Chapter Three - Favorites

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Mango woke up the next he flapped his wings but instead of flying to his perch he flew to where the guests were, beating his wings and landing neatly to where a female feline was sleeping, Savanna that was her name. She seemed peaceful as she slept, but of course the peace was ruined as Ringmaster approached from behind, Mango felt the soft paw of hers stroking his feathers before she sat down.

'My dear guests...' Ringmaster spoke loud enough to wake the dear sleeping guests up from their slumbers but low enough to not make it echo through the whole circus house. The guests groaned and they sat up shaking their hay covered fur before fully awakening. 

'Cinnamon has left the circus... it appears to be personal reasons, we are quite upset but no matter the fact! It's time to continue the show!' Ringmaster grinned, making her way down with piles of boxes thick hay piles. Mango glided down letting of a loud call to wake up the staff and make them get ready for a starting show for the morning.

Mango landed neatly on his perch before letting out another loud but more cheerful call... oddly it sounded a bit more like a young cat's caterwaul of pain... Ringmaster seemed to glare at him, but the guests got into their positions hidden away from the guests eyes. 'Today we have Ivy starting us off!' Ringmaster announced backing off as soon as she finished talking. Ivy padded into the clearing and started to do magic tricks, he pulled a very similar bell to the one on Savanna's collar from behind his ear and tossed it to her who caught it and looked at her collar noticing the missing bell. She gasped and cheered, of course the second part was fake the bell never really disappeared but was just taken.

Such a liar...  Mango's mind murmured and he let out a cheerful but lower call. She talked to Stripes another guest real quick, she seemed to be explaining the magic trick because the feline seemed quite confused. 'Next up we have Flake and Memo!' Ringmaster announced from where she sat on top of a box. Mango watched as Flake walked out, bowed before Flake stood on his hind-paws and held Memo up with his two front ones, it was mere balance that kept them like that. They finished their performance before River handed out breakfast. It was a normal meal though but of course tasted amazing so they would stay longer.

That was when Stripes didn't eat, he said some suspicious things had happened last night... he said he was going to leave. Mango flew outside instantly, he had done this drill with Ringmaster in case someone wanted to leave, of course a minute later Stripes had walked out but when he turned the corner to go home... Mango dived down knocking him out and dragging the hefty cat down below. A cat seemed to cry when she saw him come down with a knocked out cat, he shoved him into an open cage. 'Why do you do this?' She sobbed but Mango flew away he couldn't answer he wanted to free them but Ringmaster's magic was stronger than his own, he couldn't even make a mark without his master knowing.

When Mango returned he let out a call and Ringmaster smiled. 'Stripes has made it safely away from the Circus tent' She announced nodding to him to fly over to his perch once more, Mango of course did. 'Excuse me but- why do we need to be supervised when we leave?' Oak a different guest asked. 'Oh my dear I must tell you, a couple years ago someone got kidnapped the moment the exited the Circus I felt horrible and had my bird follow them and make sure they got out safely' Ringmaster nodded, of course that was a lie, the former kidnappers had taken to long to catch one cat when they wanted to leave and the other guests saw that. Ringmaster had ordered Dandelion to kill every guest there and she would go help the kidnappers.

Oak seemed to not even understand that Mango's master was lying all he did was call out. Ringmaster smiled at him, it was a fake smile... 'My bird agrees with me isn't that wonderful...' She glared at him quick before it faded away replaced with her fake energetic demeanor. Mango had disagreed with her statement of course she could lie all she wanted about that, he seemed to catch onto what Jewel was doing and watched him steal a light silver ring from Oak's paw without him knowing and scamper over to Ringmaster who attached it to his necklace of trinkets just like the bell.

Mango couldn't call out anything, he dug his talons into his perch as he watched Ringmaster begin the circus act once more. 'My dear guests I would like to start off the show by having Dandelion perform a disappearing and appearing magic trick!' Ringmaster smiled. Dandelion walked to the center of the clearing holding a bucket before setting it down.

She whispered something that no one could hear and then hooked out a identical ring to Oak's but attached to it was larger and thinner rings, Oak seemed to gasp looking at his paw noticing the ring wasn't there. Dandelion did some tricked with the rings first before separating them from the fake light silver ring and she tossed it to oak who caught it and slid it onto his paw, smiling at Savanna. They both began to cheer...

Mango called out and landed inbetween the two guests, Savanna seemed to smile warmly and stroke his feathers gently. 'Now we'll have... Memo and Mango perform!' Ringmaster announced, Mango flew from his spot and landed on Memo's back. Memo reared up raising her front paws to the ceiling and Mango flew up doing a couple flips before landing neatly on one of Memo's raised paws. The guests cheered and Mango flew to his perch, Ringmaster was also quite pleased with the accomplishment it seemed and smiled. 'Now we'll have River for a final performance before you guys can dig into the food you have at your nests!'

River stepped out onto a ledge, rings seemed to hand from the ceiling and ending at another platform. The guests gasped as he leaped out onto the first ring but kept going leaping each time his hind-paws touched the ring, he soon made it to the end. The guests gasped with astonishment and grinned at each other sharing loud yowls of happiness from time to time. They were both impressed...

'That is all for today you will be woken up a bit before midday tomorrow' Ringmaster bowed and let the guests head to their nests where the food awaited them, Mango flew up to his nest and listened as Ringmaster scolded but also congratulated some of her guests before everything went quiet and he was finally able to doze off to the next day.

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