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"Kun? How are you?" Her voice was the first thing that he heard every day.

"YuXin, you're not supposed to call me when I fly." Kun said gently. "What if I lose focus and the plane crashes?"

"Don't give me that crap" YuXin scoffed "You're the best pilot I know!"

"I'm the only pilot you know"

"Whatever! Do you dislike it when I call you?"

"No, it's a comfort." Kun laughed "But you can really distract me, and disrupt communication or navigation signals. So save your words of encouragement for when I go home, okay?"

"Alright," YuXin pouted. "I miss you, Kun. You've been away for what, a day by now?"

"I'm flying back to Korea. Be patient, and i'll see you again." Kun hung up, sighing. He couldn't say he enjoyed her company, but she was a small comfort, especially during the long flights where he had only the rumble of the plane's engine for amity. Even when he told her not to, she called every time he went on flights, asking the usual questions of if he was okay, and all that rot. It was disgusting. 

Resentment. It constantly tugged at him, demanding attention, to be fed on hatred. Kun didn't let it grow, remaining positive. 'They probably had a good reason to break off' he argued with himself. 'They'll be back eventually, and you can reforge a healthy friendship with them again.' 

No matter how many times he repeated it, the hatred wouldn't go away. He knew his friends as good as abandoned him ever since he started making real progress in his goal to be a pilot. They vanished entirely once he made it, leaving no one to celebrate his achievements with. It was lonely, yes, but if he worked hard he could find new friends. Then maybe Doyoung, Lucas, Hendery, and Xiaojun would come back, their squad completed once more. Nowadays, only Ten and Chenle were there for him, talking a lot through the group chat. It had been a while since he'd seen an old friend face to face, a fact that had been grating on his mental health. 

ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

"You're home!" His wife YuXin greeted him with a peck on the cheek. "Flight go well?" 

"As good as it can get." Kun shrugged, trying to wave off her affections to no avail. He had to pretend, hiding his bitterness in a sweet smile. 

"Kun, are you feeling alright?" YuXin asked, concern laced in her voice. She was giving him a weird glance, and he knew his anger must have shown on his face. 

'No, get the fuck away from me.' He wanted to say. "Of course, love. I'm always great when you're around." he said in the playful tone he knew she wanted to hear. Kind hearted, hard working, a bit flirtatious was the angle he always showed her. She never suspected anything out of the ordinary, that traitorous witch. How he wanted to tear her apart limb from limb and shove her organs down her throat. 

"Now that you're here, I wanted to ask if I can hang out with my friends today?" she asked tentatively, seeming to sense his overflowing rage. She looked as timid as a small child, staring up at him with big eyes. 'How innocent you look, witch. Absolute abomination' 

"Yeah, do whatever you want!" Kun gave her a sweet smile, which was in complete contrast to the flames dancing in his eyes. "My baby can do anything she likes." (I cringed writing this sorry Kun) 

She grinned widely, giving him a hug. "I'll be back soon."

Once she left, Kun cringed internally. 'How disgusting. Why do I even stay with her? Why am I still pretending nothing's wrong?'

'Because if she leaves, you'll have no one. You'd be truly alone.'

And as depressing as that sounded, Kun knew it was true. If YuXin left, there would be no one left to give him even a scrap of the affection he had been starved of. He couldn't bear to be alone, something she knew damn well and used to her advantage. She would use him for money, occasionally pressing for something more. He would reject her advances, which seemed to always set her off. 

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