Chapter 11

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Juliette's footsteps echoed down the stairs, each step slow and deliberate. Her eyes scanned the room, sharp and alert, like someone bracing for an unexpected ambush. The atmosphere felt off—something unspoken hung in the air, thickening the tension that the others were trying desperately to conceal behind easy smiles and lighthearted chatter.

— Smells fantastic - Juliette said as she slid into the seat beside Carmilla, her voice calm, though her fingers tapped nervously against the table.
— That's because it is - Kirsch responded, his grin wide as he handed her a plate piled high with pasta. Beside the plate, he placed a glass filled with a dark, viscous liquid, a vegan blood blend they'd concocted in their makeshift kitchen lab. It wasn't the real thing, but it was close enough to keep cravings at bay.

Juliette accepted the plate and glass, managing a small, tentative smile. Despite the warm gestures, the tension in her shoulders didn't ease. The sense that something was off gnawed at her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. The unease was like an itch she couldn't scratch.

As they started eating, Laura took charge of the conversation, her tone deliberately light as she tried to steer them away from the dark cloud that loomed over their heads.

— So, Juliette - she began with a practiced ease, - Have you given any thought to joining a club at school?

Juliette, caught off guard, nearly choked on her pasta.

— Uh, I haven't really thought about it. I've been kind of... preoccupied.
— Preoccupied with not dying? - Carmilla quipped, her voice dry and teasing, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. Danny shot her a warning glance, but Carmilla just shrugged, unrepentant.

Laura, ever the peacemaker, chuckled softly, diffusing the moment.

— Well, if you do find a spare moment between, you know, staying alive, there are some great options. Writing club, photography... even a gardening club.

Juliette raised an eyebrow, her skepticism clear.

— Gardening? Do I look like someone who tends roses?

Danny leaned back in her chair, casually spearing a piece of broccoli with her fork.

— Could be therapeutic. There's something satisfying about making things grow, even in the middle of chaos.

Kirsch, ever the optimist, nodded enthusiastically.

— Plus, it's the perfect cover. I mean, who's going to suspect the girl planting daisies of being a bloodthirsty vampire?

Carmilla leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

— I dunno, I'd still keep an eye on the daisies. Never trust a flower with too much personality.

Juliette couldn't help but laugh, the banter slowly easing some of her tension. For a fleeting moment, it almost felt normal—a group of friends gathered around a dinner table, talking about mundane things like school clubs and gardening. But the illusion was fragile, a thin veneer over the reality they all knew too well.

As the conversation drifted from one topic to another, Juliette's mind began to wander. Her smile faded as she absently pushed her food around her plate, her fork tracing idle patterns in the pasta. The glass of vegan blood sat untouched beside her, the dark liquid gleaming under the soft lighting. Laura noticed, her sharp eyes catching every subtle shift in Juliette's demeanor.

— So - Laura said after a moment, her tone casual but with a hint of purpose. She leaned in slightly, as if sharing a secret. - We were thinking... tomorrow might be a good day for you to get out of the house. Maybe head to school for a bit?

Juliette blinked, the suggestion clearly throwing her off balance.

— School? With everything that's going on?

Carmilla nodded, her voice almost too casual, as if she were discussing the weather.

— Yeah. Might be good to keep up appearances, blend in a little. Plus, it's safer than it sounds. Lots of humans, lots of witnesses, perfect cover.
— Carmilla's the expert on blending in as a student. She practically wrote the book. - Danny smirked, adding

Juliette hesitated, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied their faces, searching for any hidden motives.

— I guess... it might be nice to do something normal. Even if it's just for a day.
— That's the spirit - Laura said, her smile warm but her eyes sharp, calculating. There was more behind her words than she was letting on, but Juliette couldn't quite figure out what. - And who knows, maybe you'll find that gardening club after all.

The rest of the meal passed in a blur of forced cheerfulness. The laughter was a little too loud, the conversation a little too smooth—like everyone was putting in extra effort to maintain the facade of normalcy. After dinner, they moved to the living room, where the scent of freshly baked cookies and steaming tea filled the air, but the atmosphere remained thick with unspoken concerns.

Juliette found herself torn between the comfort of their camaraderie and the nagging suspicion that something important was being kept from her. The way Laura and Carmilla exchanged glances, the way Danny kept her responses short and noncommittal, it all added to her growing unease.

But for tonight, she chose to push those thoughts aside. The rare peace that had settled over the house was a welcome relief, even if she knew it wouldn't last.

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