Dumbledores office 🥲🐍

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I was sitting in a chair in dumbledores office white Draco was cleaning up my wounds",your such an idiot y/n" he said sighing he glanced at the dirt as it creaked open,"hey at least I win my fights"I smiled,our father walked in,fuck fuck fuck fuck I thought,"hello father." Draco calmly nodded,"Draco." My father nodded his head in approval,I rolled my eyes,he noticed and gave me a look that looked like he was stabbing daggers into me,"where's mum?" I asked quickly,"she...was too embarrassed to come." He snarked at me,I felt a prick of shame in my stomach,"so Lucius,as you know by now ms.Malfoy decided to pick a fight with another student earlier this afternoon." Dumbledore raised an eyebrow,"yes I'm aware" my father replied coldly,"due to this she will be receiving a 3 day in school suspension or a 3 day at home suspension,whatever you may rather." I looked at my father,he was quick to answer "In school." he replied,I felt a sense of relief I didn't have to go home,at least I can stay here,Dumbledore let us leave,my father grabbed my wrist as soon as we got out into the corridor, he then let go,I thought he was going to lecture me like he always does,put instead I felt a hard cold smack to the side of my cheek,it stung,and then it happened again but this time on the other cheek,he was saying something but I didn't really care,tears rushed to my eyes as my cheeks burned,he had never taken it that far before,I ran back to my dorm,I just ran past trix even though she asked what was wrong,I just ran,I got back and I jumped into my bed,I pulled the covers over my head and cried and cried and cried and cried. I didn't leave my room,I didn't eat I didn't even brush my teeth,I just slept cried and went toilet,it was the only thing I needed I was like that for 3 days,I wouldn't let anyone near me,Draco had tried countless times but I just screamed at them all ,it didn't matter anyway since as my father says, I'm a "worthless piece of shit "I decided today that I needed to eat,I stayed in my pajamas but I brushed my hair,I put my slippers on,as I walked down the stairs I went lightheaded and dizzy,until it all went dark.

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