Natural Disaster| 4

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Count on me through thick and thin
A friendship that will never end
When you are weak I will be strong
Helping you to carry on

"Raelle you have to eat something." I sigh, waiting for her to at acknowledge my presence which she doesn't. "You haven't eaten anything since you've been admitted Raelle!" I said frustratedly as she just continued to lie on her side in the hospital bed staring blankly out of the window in front of her. It was just she and I in here currently. While she was sleeping I had sent Kasim to the hotel so he could at least get a few hours of sleep in an actual bed.

A few days had passed since the first day everyone had gotten here, and Dominic was still in a coma. The doctors weren't sure when they would go about reversing it since his body was still healing. Raelle was supposed to have been discharged from the hospital two days ago, but her mental health had her doctor concerned about sending her off on her own. If things didn't get better there were talks of putting her under a 72-hour psych hold.

At this point, I was thinking that may be for the best since she hadn't spoken a word in damn near 5 days. The only person she wanted to be under was Kasim, which annoyed me. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she wouldn't let me be there for her. I knew she had been through more trauma over the past month than I could ever imagine, but things just felt off between us. I was usually always the person she turned to when she felt down so to be pushed aside for Kasim was new. I can't lie, my feelings are definitely hurt.

Releasing a loud sigh since she wasn't even attempting to eat her breakfast, I began to pack up the tray of food the staff had dropped off earlier this morning. It consisted of two pancakes, eggs, and a couple of pieces of bacon. I had even had them bring her both apple and orange juice since she loved both. It was now going on 11 am anyway, so they would probably be bringing lunch soon. Hearing a knock at the door broke me out of my thoughts as I told whoever to come in.

"Wassup D." Kasim greeted as he came into the room with a fresh set of clothes on from the last time I saw him and a brown paper bag resting in his hands. His outfit consisted of a pair of ripped Amiri jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and an olive bomber jacket. On his feet rested a pair of orange and olive green retros.

"Did you go to the mall?" I asked as I continued to scan his outfit. This nigga was dressed like he was tryna impress somebody. I knew he and Kevin both had to go and get some clothes since we would be here longer than we thought.

"Yeah, yesterday me and Kevin hit up a few spots to get some winter shit. I had only packed a few pairs of sweats and shirts." He admitted making me nod my head in understanding. I was most likely going to have to go do the same thing for Raelle since she had nothing to wear here.

"She still won't eat." I sighed as he sat the bag down on the table next to her bed.

"I figured... That's why I stopped and got her some gumbo from this spot near the hotel. Hopefully, she'll eat some of this." He mentioned as he began taking off the bomber jacket he had on, placing it onto the couch I was seated on.

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