Vision of Blood

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The sun shined down on Gray as he stepped through the iron gateway to the back yard barbecue. The families of the naborhood gathered around in small groups to catch up on gossip and to gamble away their pay on some football game. This type of thing was held once a week and everyone in the naborhood was invited, even the kids that lived in the local asylum. Not once had they accepted but still inventations came every week like clockwork, only this one did they ever show up at. Richard decided that they should try to get along with everyone and to treat this like a test. The others stood around Gray as he looked around at all the people whose masks held smiles that seemed to make the sun shine brighter. He was weary however because of the fact that the faces beneith those masks would cause the darkness of his nightmares to surface. Kids ran in all directions and the scent of food seemed to fill the air all around them.

When they entered the noises dies down as all turned to stare at them. The owners of the house seemed the most surprised of them all. Richard stepped forward, he hand out stretched, "hello Mr. And Mrs.McGillian. Thanks you for inviting us to this party of yours. You already know but my name is Richard and these are the children, Simon, Gray, Skyler, Jade, Drake, Wyatt, Danny and the youngest, Lily." He pointed to all of us in turn, except with Jade of whom he pointed to twice.

Mr. McGillan seemed hesitant but stepped forward and shook Richards inviting hand. He appeared about to speak but his wife beat him to it, "they will not cause trouble will they." He voice was high and sounded almost panicked. She appeared frightened with the thought of a small group of teenagers ruining her little party.

Richard laughed gently in her direction, "of course not. All of them will be on their best behavior, right kids?" He turned to look at all of them with his soft eyes. He was giving them a chance to back out and go home. Gray thought for a moment, what happened felt like such a long time ago and yet in at moment he remembered it like it was yesterday. For a second he felt doubt seep into his mind. What if something went wrong? What if one of the others got hurt? What if he was not ready to be in the real world again?

All of these questions bounced around his mind and just as panic began to wriggle its way inside Danny spoke up, "I do believe that we can handle one simple dinner." All eyes focused on her as her spunk began to show in full color. Her hands placed firmly on her hips where her belt chains began to jingle. That day she wore black skinny jeans with silver chains and a black long sleeve shirt with red feather wings on the back. She smiled gleefully at all of them and grabbed Lilys hand, "come, let's go get something to eat Lils."

They both moved away and the ice seemed to crack around them. People moved and talked once again and it seemed that everyone simply accepted their presence among them. Wyatt and Skyler went to the table of food as well to find something to eat no doubt. Jade walked up to Richard and joined in the adults conversations. Gray and Simon instead approached some of the teens that had tucked themselves into one of the corners.

"You need to learn to avoid mess ups like that. She is only going to dump you in the end if you go on like that." A boy with blonde hair spoke with animation to all of the others.

"Nah dude," his friend replied, "she would not do that. I make sure when she is with me we have plenty of fun."

The conversation continued with the like but Gray tried to ignore it. Other boys could be horribly nasty when they put their minds to it but living with Simon made him almost ammun to it. It took a moment before they seemed to notice that Simon and Gray had approached them.

One of the girls stepped forward, her dark brown hair glinting in the sun, and smiled widely in their direction, "hello boys, I do not believe I have see you around before. Are you transfer students or something. Just move in to the naborhood?" Simon eyes widened at the sight of the girl and seemed to brighten. His hands slowly drifted up, his fingers twitching in anticipation. Gray smacked him in the back of his head before he could do any more than that.

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