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So. . . as you're hopefully all aware, Taeil is currently being investigated for an unspecified sex crime against a person. I don't trust myself to put all the details here, so  go look it up yourself but make sure to protect yourself against any misinformation. Currently he has left NCT and is cooperating in the police investigation, and that the victim is not a minor, which is all we know. I just want to say that we shouldn't immediately assume the other NCT members knew about it, as I am seeing some people say on social media. As someone who had a rapist in my family for years, I can say that he was polite, quiet, and a generally fun person to be around. He seemed to be a person that would never do anything like this, and me and my parents genuinely had no idea what he was up to, despite sharing a house together. I'm saying criminals such as this are very good at hiding who they truly are, and immediate friends or family often have no idea of what the person is doing. If the NCT members truly did know, then they should be prosecuted as an accomplice of the crime, since knowing and not doing anything is almost as bad as the criminal himself, but as long as we have solid evidence of this, we shouldn't assume that they knew anything. 

 As for this story being made, I will switch the roles of Lucas and Taeil. Lucas was supposed to die first and start the entire story, with Taeil being a major character, but since this entire thing happened I will switch the two. The reason I'm not removing him entirely is because I need a macguffin and I don't want to sacrifice the other members, and I don't want Taeil to have much of a major role in the story. The book will go on as before, and it will not stray much from the original 2022 version. 

Thank you for understanding, have a nice day. 

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