Chapter 6: Rehij City, the City of Cryptids

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The sign above the barrier to city limits emitted a purple and white hue, reading 'Rehij City' for all eyes to peer. Hand in hand, Belle and Rex would stand next to each other with radically different expressions on their faces. Rex appeared far happier than Belle, feeling the nostalgia of home; and Belle physically showed that she wanted to be fifty feet further away from the city's limits. Rex would begin to pull Belle along before a firm tug would stop him from moving any further.

"What's wrong? Cold feet?" Rex would ask as he turned around with a concerned look. As Rex turned, he would see Belle appear as stiff as a board with a rather dour expression. Her discontent turning into a serious gaze, Belle would ask, "Rex, of all of the places you could drag me to, why'd it have to be here" Rex would take note of Belle's worsening mood and adjust his own accordingly. "I get that you're worried, you being an elf and all," Rex would bring his and Belle's clasped hand up towards their faces. "But I've got a plan. Just keep a level and a low head and stick close to me."

"Rex, I don't think you get just how dangerous it is for an elf to be here." Belle's gaze would shy towards the rugged terrain of the city's outer limits. "I'm not scared of much, but the cryptids are among some of the only things I fear."

"Ms. Belle, hold on a sec. If you want, I can take you back to the village and I can deliver your question to my aunt by myself." Rex would say, offering a second option to Belle. "Though, after what I saw you do at Brick Road--and our little scrap we had--you're one tough cookie!" Belle would look back up to Rex as he continued. "I doubt any of the cryptids here could hurt you; cause I won't let them." The ever-recurring sincerity in Rex's voice would motivate Belle to temporarily move past the mental roadblock she had set for herself. In all reality, she had never seen nor met a cryptid in person. Though the stories the elves had told of them would make checking that off on her bucket list a very low priority. Taking a few deep breaths, Belle would remoralize herself in order to keep moving herself forward.

"Made it this far. If I go back, I know I'd regret knowing what happened to my parents for as long as I live." Belle would speak to the air, not directly addressing anyone. "Let's go, Rex."

Mortal and immortal men both have limited information of what goes on in the Rehij City. Many believe it to be the birthplace of the cryptid species, and the place they are most willing to do their dirty deeds. No one person would ever want to find themselves in Rehij City, lest they have a purpose that needed to be kept under the table, so to speak. The city itself was initially a small village in Antarctica, though an unusual occurrence caused that village to merge with another dimension; the result of the merge twisting the land and shrouding the town in a dome of pitch black, with only the occasional light peeking through. The cryptids would then make a civilization out of the readily accessible ice and snow, using what unnatural resources were in that initial village.

Belle found it rather difficult to find her footing in the city as the pathways seemed to warp and spin every which way. The paths would spiral, though with every step her feet remained firmly on the ground and felt as if it were the right side up. "What kind of magic is this...? It feels as if my senses are going every which way..." Belle said, resisting her body's urge to vomit. "It's an adjustment for sure," Rex said, trying his best to move Belle along at a brisk pace. "But I'm takin' you somewhere that'll have something to help you adjust."

Slipping into a larger crowd of cryptids and corrupt businessmen alike, the pair would reach the inner city. The frost-covered buildings would resemble skyscrapers, and the pathways would twist even further into spirals and other geometric shapes. The hustle and bustle was not any good for Belle, especially with the motion sickness. Her ears would be attempting to decipher the indescribable language of the cryptids, her eyes attempting to translate the language on signs,  and the general commotion heightened her senses to the point where her mind was on high alert, and her body physically confused; the combination almost making her sick as she fell to her knees from fatigue. Rex noticed nearly immediately, taking a knee to figure out what was going on.

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