5, Go Team Go!

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Tuesday night that week you'd end up being dragged to your high schools football game. It started with him showing up to your front door unexpectedly and asking for you to go with him out of nowhere. You asked your mom if that was alright and she said a simple yeah so you left with him. Scaramouche has met your mother a few times when picking you up. You guys left for the game and made it there before most people. Hu Tao and Xiao were in band, and you went to their sections to say hi with Scaramouche. Hu Tao was a clarinet and Xiao was a flute.

When you & Scaramouche found some seats you started spacing out, recalling some of the past events between you two. It made you flush a little at the remembrance of the other times you had been this close to him. Like that time in the movie theatre, or when you guys were at his house and you guys did a cover of 'Unidentified Flying Bill' by Lana Del Rey. He taught you how to hold and strum a guitar. You still remember the scent of his cologne and the air freshener he sprayed before you got there.

But now, you were sitting with him spacing out as you watched the guys do whatever they do in football, you didn't care much. That was due to the fact you never really bothered with sports. From your knowledge of him Scaramouche wasn't particularly interested in football or any sport either, it would surprise you if he even liked anything sometimes. 'Why did he take you here? Is this a date?' The thought was enough to make your heart skip a beat even though it wasn't anything crazy.

"Y/N," He called

"Yeah?" Your head turned to look at him rather than the field.

"I'm gonna go get concessions, want anything?" You shook your head "you sure?" He questioned

"Mhm! I'm good." You said.

He left to get concessions and he got nachos and a blue slushy. He sat beside you like he previously was. The nachos smelled really good and you wanted some but you didn't wanna ask because you didn't wanna sound entitled. You made eye contact with the nachos in the cheap plastic container in which they came in. 'They look so good' your face resembled the '☹️' emoji and Scaramouche took notice to that.

"What? Want some?" He said with a laugh

"What no..." you said lying through your teeth. You stared at the nachos imagining how crunchy they'd be. In all honesty you weren't even hungry but damn you wanted to binge 27 of them.

"You can take some it's fine, I dont care." He said blatantly.

"Yeah whatever." You tried to act like you didn't care but you couldn't help a dumb smile form on your face.

You were mentally battling with yourself to try not to eat some of the nachos but you gave up and ate some because food > ego. The nachos were a little soggy but whatever, cause yummy.

"Can I have some of your slushy?" You spoke indistinctly.

"You dont have to ask." Scaramouche said with an out of character kindness. It shocked you a bit but hey, free slushy.

You took a sip from it but somehow got a brain freeze, and you scrunch your face and he laughed at you. After that you guys went back to being almost silent aside from a few funny comments to each other.

"So, why'd you decide to take me out for this?" You questioned as you shifted your weight around in your seated position.

"Does there have to be a reason?" He didn't look at you when he spoke until the last sentence he had vocalized. "I just wanted to spend time with you." You looked at him a little puzzled, the flush from your face faded.

"Wait what?" He didn't reply, and instead leaned in. You'd freeze up at this action but you didn't reject it.

Something happened in the game because the band started playing 'Go Team Go' just as he was going in for the kiss. You'd both pull away embarrassed and didn't mention it afterwards. You were kind of glad you didn't kiss him. You hardly knew what you felt for him and you weren't sure if he knew how he felt; plus you didn't want anything to change about you two.

You guys didn't look at eachother for a minute while you tried to start having normal conversation. 'What the flip man. I'm such a damn weirdo-loser' you squinted in frustration.

During halftime Childe, your ex waved at you before disappearing into wherever the rest of his team was. You could see him in the corner of your eyes, you didn't really know who it was or if I was even directed towards you at first but then you saw his hair.

"You know him?" Scaramouche interrogated with a tense face.

"He's.. my ex from 8th grade." You said bitterly. "We dated for a week and a half before summer started, then we broke up because his mom grounded him." You both chuckled at the last part.

When the game ended you said bye to Hu Tao and got into Scaramouches car. He'd drive you home and then you offered for him to stay the night since it was late. Your mom didn't mind, and Ei trusted your family enough. You and him were watching Heathers 1998 on the projector in your room.

He was propped up on his elbows as he sat on your carpeted floor with a throw blanket in his lap. You were seated beside him with your back against your mattress and bed frame. The sex scene came on and you both fell silent.

"I lowkey forgot that this scene existed." You spoke "but uhm..." "uhh...". Scaramouches eyes were glued to the screen as he let out a hum. You really wanted to say "us fr" as a joke but that would be kinda weird so you didn't.

Despite you both being kinda gross since you were outside and it was hot at the game you thought Scaramouche looked quite nice, you wouldn't comment on it though. It was already awkward enough with the scene from the movie and you didn't want to make it worse.

You guys would continue to watch Heathers until you ended up falling asleep, propped against his shoulder. Both of you would notice that was a reoccurring situation. He'd sit awkwardly and move you to your bed before going to sleep himself.

If what's mine is yours then what is ours? Scaramouche x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now