4, Progress? Not.

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Sooo... turns out I had it in me and was able to push out 3 chapters today so here's chapter 4 a day or two early


Scaramouche sighed as he walked into his house. He called out that he was home for his mom, Ei to hear. His hand traveled to his phone which was in his pocket and he contemplates texting you but figured you'd be tired of him for today since you were just hanging out a day ago.

He ran a hand through his hair as he went to his room and sat in the swivel chair in the corner. 'Girls, no, people can be so difficult sometimes.' He thought as he leaned back and looked into the ceiling.

He'd have spent the majority of that Saturday in his room doing whatever on his Xbox as per usual for him. Even so, he couldn't shake the thought of you. 'Damn... why's she so' his train of thought paused. 'She's...' 'what is she?' 'Magnetic?' He cringed at himself and had an ugly expression on his face as a reaction. Quickly, his mind went back to playing CoD.

Around an hour of him playing CoD in his dimly lit room with led lights went on before he decided to text you. His actions were hesitant as he typed out and deleted text messages. Finally, he decided on something simple, surely you'd get the point.

All it was was a quick and easy "I like you".

You perk up at the sound of the custom notification sound you had set for him. Opening your phone to the iMessages app your eyes widen. You didn't open the message because you could see it in the bubble of your pinned contacts. You quickly screen shoted and cropped it then sent it to Hu Tao. She knew about your minor crush on him.

He had texted you "I like you" though you were too confused as to what he meant to even reply. Was he saying you're cool? Did he mean he thought you're a good friend? Does he like you romantically? What does that even mean if he did? Was it a dare? You sighed and shut your phone off, tossing it beside you on the bed.

You didn't respond, not even actually opening the text, leaving him on delivered. Even though you knew it wasn't the best response you didn't know what else to do, and you sure as hell didn't wanna say anything that could potentially be embarrassing since you didn't know the context in which the words he texted were about.

You bit down on the side of your bottom lip in frustration. You did like him, but that didn't mean you wanted to be with him, if that is what he meant by that text. 'Why are guys so damn indirect?' You question.

When time brought you to another Monday things had gone back to normal, you almost didn't even remember the weird maybe confession from him, and he didn't mention it. It felt a little weird not seeing him after school for tutoring but you brushed it off. Scaramouche walked you to first period today, which he did sometimes when you guys both ended up coming to school a little early. The day went by pretty fast and by the time lunch rolled around Hu Tao sat next to you.

"So..?" Hu Tao questioned eagerly.

" 'So' what?" You looked at her confused.

"Are you guys dating?" she had that smug face again.

"No? Why would we be?" You didn't exactly know how to feel at the moment with the situation finally hitting you.

"Cause he said he liked you? C'mon Y/N I thought you liked him back." Hu Tao was right. You did like him. But a fair amount of you wanted to stay as just friends with him in fear of losing the wholesomeness in which your friendship brought.

"Well it's not like he specified what he meant by 'like' in the text so-" you cut yourself off.

"Then ask him!" She said animatedly. You couldn't really argue with that so you kept the idea in the back of your mind

It all worried you a little and you picked at the food in your lunchbox awkwardly as you listened to Hu Tao go on. You'd only reply with short sentences and focused more on hearing what she was saying rather than having conversation.

'Should I tell him I like him too?' 'Nah, it's better off we stay friends.' You decided.

When school had ended and you were home you stared at his contact in your phone for awhile before texting him something funny. This would start a conversation between the two of you and hopefully diffuse the tension you felt.

When you got home you'd try binge watching a season of a show to distract yourself; it didn't work very well. If anything you were less engrossed by the minute. The male lead kinda reminded you of Scaramouche so you decided to watch a YouTube video instead. You tiredly laid back onto your mattress with your arms spread out.

"I hate him." "No; I hate that I dont hate him." "Why are feelings so uncontrollable?" You asked yourself aloud as the video played in the background, you were no longer paying attention to it.

Out of boredom, and desperation you texted an old friend of yours since middle school; Xiao was his name. You texted him about everything you could remember about the Scaramouche stuff and he'd listen. It seemed even talking about it didn't help so eventually you gave up and went to bed.

That morning when you woke up you texted Scaramouche. "What do you mean 'I like you'?" is what you typed out, remembering what Hu Tao said. Being friends for the almost two months you've known him you were aware that he woke up later than you, so you'd wait on the reply.

You started getting ready following the same routine as always, recently you had been dressing like yourself after what Scaramouche said to you in his car. He liked it this way, and you did too. Not because of the validation from him but because it made you feel more at ease with him.

The sound of his custom notification ringer was audible in your headphones and you looked at the text banner on your phone "I meant your cool, idiot." Is what he texted. You screenshotted it and sent it to Hu Tao and Xiao before going into your car and starting your route to school.

If what's mine is yours then what is ours? Scaramouche x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now