chapter 2: first day back

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     Char's POV:

     It's Monday again, Char was covering at the sister nursery, which she hated now, because it meant having to see her gir- well, now, ex girlfriend after their, shall we say messy breakup? which only got worse when she found out Mia was also working the rooms today, "please don't let it be the baby room", her face dropped when she realized it was.

    She walked past the office and greeted reece who immediately noticed the quite big bruise on her forehead, "what happened, charlotte?" "oh, nothing, I fell" she didn't lie; technically, she did fall just omitted the part where it was actually her ex girlfriend who pushed her.

    She then went into the room and saw Mia, holding a baby who immediately stopped crying after she picked him up, she was so soft with kids..almost as soft as she was when they were together..'were'..her heart ached at the thought of them being a past tense.

    She walked further into the room and started playing with the babies in her group, occasionally glancing over at Mia, who didn't even look at her once. 'today is gonna be a long day' she thought to herself.

    And it, in fact, was. They didn't speak once unless it was related to the children, the only time Mia did talk to her was when she told her to start doing the nappies, other than that it was just a nod and a 'mhm' here and there.

    It was time for handover, Char hated doing it with some of the parents here: either it was an angry mom who always has something to complain about or a flirty dad who can't keep his hands to himself. 'when is this day gonna end?' she kept repeating to herself all day long, not that she was excited to go back to her empty home but it was better than being here with the woman she once thought to be the love of her life who only ended up discarding of her like trash.

   'oh crap! not him' she thought when she saw James's dad walk in, he's the worst of them all, always has something to say about her hair, makeup or even the way she was dressed: she was wearing a dress that day, he's definitely gonna make a comment about that and he did "I'd like to see how you'd look like with that dress on my bedroom floor" he smirked and she cringed, she handed james over to him and went to walk away but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, they were now chest to chest, his lips hovering over hers.

    She looked around, eyes begging for help, only to see Mia walk out of the room..leaving her and james's dad all alone.

A/N: I'm so sorry, but it's only gonna get worse from here so buckle up.
PS: Charlie saw this first.
Sending love 💗

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