3, Movie!

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Fall break was over before you knew it, and with that so was your awkwardness with Scaramouche. You'd have already caught up on the math materials and so you'd stopped getting tutored by him, but even so you managed to keep up the connection between you.

After fall break you tried to dress differently to try to impress him. Unfortunately that didn't seem to have the effect you were hoping for, he wasn't miserable or anything but you could tell something was off.

Today was Friday and you were going to see a movie with Hu Tao and Scaramouche. You were sitting on the steps of the porch in-front of your house waiting for him. He was going to pick you up on the way to the theatre. A black car pulled into the driveway and you slung your tote bag over your shoulder and hopped in.

"Hey Y/N." Scaramouche greets you. This was one of the first times he'd use your name when addressing you, not because he forgot it but rather he finally felt comfortable talking to you. "You look different."

"Do I? Wait in a good way or a bad way?" You asked with a little worry.

"I dont know." He said as he pulled out the driveway. "I kinda miss your frumpy jackets and your weird fashion taste though." You looked at him dumbfounded.

"Wait what?" You stared at him and he looked at you through the rearview mirror.

"I said you looked good." He says bluntly. 'Did he really mean it?' "Is that so bad?"

"No." Your face wasn't visibly flushed, but you felt a little warmth in your face.

You let out an inaudible sigh and leaned back in the seat. You were fidgeting with your nails picking off some of the polish and picking at the dry skin on your cuticles, it was a habit of yours. This was the maybe second or third time you'd been in his car. It had a distinct scent that you couldn't quite get a sense of what it was, but you liked it anyway.

His car was kinda cold so you crossed your arms in attempt to hold in the heat of your body. He noticed this but didn't say anything right away. Scaramouche's left hand was on the wheel while his other was pointing to the back seat.

"There's a blanket in the backseat if you're cold." Scaramouche said with an almost-smile.

You reached over and grabbed it putting it onto your lap and over your shoulders. You gazed out of the window. It was decently cold outside for it being the start of autumn, and you could already see yellowing leaves on some trees.

There wasn't any music in the car, but you guys didn't need things like that to be invested in your surroundings when with each-other. Being with him was refreshing. You've felt something similar with other people, but it wasn't the same. The way you and him talked, your humor, how you guys complement each other's personalities, that was all distinct in your relationship with him compared to others.

When you guys got to the theatre Hu Tao was waiting for you. She waved and greeted you then was complaining about how it took you guys so long. "We were trying to find a place to park" you'd try to explain, but she didn't buy it. Scaramouche just scoffed at the banter and protested that the group should hurry up and go in already because he wanted to get the good seats. You guys obliged and went in together.

You were seated between Hu Tao and Scaramouche with him on your left and Hu Tao on your right. 'I should've brought the blanket. Damn it.' You leaned into Scaramouche. He looked down at you to see if you needed anything, but your eyes were glued to the movie playing.

Minutes pass with you guys in that position and after awhile you'd end up asleep with his arm around your shoulder. Hu Tao occasionally glanced at you guys and gave him a smug look almost in an "okayy I see you bro" way.

Scaramouche picked up on it and mouthed "shut up." Before looking back to the movie which was nearing the final 20-30 minutes.

When the movie was in its final few minutes Scaramouche waked you up. You feel the light shaking of someone trying to wake you and your eyes open, fogged by sleep. You mumbled something before remembering what was going on.

"You're awake." He said in a hushed voice before pulling away.

"Mhm." You hummed in response, watching the last few moments before you guys all left the theatre because it was already at the credits. You guys walked out the theatre while you chatted with Hu Tao before departing with Scaramouche to his car.

On the drive home with him you'd end up somehow getting into a conversation about romantic relationships, and things of that sort. Sadly-ish, when you were going to ask Scaramouche about his opinions, thoughts, and ideas on the matter you had already been at your house, so the conversation was cut short.

"Bye!!" You said, grabbing your bag and walking up to your house from the driveway. You waved and then unlocked the door to get in. When you were inside Scaramouche left.

With a sigh you set down your bag in the living room and kicked off your shoes before slumping onto the couch. You stretched out your arms before texting him "thanks for the ride." You'd get a "np" and "see you Monday?" As a response to which you quickly typed "or something".

It was the weekend so naturally you stayed up a little later than you would on weekdays, but today was an exception of that schedule. You fell asleep on the couch that night. The cause of this drowsiness was likely a result of today's busier agenda.

When you woke up it was nearly 12 and you went back to sleep for another 40-ish minutes before getting up and eating leftovers that your mother had made.


Thank you Diarinnah for helping me think of 50% of this chapter <3

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