[ we all know that this point that 'coming soon' in a reanna book means like less than 12 hours later most of the time
and next two chapters are gonna be less "chapters" and more just flashes of Scott getting close with Blake and Emma Grace before, you know, Tyler drama ]
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BLAKE DIDN'T LIKE WORKING FOR STORMPAR. Okay, that wasn't true. She loved it, especially since her cousin Javi was the founder. She got to put her Master's degree to work, which she'd earned after six years in college.
She'd changed her major from Meteorology to Engineering her sophomore year while she was still pregnant — studying weather just reminded her of Emma Grace's father — or rather sperm donor — who'd always been so passionate about storms.
All her professors had been very understanding of the fact that she was a new and single mother while working toward her Master's, so they made things as easy as possible. And she owed everything to her parents, who watched over Emma Grace while she was in class and studying.
And just after graduating with her Masters, her cousin, Javi, started up a new company and asked her to come along and work as one of the chief engineers. It was called StormPAR, and he was using some of the technology he worked in the army with to track and study tornados.
The only problem was that there weren't exactly a surplus of tornados in Jacksonville, meaning she had to pack up her daughter and move to Oklahoma, where storms were more frequent.
Blake was worried that Emma Grace would throw a fit about moving, but she had never been so excited — she was looking forward to the attention she'd get for being the new girl at school. So, when they got to Oklahoma, Blake got a small two-bedroom house for the two of them near the StormPAR headquarters and enrolled her daughter in ballet classes so that she wouldn't fall behind from what she'd learned in Florida.
Javi always made sure that Blake had a flexible schedule, not that they did much at first. But as storm season grew closer, Javi started searching for financial backers for the company.
That was where Marshall Riggs came in.
Blake couldn't stand the man and the things he did — swooping in after tornados decimated towns and buying land for less than it was worth.
But she knew Javi needed the money, and she needed her job since she was supporting Emma Grace on a single paycheck, so the pair of cousins had no choice but to look the other way as Riggs basically called all the shots.
Shots that included assigning another chief engineer to work alongside Blake.
His name was Scott Miller, and Blake couldn't recall the last time she met a man so handsome.