Chapter 8: Wait..

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        Mia's POV:

     She followed her, what was she gonna say..."Charlotte, wait". Char turned around, tears streaming down her face, she went to speak but only a sob came out. "I have to tell you something", said Mia.

   "yes?" she managed to get out between sobs as she leaned against her car, looking more heartbroken than ever. "can we go to the backyard..?", she nodded and followed her there.

   They both sat down by the pool, hands inches away from each other. She looked at her and wanted nothing more than to hold her and wipe her tears...what was stopping her?

    She looked away, holding back tears of her own, she turned back to look at her a couple seconds later and reached to hold her hand.

    "Charlotte.." she said looking into her eyes, "I have to tell you-" her sentence was cut short by the sight of a man she knows all too well, more than she ever wished to.

  Roger Knight, most knew him as the owner of the many Knight Nurseries, others as the father of Reece and Autumn Knight but not her..To her he was more than that, he was the monster who haunted her day and night, who turned her from the sweet and kind girl she once was to an evil and manipulative "witch" as everyone called her.

   He walked towards them, she quickly pulled her hand away, she looked...scared? She scooped away from her. Charlotte, on the other hand, stood up to greet her boss with a nod and a "hello roger" as well as a soft smile.

   He returned the nod, "Hello Charlotte" he said putting his hand on her back while giving Mia a nod "Mia". He ran his hand up and down the brunette's back, making her tense up a bit which Mia obviously noticed as she didn't once take her eyes off her.

   "If you'll excuse us, Charlotte.." he said patting her back, "I need to have a word with Mia". She nodded and walked away.

   "Amelia..", he had to repeat himself 3 times as she was lost watching Charlotte walk away before turning to him, "What are you doing here?" "just popped up for a visit, and it's good that I did, why don't we go continue this conversation in the office?". He didn't let her answer and walked into the house and into the office.

    She followed him inside, "I told you to stay away from her, you know what happens when you don't listen to me.." "she came her to talk, I told her it was over" "don't lie amelia, you know I hate liars..i also hate when people don't do as I say.."

      Bang. Her head hit the wall...

A/N: oops 🫢
still haven't decided where I want this to go so if you have any suggestions, im open to them :)))

you mean nothing to me - a mialotte storyWhere stories live. Discover now