Chapter 34

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As the group settled into their roles, the weight of what was coming pressed harder, like the air itself was thickening with tension. Laura weaved through the crowded hallways, her steps quick but measured. Each footfall felt heavier than the last as she kept her head low, doing everything she could to appear like just another student. Yet, her mind raced, each thought circling back to Carmilla—her sharp, protective gaze and the inevitable explosion of anger when she found out how deep Laura had placed herself in danger. She was alone, no weapon in hand, just an earpiece to call for help.

The memory of her wife's voice echoed in her mind, that familiar mix of exasperation and worry that always tightened Laura's chest.

'This is too dangerous, Cupcake. You're not invincible, no matter how clever you think you are.'

Laura could almost feel the phantom touch of Carmilla's hand, always cold, but always grounding her when the chaos got too close. Except this time, Carmilla wasn't here. Laura was on her own. And the more she thought about it, the more her stomach twisted, an ache of guilt threading through the adrenaline.

Juliette's calm, steady voice broke the tension with a soft crackle through the earpiece.

— All clear on my end. I'm heading to my next class.

Laura let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. As long as Juliette could keep the façade of being a regular student, they had a shot. But Elinor—Elinor was unpredictable, she didn't even know the woman, but she knew that she was like a shadow you couldn't fully catch in your peripheral vision. Laura knew this moment was just the calm before the storm.

Rounding the corner into another hallway, she scanned the sea of students moving in clusters, their laughter and chatter completely unaware of the silent battle raging around them. It was surreal, this balance between the ordinary and the supernatural. Laura's heart thudded harder, her skin prickling with that deep-seated instinct that something wasn't right.

Her mind drifted back to Carmilla again, imagining her pacing, her eyes stormy, ready to lecture Laura for putting herself on the front lines once more.

'You've got nothing to prove, you know that, right?'

But Laura couldn't help it. She needed to be in the middle of this. They were playing with fire, and someone had to make sure no one else got burned.

I've reached the basement - Danny's voice filtered through, low and purposeful. - Nothing unusual yet, but I'm going to look deeper.

Danny could handle herself—no question. She was their muscle, their backup when things got too physical. A vampire, just like her wife. But even knowing that didn't ease the knot of worry in Laura's chest. From what Juliette had told them, Elinor had a way of bending the rules, taking things too far, and today could be the day she finally did.

Kirsch's chipper voice cut through next, almost too loud in Laura's ear.

Mel and I are on the second lap. Still no spooky business, but keeping an eye out. By the way, I think we're gonna need to buff the van after this—seriously, so many birds around here!

Laura rolled her eyes, grateful for the momentary lightness, but before she could respond, Mel's sharp tone sliced through the connection.

Focus, Kirsch. No one cares about the van.

Hey, speak for yourself - Kirsch muttered, his affection for the rented van clear in his voice, even through the crackling connection.

Laura smirked, the banter loosening the tension in her shoulders for just a moment. But then, like a gut punch, the air shifted—thicker, heavier. Something was off.

She slowed her pace, eyes narrowing as she scanned the quiet hallway. The crowds had thinned, leaving her more exposed.

Laf, are you picking up anything? - Laura asked, her voice dropping to a near whisper.

A long pause, then Laf's voice, tinged with concern, came through.

There's a disturbance in the magical field near the west wing. Could be nothing, but... keep an eye out. Elinor might be closer than we thought.

Laura's pulse quickened, the hairs on her arms standing on end. She wasn't far from the west wing.

Copy that. I'll check it out.

Every step she took toward the west wing felt like walking into the lion's den. The once familiar walls of the school seemed to close in on her, the fluorescent lights flickering overhead in that eerie, almost mocking way. The noise of the other students faded into a distant hum as Laura entered a quieter corridor. Here, the silence was oppressive, thick with the anticipation of something lurking just beyond sight.

Laura? You okay? - Juliette's voice cut in, soft and reassuring.

Laura swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She reached up, brushing her fingers against the earpiece as if it could physically tether her to the team.

Yeah. Just... checking something out.

As Laura approached the west wing doors, her breath hitched. There it was—a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye. Her heart hammered in her chest. She reached for the door handle, her fingers trembling slightly as they wrapped around the cold metal.

Suddenly, the door swung open, not by her hand, but by some unseen force.

Standing there, draped in casual elegance and radiating danger, was a woman. Her blonde hair cascaded in perfect waves, and her sharp eyes gleamed in the dim light, filled with amusement and something darker. Definitely Elinor.

— Well, well, what do we have here? - Elinor's voice was a silk-coated purr, each word dripping with menace. - A little human, wandering too close to the flame.

Laura's stomach dropped, icy fear coiling in her gut, but she didn't let it show. She couldn't. Not now. She squared her shoulders, planting her feet firmly as she clenched her fists at her sides, her voice steady despite the fear prickling her skin.

— I'm not scared of you, Elinor.

Elinor's smirk deepened, her eyes darkening with a predatory hunger as she stepped forward, her presence suffocating in the enclosed space. Laura could feel the temperature drop, her skin tingling with the unnatural chill that clung to the vampire.

— Oh, darling... - Elinor murmured, her voice low and dangerous as she leaned closer, her breath ghosting across Laura's cheek. - You should be.

In a flash, Elinor's hand lashed out, gripping Laura's wrist with a strength that sent pain shooting up her arm. Laura gasped, the icy grip searing through her skin. The vampire's face hovered inches from hers, those dark blue eyes glinting with amusement.

Laura's heart pounded as she fumbled to press the button on her earpiece, her voice a frantic whisper.

I've found her. West wing. Hurry!

But before she could pull away, Elinor leaned in even closer, her lips brushing against Laura's ear as she spoke in a chilling, seductive whisper.

— You think your little tricks will save you? You're out of your league, human.

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