Chapter 31: A New Proposal

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A week had passed since the conversation with Alexander's parents about the importance of marriage, and the topic had lingered in Alexander's mind ever since. He knew his parents' concerns came from a place of love and tradition, and after talking it over with Isabella, he felt more certain than ever that the time was right to take their relationship to the next level.

The past few days had been a whirlwind of planning and preparation as Alexander arranged a meeting with both sets of parents. He wanted this to be special, not just another formality, but a genuine request for their blessing. The fact that their relationship had started as an arranged marriage made this moment all the more significant; now, it was about choosing each other without the constraints of any contract or obligation.

Alexander and Isabella arrived at a beautiful, quiet restaurant by the sea. The setting sun cast a golden glow over the waves, creating a serene atmosphere. The parents of both sides were already seated at a private table, exchanging polite smiles and casual conversation. Alexander's father, Mr. Marcos , and his mother, Mrs. Marcos , sat across from Isabella's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Santos, who were equally eager for this meeting.

As Alexander and Isabella approached the table, their parents greeted them warmly. There was an unspoken understanding that this gathering was not just another family dinner, but a momentous occasion that could change the course of their lives.

After the initial pleasantries and a brief round of catching up, Alexander cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. He reached for Isabella's hand under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze before speaking.

"Thank you all for coming here today," Alexander began, his voice steady yet filled with emotion. "Over the past week, Isabella and I have talked a lot about our future, especially after the conversation with my parents. We've both realized that our journey together has brought us closer in ways we never expected."

Alexander's father nodded approvingly, and Isabella's mother smiled, sensing where the conversation was heading. Isabella's father, Mr. Santos, leaned forward slightly, his expression one of curiosity and anticipation.

Alexander took a deep breath and continued. "I know that when we first got together, it was through an arrangement—a business deal between our families. But since then, we've grown to love and respect each other deeply. This isn't about an arrangement anymore. It's about us, and what we want for our future."

Turning his attention to Isabella's parents, Alexander looked them in the eyes with sincerity. "Mr. and Mrs. Santos, I'm here today to ask for your blessing to marry Isabella—not as part of any agreement or contract, but because I truly love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want this to be a real marriage, built on love, trust, and mutual respect."

There was a moment of silence as everyone absorbed Alexander's words. Isabella's parents exchanged glances, a mix of emotions crossing their faces. Finally, Mr. Santos broke the silence, his voice calm but filled with warmth.

"Alexander, you've been part of our lives for quite some time now," Mr. Santos said thoughtfully. "When we first agreed to the arrangement, we did so with the hope that it would benefit both our families. But as we've watched you and Isabella grow together, we've seen something far more important than any business deal."

Mrs. Santos nodded in agreement, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We saw the way you cared for Isabella, the way you supported each other through every challenge. You've both proven that your relationship goes beyond what was arranged. It's clear to us that this is about love."

Isabella's father continued, his voice firm but kind. "To be honest, Alexander, long before this moment, we had already given our blessing for you to marry Isabella. Even when it was arranged, we trusted you to take care of her. And now, seeing how your feelings have grown, we're even more certain."

He paused, a gentle smile spreading across his face. "This time, there's no contract binding you. It's purely your choice. You don't need our permission anymore, because you've already earned it through your actions and your love for each other. So yes, Alexander, you have our blessing—not as part of any deal, but because you two are meant to be together."

The atmosphere at the table shifted to one of heartfelt joy and mutual understanding. Alexander felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over him. He looked at Isabella, who was beaming, her eyes filled with happy tears. She squeezed his hand, and he could see the same mix of emotions mirrored in her gaze—love, relief, and a deep sense of fulfillment.

Turning to his own parents, Alexander smiled. "Mom, Dad, thank you for encouraging me to think about this. Your advice means a lot to us, and it helped us see the importance of this step."

Mrs. Marcos reached across the table, placing her hand over Alexander's. "We just want what's best for you both. We're so happy that you're doing this on your terms, with your hearts leading the way."

Mr. Marcos nodded in agreement. "We couldn't be prouder of the two of you. Marriage isn't just about tradition—it's about building a life together, and that's exactly what you're doing."

With all the blessings and support they could have hoped for, Alexander and Isabella felt an overwhelming sense of joy and anticipation for the future. This was no longer just a union between two families; it was the beginning of a new chapter that they were writing together, free from any obligations other than their love for each other.

As they enjoyed the rest of the evening with their families, laughter and stories filled the air, blending with the soothing sound of the ocean waves. For the first time in a long while, Alexander and Isabella felt the weight of expectation lift off their shoulders. They were not just fulfilling an arrangement—they were embarking on a journey that was truly and wholly their own.

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