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He felt slightly guilty, abandoning Kun like that, but he could easily gloss his feelings over once he reminded himself how useless and boring he was. It was always 'pilot' this, and 'pilot' that, always stone cold and fixated on work all the time. The group was a thousand times better without him. 

Until he found out Kun was coming to the gathering with them. 

Since when did Chenle know Kun? They were screwed once he found them; Doyoung could just about hear the lecture coming their way. He clenched his fists, squashing the once-perfect shape of an uncooked donut back into a lumpy ball of flour. This was the fifth one he had destroyed out of nerves, which he couldn't even place. Why was he the one that was nervous, when he was the powerful one? He was the one that cut Kun out of his life, Kun was the one who should be nervous to come face to face with him.

In truth, Doyoung was always slightly scared of the kid. Sure, he was kind, sweet, and handsome, but underneath the father-figure presence lay some sort of dark force. He had heard stories of what he had done when he lost control of that force: stabbing people with pencils in high school, lighting people who had pissed him off's houses on fire, and the attempted murder of that one kid, whose only fault was to annoy him in the slightest. Maybe Doyoung did have reason to fear Kun. 

He shrugged, holding the wooden, flat pan and putting it in the oven to bake. He couldn't think about Kun right now, he was busy with his job. Although highly successful, it was cripplingly understaffed, with only 5 or 6 people running the pretty large bakery. They switched in 30 minute intervals from cook to cashier, to barista. Doyoung's shift as a cook was finished, taking his spot to prepare to brew his the customers' coffees, next to this really pretty girl named Kang Sunmin. She was taking her shift as a barista as well, brewing a customer's order: one iced americano, venti, with four extra shots of espresso, ice and no water. Once he was almost done, he decided to do the one thing that would haunt him for eternity. 

Sunmin was having issues. The large pitcher they used to pour the coffee appeared to be to heavy for her, so Doyoung abandoned what he was doing to help her pour out the dark drink, finishing the order by dumping the ice in as well. He picked up a small spoon, stirring slightly once before looking her in the eye, teasingly, narrating the words he wanted her to say:

"Help me stir, please." he said, an amused expression on his face as she stared blankly at the coffee, attempting to comprehend what he just said. He then repeated the word, "Stir", in an exaggerated voice so it sounded more like "Seukka, Seukka." 

She laughed, the reaction he wanted to hear, but his victory came with a heavy price. Standing at the counter, trying hard to conceal their laughs, was his gang of friends. They had seen and heard everything, and when they locked eyes with him, it was all over. They started wolf-whistling at him, screaming with disgust, running around the cafe until they were eventually kicked out. The two stood awkwardly, any bit of romantic energy dispersed after that embarrassing interaction. 

Furious, and his chances with Sunmin ruined, Doyoung worked the rest of his shift in sulky silence, trying to ignore the flirty faces his friends shot his way. He was going to kill them when he got off. 

                                                                          ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

"We're all dead, I swear to god!" Doyoung was arguing. His shift at the bakery had just ended, allowing him to catch up with his friends at the local park. He was leaning against one of the trees, lecturing the others that had crowded around him like a group of children ready for a lecture. "Chenle invited Kun to that dinner party thing. You all know how he's like, right? If he sees us, we're gone." 

"Can we just not go?" Xiaojun asked, in that one condescending tone everyone found annoying. "I mean, he can't kill us if we're not there."

"Are you serious?" Doyoung slapped the back of his head. "He knows we're going to the island, that idiot Chenle told him. We can't just not go, he's going to know we're cowards." 

"Then what are we going to do?" Xiaojun complained, rubbing his head. "Let him kill us?"

"Guys, calm the fuck down." Hendery appeared to be the only rational one there. "Kun is docile now that he became a pilot; he's probably not going to kill us. Even he knows there's consequences to killing." 

"He could arrange an accident." Doyoung said grimly. "Maybe he could gas the entire house, blame it on a leak. Or, you know, he's a pilot. He could get one of his buddies to crash a plane into the house." 

"Okay, that's sounding ridiculous even to me, Doyoung." Xiaojun laughed. "Crash a plane into the house? You know that will kill him with all of us, right? If I wanted to plot revenge, I would make sure I was alive to enjoy it. I would probably kill people one at a time, and watch while the others scurry to find who the killer is. You know, psychologically torture them."

Doyoung shuddered. "What a morbid brain you have, Xiaojun." 

"The real morbid thing is how you managed to think of something so horrific as what you said to your crush" he lowered his voice as if he was about to say something truly terrifying. "Seukka Seukka" 

Doyoung gritted his teeth as he restrained himself from slapping the boy, watching the others smirk very slightly, telling each other with their eyes to not laugh. "Be serious." He hissed. "Do you want to be like this when we see Kun?"

"Let's just face him, like a man." Hendery suggested innocently. "Why are we afraid of him? You know if he tries anything, we can just jump him, right?" 

It was embarassing, but he was right. Kun posed no physical threat at all, but he was a bit. . . not right in the head. Morbid, disturbing, psychotic, the whole package. The fact that he had managed to charm people into forgiving or forgetting his entire past made him 10 times scarier.
Manipulative people are the worst: they get inside your head and twist your beliefs so that you didn't know yourself anymore. Although he had vowed not to mention Kun anymore, he had to tell someone

Okay, so obviously this part is lower in quality than the others, and I'm sorry, but I am kinda rushing the intro part of this story right now so that I can get into the actual plot. I am going to finish this story, despite its extremely inconsistent updates  (School is a bitch) , since I also hate it when stories are never finished. 

Right, so what's yall's NCT bias? 

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