Chapter 4

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The drive back to the safe house was quieter, but a sense of cautious calm had settled over the group. Juliette sat in the back of the van, her gaze fixed on the passing streetlights, lost in thought. The group spoke in hushed tones, strategizing their next steps and trying to piece together the fragmented clues they had gathered.

When they finally arrived at the safe house—a charming Victorian on the outskirts of town—Laura led Juliette inside. The interior was warm and inviting, with cozy furnishings that provided a stark contrast to the night's grim events. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla wafted through the air, mingling with the faint aroma of aged wood and old books.

— Make yourself at home - Laura said, gesturing to the living room with a welcoming smile. - We'll get you something to drink and figure out our next steps.

Juliette nodded appreciatively and sank onto a plush couch, her eyes wandering around the room. Carmilla and Danny headed to the kitchen, and soon the comforting aroma of hot cocoa began to blend with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

Perry and LaFontaine set up a makeshift research station at the dining table, spreading out notes, maps, and the mysterious book they had brought. Kirsch and Mel joined them, eager to dive into the mystery of Lilith's legacies and how it related to Juliette's predicament.

Laura returned with a mug of vegan blood, handing it to Juliette.

— Here you go. I know it's not what you're used to, but I hope it helps.
— Thank you - Juliette said, taking the mug and savoring the warmth. She glanced at Laura with a mixture of gratitude and guilt. - I'm sorry for dragging you all into this.
— It's not your fault - Laura reassured her. - We're here to help, and we'll figure this out together.

As the group settled into their roles, a sense of purpose began to emerge. Juliette, though still visibly anxious, found some comfort in their presence.

— So, about these legacies - Perry said, pulling out the book with a frustrated sigh. - The term pops up a lot, but its practical meaning is still unclear.

Juliette shifted slightly, her eyes growing more focused.

— Legacy vampires are the oldest and most powerful. They're nearly impossible to kill due to their ancient lineage and the magic that sustains them.
— That comes from Lilith, right? - Mel asked, leaning forward.
— Yes! - Juliette replied, her tone sharp with emphasis. - Calliope's family has been hunting monsters for decades. They might be working on something to deal with legacy vampires, but it's not easy.
— That's useful to know - Perry said thoughtfully, jotting down notes.
— If they're focused on handling legacy vampires, then figuring out their method could be crucial - Danny added, her eyes reflecting a newfound determination.
— If they have a way to kill legacies, then taking down half-made vampires like Carmilla and Danny would be a walk in the park - LaFontaine said, trying to lighten the mood.
— Still not a fan of the 'half-made' thing - Kirsch interjected, shaking his head. - But we can't let them harm Carm-sexy and D-bear! No way.

Juliette glanced at the group, intrigued by their dynamic.

— To be honest, Calliope's family has bigger issues right now - she said, her sadness evident. - I don't think killing legacies is their top priority.
— Oh? - Laura said, her eyebrows arching in surprise. - Why's that?

Juliette's voice trembled as she continued.

— Calliope and I were... Close. I ruined everything.
— Kid, trust me, there's nothing so bad it can't be fixed - Carmilla said, sitting beside Juliette and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. - If there was, Laura and I wouldn't be together.
— No, this is different - Juliette said, her voice breaking. - My sister killed Calliope's brother.
— That's not on you - Perry said gently.
— But what I did next... I found him, alone and dying. I turned him into a vampire - Juliette said, tears streaming down her face.
— You saved him! - Laura said, her voice full of surprise and compassion.
— Yes, but I made him what he hated most - Juliette said, her voice trembling with anguish. - Now Calliope has sworn to kill me.
— That's it? - Danny asked, her eyes wide.
— Danny! - Laura snapped, her tone sharp.
— No, Laura - Danny said, her eyes blazing with defiance. - She saved her girlfriend's brother! Isn't that a good thing?
— It's different -  Perry said, trying to mediate. - They're monster hunters.
— So her family thinks a dead child is better than a vampire one? - Danny's anger was palpable.
— Xena, please calm down - Carmilla said softly, placing a comforting hand on Danny's back.
— I'm sorry. I think I should go upstairs and get some rest - Danny said, rising and leaving the room with a hurt expression.
— I'm going after her - Kirsch said, following his best friend.
— I'm going with him. Make sure he doesn't make things worse - Mel said, hurrying after them.
— Sorry about that, Juliette - LaFontaine said, turning to her with an apologetic look. - The vampire-turning topic can be pretty sensitive around here.
— Look, it's late and we've talked a lot - Laura said, her voice gentle but firm. - Even vampires need some sleep. Perry and Laf will show you to the spare room so you can rest.
— Yes, that would be great. Thanks - Juliette said, looking gratefully at Laura. - Good night, everyone.
— Good night, Juliette - Laura said, her tone warm.
— Good night, kiddo - Carmilla said, offering a warm smile.

As Juliette ascended the stairs with Perry and LaFontaine, Laura took a deep breath, as if she had been holding in a storm.

— She's so young and has been through so much - Laura said softly, her voice full of concern.
— Yeah, I feel for her - Carmilla agreed, wrapping an arm around Laura's shoulders.
— And we need her to understand that we're just trying to help her, Danny, and you - Laura said, frustration evident in her voice. - But we also need her help to do so, and that's okay.
— I hope you're right, Cupcake - Carmilla said, squeezing Laura's hands. - This is all so complicated.
— Me too - Laura said, her eyes full of worry. - We've got to find a way through this, together.

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