A Child No More

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The pavement beneath Danny and Lily's was cold and unforgiving as they ran as fast and as far as they could. The wind blew their blonde and black hair back like capes as they flew down the sidewalk. The city that unfolded before the pair was familiar in a sick sort of way. All the buildings were so bright and happy with laughter and smiles while Danny was filled with turmoil. Fear had been coiling inside of her since that horrible woman called the police. What would they do to her? To Lily?

For once Danny did not know how to fix the situation she had gotten into and now she was not the only one facing the guillotine. Looking down, she trained her eyes on the blonde running right next to her. Lily trust her to keep her safe and damn it she would protect the five year old. Of course no human could run forever so the two of them stopped in a secluded alley way behind what sounded like a greek restaurant.

Danny released Lily's hand as the blonde doubled over, gasping for breath. A glimmer in the sun brought Danny's attention to Charlotte, still clutched in her hand. The pistol still shinned silver in the dim light.

Thoughts began to fly through Danny's mind as she tried to think of a way out of the sticky situation she had dumped herself and Lily into. The main problem was their current location, they were clear across the city from The House and Danny doubted anyone else would listen like Richard would. The teen knew that the best way to fix their current problem would be to get back to The House and explain everything so Richard could stop the panic.

An idea popped into Danny's head as she looked at the brick wall in front of her. Lily looked up at Danny softly and with trust burning in her blue eyes, "what are we going to do, Danny?"

Her voice trembled but held a confidence that Danny would always know what to do. The teen smiled softly, "We are going to call Richard. He can come and get us." She stated gently.

The two girls grasped hands again and walked down the street slowly. Danny glanced from side to side, trying to find a building that would have a phone that she could use to call their savior. Shops and restaurants passed them by but Danny doubted that anyone in them would allow them to use their phones. The little girl saw her preoccupation and decided to imitate her. Both girls glanced from side to side in hopes of finding one place that may have a pay phone of some kind.

Finally, they found one. A big, ritzy hotel with valets and things stood off to the side and Danny was hopeful that this building would have a pay phone. Luckily they were not stopped at the door as she and Lily snuck through. They noticed a sign that signaled that a pay phone was around the corner, past the reception desk.

While the guy behind the desk was busy on the phone Danny tugged the five year old past on phantom feet. No one seemed to noticed their presence and they reached said pay phone with no problems. Reaching into the abyss of her pocket, Danny pulled out some small coins and lint. She pulled out the coins she would need and fed the machine. Lily tugged on her shirt, silently indicating that she wanted to listen too. Danny tipped the phone so that she could hear Richard too.

The therapist answered on the fourth ring, "Hello? How may I help you?"

Danny quickly responded before he could go on his tirade of being a doctor and stuff, "Richard, I need, no- we need your help."

Almost before Danny stopped speaking Richard asked, "What is wrong Danny?" Danny felt the urge to just cry and beg Richard to make everything okay again. Being only five when she showed on his doorstep she felt as though Richard was the closest thing she had to a father. She just wanted to scream into the phone and tell him that she messed up but she didn't mean to.

However Danny felt Lily's little hand clutch her arm and she knew she had to act like an adult, and hopefully get Lily home without too much trouble. She pulled the phone away from Lily, so that she could speak to Richard without the five year old hearing, "I pulled my gun. Lily's aunt called the police and we don't have a ride. Do you think you could come and pick us up?"

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