Chapter 14

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Back at the house, as the sound of the minivan's engine faded into the distance, Laura's lively energy drained from her face, replaced by a somber determination. Her eyes, usually bright with curiosity and warmth, now held a sharp focus, as if she were preparing for battle. She turned to Danny, her voice dropping to a hushed, urgent tone.

— Get everyone. We need to talk. Now.

Danny hesitated, taken aback by the sudden shift in Laura's demeanor. This wasn't the Laura she was used to—the one who could find humor in even the darkest situations. But the intensity in Laura's eyes told her this was no time for questions. Nodding, she quickly turned and headed to the kitchen, her footsteps echoing through the quiet house as she rounded up the others.

One by one, they trickled into the dining room. Perry was the first to arrive, her eyes narrowing as she took in Laura's tense posture.

— What's wrong? - Perry asked, her voice cutting through the silence as she sat down across from Laura.

— A group meeting without Carmilla? - Mel questioned, entering the room with a puzzled expression. She glanced at Danny, who had just finished ushering in the last of the group.

— It was Morticia's idea - Danny explained.

Laura stood at the head of the table, her hands gripping the back of a chair as if grounding herself. The room was dimly lit by the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows, casting long shadows that only added to the heavy atmosphere.

Laf was the last to arrive, their usual carefree demeanor subdued by the tension in the room. They pulled out a chair next to Perry and sat down with a soft sigh.

— Laura, what's going on? - Laf asked, their voice tinged with concern as they took a seat opposite her, eyes searching her face for answers.

Laura took a deep breath, the weight of what she was about to say pressing down on her. She looked at each of her friends in turn, feeling the responsibility she bore as their leader.

— Juliette's not telling us everything - Laura finally began, her voice steady but carrying an edge of urgency, like a coiled spring ready to snap.

Perry raised an eyebrow, her expression more resigned than surprised.

— No kidding - she said, folding her arms across her chest.

Laura blinked, caught off guard by Perry's nonchalance.

— You knew? - Danny asked, her eyes narrowing as she looked between Perry and Laf, searching for some sign she'd missed.

Laf shrugged, leaning back in their chair.

— It's kind of obvious, Laura. The kid's holding back. She's practically screaming it.

— Maybe she doesn't trust us yet - Perry added, her tone matter-of-fact as she leaned forward on the table.

Laura's initial resolve wavered, morphing into confusion. It wasn't just that they suspected Juliette's secrecy, they were accepting it, almost as if it were inevitable.

— And you're all just... Fine with that? - Laura asked, incredulity creeping into her voice. - She's slowing us down, keeping us in the dark, and that could be dangerous.

— She's not lying, Laura - Mel said, her voice firm but not without sympathy. - She's just... Scared. You've seen how she looks at us, how she's always on edge.

— Terrified, more like - Kirsch added, his voice unusually serious, the usual playfulness absent. His tone carried a weight that made everyone pause. - You can see it in her eyes. She's been through a lot, and she's probably afraid of what happens if she tells us everything.

Danny reached out, her hand finding Laura's, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

— They're right, Laura. She's just a kid, and she's in over her head. We can't expect her to spill her guts the moment she walks through the door. Trust takes time.

Laura let out a slow breath, her shoulders sagging slightly as the tension began to ease, but only just. She looked down at the table, her mind racing.

— But we're in this too. We can't protect her, or ourselves, if we don't know what we're up against. If she's hiding something big...We need to know.

Mel's expression darkened as she nodded in agreement.

— You're right. If she's keeping secrets, who knows what else is out there, waiting to catch us off guard? We can't afford to be blindsided.

The group fell silent, each of them absorbing the gravity of the situation. They cared about Juliette, but the reality was undeniable. Trust was the foundation of their safety, and without it, they were all vulnerable.

Perry leaned forward, breaking the silence with a determined tone.

— So what do we do? Sit her down and demand answers? That could backfire.

— We need to be careful - Danny interjected, her voice softer but no less firm. - If we come at her too strong, we could push her away. But if we do nothing, we're all at risk.

— What if we make it clear we're on her side? - Kirsch suggested. - We let her know that whatever she's hiding, we're here to help her, not judge her. But we need the whole truth if we're going to keep her safe.

Laf nodded slowly, considering Kirsch's words.

— Yeah, she needs to know we're in this together. If she feels like she's alone in this, she might just shut down completely.

Laura glanced around the table, her friends' faces a mixture of concern and resolve. This was the kind of moment that could either break them or make them stronger. She could feel the weight of their trust, their reliance on her to make the right call.

— We'll talk to her - Laura said finally, her voice carrying the authority that had earned her their respect. - Together. We'll let her know we're here for her, but we need the whole truth if we're going to keep her safe. And we do it in a way that makes her feel safe enough to open up.

Perry nodded, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly.

— Agreed. But we need to be prepared for anything. She might not be ready to tell us everything right away.

— Or she might tell us more than we're ready to hear - Mel added quietly, her eyes darkening with the unspoken possibilities.

— Either way, we'll face it together - Danny said firmly, her hand still resting on Laura's in a gesture of solidarity.

Laura looked around the table, meeting each of their gazes in turn. There was no more uncertainty, no more doubt. They were in this together, for better or worse.

— Tonight, then - Laura said, her voice resolute. - When she gets back from school, we'll have dinner, sit her down, and talk. No accusations, no cornering. Just honesty.

Kirsch smiled, the tension in the room lifting just a little.

— I'll make my famous spaghetti. Comfort food always helps.

Perry grinned, some of her usual lightness returning.

— And I'll bake some brownies. Chocolate solves everything, right?

Danny chuckled, the mood in the room finally starting to lighten.

— Sounds like a plan. But let's not forget what's at stake. We need to be ready for whatever she tells us.

— We will be - Laura said, the weight of leadership settling back onto her shoulders. - We have to be.

They all nodded in agreement, a silent pact formed between them. As they began to disperse to prepare for the evening, the tension lingered, a heavy reminder that tonight could change everything, for better or worse.

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