The Storm

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Chapter 2: 

The Storm

Hi, my name is Daniel Kuni Knighte.  Everyone calls me Danny.  I am a normal female teenager. Yes i am a girl with a boy name, deal with it.  Okay i lied a little bit.  I am not your average teenager.  Let me explain.  

I am fifteen years old. roughly ten years ago (to all those geniuses out there I was five years old)  I lived with my father.  My parents got divorced.  My older siblings,  Brianna and Charlie lived with my mom.  As you would expect I got stuck staying with my father.

At first, I thought he was just sad.  No one else ever asked about the ever climbing number of bruises on my body.  No one ever asked, so i never told.  I began to fear my father and what he did to me.  Finally one day i realized i needed to end it.  All the pain I felt was not needed.  I found my father’s rifle and secretly learned to shoot it.  

Weeks later after my first successful target practice followed by many other triumphs my father came home and he smelled of alcohol.  I knew what to do next,  I shot him when he tried to hurt me.  My fear had spiked when he approached me with his hands outstretched for my neck.  I had run to my room, for the gun hidden under my bed.  I loaded the rifle and killed him.  His blood pooled out of the hole in his head.  By the time the police showed up I sat in the pool of blood, drawing little pictures.  Instead of answering the frantic questions of the cops I just pointed to the words I had written in the blood.  

Help Me!

I was sent to The House.  Its a place for kids like me, who need to be “watched.” I did live in the house for ten whole years.  By my tenth year I met little Lily.  At first I could only see my younger self.  The only difference was she is able to be saved. I had to try to save her or die trying.  

Like i said before, my name is Danny, and this is the true story of Lily Evan’s escape.  I will tell this story without being biased.


Lily stepped out of her new room to meet Richard in the hallway.  She was shaking a little in fear.  Today, she was to meet the other kids.  Richy gave her a talk about all the others.

First is Skyler Dexton,  he is the oldest at a prime age of seventeen.  Apparently since he was little he could hear voices that nobody else could.  As he grew older he began to talk back (By the way, he said they love his singing. Creepy right?)  No one even tried to understand what he was going through. His parents feared what this could mean for their reputation among their friends so they sent him away.  They labeled him as a “Nut Case” and sent him to The House. He hates it when people try to talk to his voices without speaking to him about it first and he freaks out when people smell of cigarette smoke.

Second is Simon Winters.  He was sixteen but he did something Lily did not understand.  Apparently he is a tried and convicted rapist of over twenty teenage girls.  The only reason he was not in jail was because when he plead guilty he laughed and told him he believed a bunch of girls over a man of rightly wisdom.  He continued to rant about American worth and values until the judge decided he was insane and sent him to The House.  He does not like it when someone reminds him of law or government and girls with brown hair set him off.  

Third is Gray Lune.  He was sixteen just like Simon, sometimes the others called them the twins.  He is a power house of years of training in boxing, wrestling, karate, judo and many other things that alluded Lily’s understanding and attention span.  He is also very protective of his sister, who was only six at the time, got attacked by a gang.  She was found very badly injured on the outskirts of their town.  Once he was sure that she was going to live he went after the group that put her in the hospital.  He says all he saw was a red haze and by the time he came to senses over forty of the gang had been put into comas and all the rest in the hospital for months of healing needed.  When he could not explain how this happened he was placed in The House till he “learned to control his temper.”  He hates blood and gang symbols.

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