Chapter 41: A Parent's Perspective

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The Marcos family home was a blend of elegance and tradition, much like the family itself. Alexander's parents, Bongbong and Liza Marcos, had seen their son grow from a determined young boy into a successful congressman and now, a man in love, ready to start a new chapter of his life. The news of Alexander's plans to marry Isabella had filled them with pride, and today, they were about to take part in one of the most significant moments of their son's journey.

As they prepared for the meeting with Isabella's parents, Bongbong couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He stood by the window of their study, gazing out at the meticulously kept garden, his thoughts racing. Liza entered the room, her eyes softening as she observed her husband's pensive expression.

"What's on your mind, Bong?" she asked gently, joining him by the window.

Bongbong sighed, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's just... we've always known this day would come. I remember the first time I held Alexander, thinking about the man he would become, and now here we are, about to ask for Isabella's hand in marriage—not just as an arranged match, but as something real, something they've chosen for themselves."

Liza nodded, placing a comforting hand on Rafael's arm. "He's grown up so much, hasn't he? It feels like just yesterday he was running around in the garden, pretending to be a hero. Now he's found his own way, and Isabella is a wonderful match for him. They've faced so much together already, and they've come out stronger."

Bongbong turned to face Liza, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of pride mixed with a tinge of nostalgia. "I always hoped he would find someone who would challenge him, support him, and love him as much as we do. Isabella has done that and more. But as his parents, it's hard not to worry. We want everything to go perfectly for them."

Liza smiled reassuringly, brushing her hand against his cheek. "You know, Bong, we've raised Alexander well. He's capable, resilient, and above all, he loves Isabella deeply. They'll have their challenges, but they'll also have each other. That's all we can hope for."

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation, and one of the household staff announced that it was time to leave for the meeting. Bong took a deep breath, straightening his suit jacket as Liza adjusted her pearl necklace. They shared a quiet moment, knowing that the conversation they were about to have would shape the future of their family.

The drive to Isabella's family home was filled with a quiet anticipation. As they pulled up to the house, Bong glanced at Liza, who gave him a reassuring nod. They stepped out of the car, greeting Isabella's parents with warm smiles and respectful bows. It was a meeting of equals, families that shared a long-standing bond, but today, it carried a new significance.

Over tea and light conversation, the atmosphere was cordial yet charged with the unspoken purpose of their gathering. Finally, Bong cleared his throat, his tone shifting to a more serious note as he addressed Isabella's father, James.

"James, Vivian, we are grateful for this opportunity to speak with you today. As you know, our children's engagement was originally arranged by us, their families, as a way to strengthen our ties. But now, Alexander wishes to marry Isabella—not because of any contract, but because of love. He has asked us to seek your blessing, not just as a matter of tradition, but as a true expression of their commitment to one another."

Isabella's father, James , leaned back slightly, considering Bong words. He glanced at his wife, Rosalinda, who gave a small, supportive smile. It was clear that they, too, had witnessed the transformation of their children's relationship from obligation to genuine affection.

James spoke, his voice calm and thoughtful. "Bong, Liza, you know we have always valued the bond between our families. When this engagement was arranged, we hoped it would be beneficial for both sides, but what has blossomed between Alexander and Isabella goes beyond any of our initial plans. They've shown us that love can grow even from the most unexpected beginnings."

Bong nodded, feeling a sense of relief at James words. "Exactly. And it's that growth, that love, which we believe deserves to be honored—not through an arranged contract, but through a real marriage, chosen freely by them both."

Vivian leaned forward, her eyes warm with understanding. "From the moment we saw them together, we knew there was something special. They have supported each other through trials we never anticipated, and they've built a foundation of respect and care that can only come from true partnership. We would be honored to have Alexander as our son-in-law, not because of any agreement, but because of who he is and how he loves our daughter."

Liza squeezed Bonghand under the table, a silent gesture of shared joy. "Thank you, Vivian. We feel the same about Isabella. She is everything we could have hoped for in a daughter-in-law, and more. We want them to start this new chapter with our full support, knowing they have our blessings, not just as parents, but as people who deeply care about their happiness."

The room was filled with a profound sense of agreement and unity. Both families had seen their children grow, face challenges, and come out stronger. They had witnessed the shift from obligation to genuine connection, and it was clear that this was no longer just an arranged match but a real, deeply felt commitment.

James stood, raising his teacup in a quiet toast. "To Alexander and Isabella, and to the journey ahead of them. May they always find strength in each other, and may their love continue to grow."

Bong and Liza joined the toast, their hearts full. As they clinked cups, they knew they were not just celebrating an upcoming wedding, but the fulfillment of a hope that every parent has for their child: to find a love that is true, enduring, and chosen.

As they left the meeting, Bong felt a sense of peace settle over him. He looked at Liza, who smiled back, and in that moment, they both understood that their son was exactly where he was meant to be. With Isabella, Alexander had found his match—a partner who would stand by his side, in joy and in challenge, for all the days to come.

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