and with Bethany and Sarah by his side he was ready to face it. 

Simon however was another story.  He could not get a good job because of his criminal record.  In the end he became a bartender at a nearby pub in town.  He worked there for a few months before something strange came over him.  He had met a man with black hair and hazel eyes that seemed to light the world on fire.  SInce then he and that man, Brian, were inseperiable.  He and Brian ended up moving in together and dating.  Of course they could not get married but they did not seem to need that.  They both made a promise to remain faithful and that was enough for both of them.  Since Simon had met Brian he no longer felt the urge to attack women, brown hair or not.  Lily, of course, was happy for him. 

Wyatt started off a little better.  Deciding to make a difference in the world, Wyatt went to college to major in education.  After getting out of college he became a principle in a local public school not that far from The House.  The red head was nick named the demon principle because he did not allow bullying or lying in anyway.  Any of that tom foolery resulted in instant suspension.  With all of his work in the school he pretty much married his work and ended up remaining single with only one or two dates over the years.  He tried to stay away from fire best he could and had not relapsed in years. 

Jade and Drake were adorable when they left.  Of course neither of them wanted to recombine into one being again so they remained seperate.  They both ended up owning a club that ran downtown and it was going swimmingly.  Jade handled most of the finances and personal where as Drake made sure that the club was running smoothly.  He wandered the club during business hours and watched people to ensure that there were no fights or complaints.  Even though Drake and Jade were essentially two sides of the same coin they had different preferences when it came to women.  Then came the day when they met one girl that matched both of their personalities perfectly.  Her name was Serena and she was quite the creature.  She was shy when around people she did not know but once she got to know someone she was afraid to be herself.  She was also a partier and loved to dance in the club with Drake.  Two years after Serena met Drake and Jade they got married.  No they did not hide their so called 'mental illness' from her but she accepted it.  Their love seemed without end and Lily was happy for them. 

Gray moved out quickly when he turned 18 and refused to call any of them until he began to run a dojo.  By the time he had called Lily and told her about his life he was the proud owner of Sakura Dojo.  Apparently he found training other people to defend themselves and their loved ones very calming.  He did not have any more angry outbursts and he worked very hard to keep what had happened when he was a teenager under wraps.  He also met a girl, she and him always got coffee at the same place, and they were planning to get married in a few months.  Hearing all the news, Lily was happy that everything would be okay for the big day. 

The day was dark and cloudy but then that was just the way that they liked it.  Lily was no longer five years old.  In fact she was now 23 and happier than ever.  Standing around her were her real family.  Jade/Drake stood next to Simon, arguing about some computer software and whether one was better than the other.  Gray, Skyler and Wyatt were talking about girls and the two taken men were trying to convince Wyatt to get out more and catch a girl.  Nothing could have been better. 

Lily stepped forward and placed the black rose she had brought on a gravesite that was almost as familiar as her own home in town.  Danny's name was inscribed in curly writting and it looked slightly weather worn from the years it had been standing.  

If Danny had been there she would have been laughing and conversing with the boys as though nothing was wrong but Lily could not bring herself to do it.  She never could really speak when she was in the graveyard but she was not sad, she was happy.  She smiled widely and made sure to visit all the happy memories that she and Danny had shared.  Those memories had not faded in the slightest and Lily loved them all.  

As she stood, looking at the gravestone she felt the wind rustle her blonde hair.  When Lily had left The House on her 18th birthday she did the same as the others, she went on with her life.  She went to college and decided to do the only thing she felt comfortable doing, helping people.  She became a family theropist.  

She, of course, specialized with children and sometimes worked with neglect and abuse cases.  She loved trying to help all those people and could feel a huge hole in her heart healing, bit by bit, everytime she managed to save another family, another child like Danny had her.  

One thing that did not change was that Charolette was still with her.  She had mounted the silver handgun on the wall over her desk and was willing to tell anyone who asked the story of the girl who had saved her life by writting a note in her own blood. 

The End!

I really hope you guys like this story.  This truly is the end this time.  I had the ending done before everything in the middle so I have high hopes for this chapter.  I tried to make everything as realalistic as was possible.  Thank you all for reading, it really means a lot to me.





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