2, HOWW??

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By the time you woke up to your alarm it was 5:30. You got up after a good 20 minutes of falling asleep and waking up before you got dressed. Throughout your morning routine you kept on thinking about him. 'How can he just act so casual about everything? I mean it is casual but-' your overthinking got cut short by the sound of your text notification. Scaramouche had replied to your text with a simple '👍' Apple reaction comment. "Better than nothing" you said to yourself before sighing and finishing getting ready.

That Friday you didn't do much, the real events that week had already been played out. Plus, slowly easing him into friendship surely is more fun. You rather blindly thought he had hated you, when it was more neutral if anything.

Over the weekend you didn't do much, that was normal for you. Most weekends you liked it anyways. The only difference from any other weekend to this one was that you and scaramouche called a few times and texted a bit throughout the day. He was still cold, and standoffish, but as long as you started the conversation he'd be fine. Aside from his snarky remarks and temper. You'd come to like it overtime anyways.

While getting to know him, you started feeling weird about him. What type of weird? you couldn't decide. 'He makes my heart race, but I definitely dont have any feelings for him, and I dont think it's my gut telling me something's wrong about him. Hu Tao wouldn't have introduced us if her judgement didn't say we'd atleast kinda enjoy talking. So why?'

You wondered about him as you stared at the ceiling of your room. 'What kinda of stuff does he like? What does his room look like? Does he have a girlfriend? Who cuts his hair? What are his opinions on odd topics? Wait did I just question if he had a girlfriend?' "Why am I so weird?" You said to the stuffed cat with purplish accents on your bed. You've had it for awhile, its faux fur was slightly matted in a few spots and one of its eyes was deformed, it was still relatively cute at a first glance though. The purple on it kinda reminded you of him. You thought about texting him about it 'this looks like you' or something along the lines, but you didn't for some reason.

The following Monday you'd see his car parked near yours in the schools parking lot. He notices you but only gives you a small nod to which you wave awkwardly in response. The rest of the day was normal but today's tutoring session seemed a little more tense than usual, especially considering that you had atleast in your mind, became friends ish.

'Did he think you were annoying or something? Did he just have a bad day?' You thought as your grip on your pencil tightened. You decided to say something to him to maybe diffuse the situation.

"You look... good." You said quietly.

"Uh- thanks?" His eyes went from watching the paper to your eyes. There was a small closed-mouth smile plastered on your face.

'WHY DID I SAY THAT??' You covered your mouth with your sleeve in embarrassment, for some dumb reason you hated your smile. Scaramouche thought it was kinda cute though, not that it mattered.

In your mind you cursed yourself out calling yourself a shitty poo poo loser. The rest of the tutoring session went on as usual except for you cracking a few dumb jokes at him and him laughing at them.

Later that day, well into the night he texted you. That was the first time he texted first. It was a Spotify link to a song, not anything romantic in actuality, but to you, it felt like a love confession. You'd send the song 'Give Me a Chance' by Faye Webster in a terrible attempt to flirt with him. You were giggling underneath your fluffy blanket and fangirling in your head. 'I'm not serious about him.' You'd try to convince yourself, if only you knew it would only get worse.

A few weeks have passed since that. You didn't grow closer to Scaramouche, nor did your feelings for him. It was now your schools fall break and you had a week off. During the duration of the first few days you didn't do much. Stayed in, binge watched some commentary youtuber, and called Hu Tao + some online friends of yours from awhile ago. As much as you wanted to text Scaramouche, surprisingly you didn't. 'Maybe it was because he didn't seem too interested in talking to me' was an idea you had, but that quickly got turned down as a possibility when he called you that day. You guys played a Roblox horror game together and then chatted a bit before hanging up.

Now, you were listening to From The Start by Laufey and screaming into your pillow, you're surprised by how your parents didn't seem to care or really notice how often you were doing that now. After a minute you sit back up and glance at your desk, where the sticky note with his tiktok tag is still sitting there. You feel the urge to search his user, but you hesitate.

What if he's busy? What if you'll come off as needy? What if he doesn't even want to talk to you? You're torn between wanting to reach out again and fearing rejection. Maybe it's just your anxiety talking. Either way you decide that was enough of him for today. 'I dont wanna get too attached.'

If what's mine is yours then what is ours? Scaramouche x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now