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SCOTT MILLER WAS PERFECT. He had to be, Blake was convinced. Because when she and Javi had him over for dinner one night, he brought her flowers and a coloring book for Emma Grace — and he sat down to color with her for a full hour as Javi and Blake watched them from the kitchen as the chicken cooked.

Javi pouted over the fact that he didn't bring him anything.

At that point, Blake and Scott had been on several dates together, and Javi probably did deserve a gift for how much babysitting he did. But much to Blake's annoyance, he was not letting Emma Grace spend the night.

Which meant Scott couldn't spend the night.

Waiting eight years for someone she trusted with her body had felt like nothing but now that she'd had just a taste of Scott? A few weeks was agonizing.

But she'd survive, she supposed. Even though she kind of wanted to force Javi and Emma Grace out of the house for a few hours the longer Scott kept being so perfect with her daughter.

"You're coloring outside of the lines," Emma Grace was saying flatly to Scott.

"Well, I'll just blend it with the outside color," he said while focusing on fixing his mistake.

"How do you blend? They haven't taught that in art class."

Scott slid his own coloring book closer so she could watch his movements. "What are they teaching in art class?"

"We're drawing horsies," she informed him while coloring in a jar of honey for Winnie the Pooh. "I'm making one for you, but can't give it to you until Mr. Matthews gives me a good grade. And it will be a good grade because I excel at drawing horsies."

From the kitchen, a whine escaped Blake's throat before she pressed her forehead to Javi's shoulder. "She's drawing him a horsie," she whispered, thinking it was so incredibly endearing every time Scott and Emma Grace were together.

"Wow. Guess what means you have to marry him," Javi said with a teasing smirk.

"Don't tempt me," she said jokingly.

Jokingly — it'd only been a few weeks of going on dates, after all. And he wasn't even officially her boyfriend even though it felt like he was.

"You are so down bad, girl," Javi said, shaking his head before he moved to get the plates from the cabinet.

Ten minutes later, all four of them were surrounding the small kitchen table, Emma Grace between Scott and Blake as she toyed with her chicken marina, ignoring the vegetables that her mother put on the plate.

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