Chapter 37: A Heart-to-Heart with Mama Meldy

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The following morning, Alexander and Isabella woke up to the comforting scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sounds of birds chirping outside. The house was quiet, save for the occasional creak of the old floorboards as Mama Meldy moved about the kitchen. It was a peaceful start to the day, a stark contrast to the hectic pace they had been keeping in the city.

Alexander stretched and glanced over at Isabella, who was still nestled under the blankets, her eyes fluttering open as the sun's rays filtered through the curtains. He smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered.

Isabella smiled sleepily, her eyes meeting his. "Good morning, Alex. Did you sleep well?"

"Better than I have in weeks," Alexander admitted. "This place really does have a way of making you slow down and appreciate the little things."

They got up and made their way downstairs, where Mama Meldy greeted them with a warm smile. She was busy setting the table with an assortment of breakfast dishes—fried rice, longganisa, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit. The spread was simple yet inviting, and Alexander's stomach growled in appreciation.

"Good morning, you two," Mama Meldy said, motioning for them to sit. "I hope you're both hungry. I've made more than enough, so dig in."

As they sat down to eat, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and lighthearted banter. Mama Meldy shared more stories from Alexander's childhood, much to Isabella's amusement. Alexander couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth and support of his grandmother, who had always been a steady presence in his life.

After breakfast, Mama Meldy suggested a stroll through the family's garden, a lush expanse filled with blooming flowers, towering trees, and carefully tended vegetable patches. It was one of Mama Meldy's favorite spots, a place where she often came to reflect and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

As they walked, Alexander and Isabella marveled at the beauty around them. The garden was a testament to Mama Meldy's dedication and love for nurturing life, and Isabella found herself deeply moved by the serene atmosphere.

Mama Meldy stopped near a large, ancient tree whose branches stretched high into the sky. She turned to Isabella with a thoughtful expression, her eyes soft but probing. "Isabella, my dear, how are you feeling about everything? I know it's not easy being caught between wedding plans and Alexander's busy schedule."

Isabella glanced at Alexander, then back at Mama Meldy. She appreciated the older woman's concern, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts. "It's been challenging, I won't lie," Isabella admitted. "But I understand that Alex is doing his best. I just want us to be able to enjoy this time together, without all the stress and distractions."

Mama Meldy nodded, her gaze thoughtful. "It's important to find balance, especially when life pulls you in different directions. Love is about making the effort, even when things get tough. And I can see that both of you care deeply for each other."

Alexander reached for Isabella's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm lucky to have Bella. She's been my rock through all of this. I know I've been stretched thin, but I'm committed to making our wedding a priority. I want it to be something we both look back on with joy."

Mama Meldy smiled, her expression proud and affectionate. "That's the spirit, Alex. And remember, a marriage is more than just the wedding day. It's about the days that come after, the moments you share, and the life you build together."

Isabella nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you, Mama Meldy. Your words mean a lot. We're both trying our best, and hearing your perspective helps us see the bigger picture."

They continued walking, the conversation shifting to lighter topics as Mama Meldy pointed out various plants and flowers, sharing their significance and the stories behind them. It was clear that the garden was not just a collection of plants, but a living tapestry of memories and lessons that Mama Meldy had cultivated over the years.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Alexander and Isabella found themselves feeling more at peace. The visit to Batac had been exactly what they needed—a chance to reconnect, to slow down, and to gain a new perspective on their journey. Mama Meldy's wisdom had been a balm to their weary spirits, reminding them of the importance of presence, patience, and partnership.

Later that afternoon, as they prepared to leave, Mama Meldy pulled Alexander aside for a private word. She looked up at him with a mixture of pride and concern, her voice gentle but firm.

"Alexander, you're stepping into a big role with your campaign, and I'm proud of the path you're taking. But don't forget that the most important role you'll ever have is being a good partner to Isabella. She's a wonderful woman, and she deserves all the love and attention you can give her."

Alexander nodded, deeply touched by his grandmother's words. "I know, Mama. I'm going to do my best to be the husband she deserves. Thank you for reminding me of what really matters."

Mama Meldy patted his cheek affectionately. "I have no doubt that you will, Alex. Just remember, success is not just about what you achieve in the world, but also about the relationships you nurture and the love you share."

With those final words of encouragement, Alexander and Isabella said their goodbyes to Mama Meldy, promising to visit again soon. As they drove back to the city, the weight of their responsibilities felt a little lighter, buoyed by the support and guidance of a wise grandmother who had seen it all.

In the car, Alexander reached for Isabella's hand, intertwining their fingers as he glanced over at her. "I'm glad we did this, Bella. I feel like we've both been given a fresh start, and I want to make the most of it."

Isabella smiled, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Me too, Alex. I'm so grateful for Mama Meldy and her advice. It's exactly what we needed."

As they continued their journey home, the road stretched out before them, a winding path that mirrored the twists and turns of their own lives. But with each other's support, and the wisdom of those who loved them, Alexander and Isabella felt ready to face whatever came next.

Together, they were not just planning a wedding—they were building a future, one step at a time, guided by love, commitment, and the strength they found in each other.

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