Charlottes struggling

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Charlottes PoV

Me and Marjorie had are argument yesterday and honestly it's not helping with anything.
She said I was a cheater and a whore because I was 'with mia' and also 'with my husband'.
Neither are true me and my husband divorced and me and mia just talk.

I came into work today at Reece's nursery and my arms are really hurting. I think Reece noticed when I winced as I picked up one of the kids. Then Reece came in the room.
"Char need you in the office for abit" he said and I walked out saying fine. My thoughts were racing 'does he know, has he seen my arms, does he know about my divorce'
We got to the office and Marjorie was stood there.
"Why is Marjorie here" i said being defensive.
"My love I'm sorry for what I said yesterday youre an adult I don't have a say in what you do" she said walking towards me and went to grab my arm to show reassurance. I pulled my arm back and winced.
"Char you okay" Marjorie and Reece both asked.
"You know what as a matter of fact no. No I'm not okay I'm no where near okay. You all are so oblivious to everything infront of you. Have you seen anything that has been happening with me for the past few months. Has none of you picked up on anythi-" I was interrupted by Marjorie "what do you mean my love" she said walking towards me as I took a step back.
"I mean me and my husband divorced 6months ago we are sorting out custody and I might lose my kids but no your oblivious to anything you had no idea you thought I was cheating and you made everything worse there's no point in apologising it's to late Marjorie" I said and immediately regretting it.
"What do you mean it's too late to apolo-." She stopped looked at my arms then looked at me. I looked down to avoid Marjorie and Reece's gazes I felt on me. "My love why didn't you say anything" Marjorie grabbed my hand and I pushed her off and she stumbled back into Reece. "Don't touch me and I didn't tell you becuase I was embarrassed you happy now"
I walked out of the office and to the toilets.

I started crying I was shaking with sobs. I put my hand up to my mouth and used my other to grab my eyebrow razor I kept on me. I pulled my sleeve up and dragged the blade across my skin. I sighed in relief. I did it over an over again until I heard someone come in the bathroom. I didn't know who it was but I checked my phone it was 7:00 the only people here would be Marjorie and Reece so that means it's either Marjorie or Reece in the bathroom. So I quickly stood up shoved the eyebrow razor in my bra  I grabbed the tissue but as soon as I went to clean up the blood I heard a knock at the door.
"Char i know it's you open up" I heard autumn say. I thought to myself 'fuck what am I going to do' "char if you don't open up I'm coming in" I was froze in fear I couldn't move I couldn't wipe my arm I couldn't pull my sleeve down I couldn't do anything I was frozen staring at the door that I knew was about to be kicked in by autumn.
"That's it I'm coming in char" then bang autumn kicked the door and she came in the toilet.
"Charlotte come here" autumn said softly and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't hold it back anymore I sobbed into her shoulder. My knees went weak and my heart started pounding I was having a panic attack I can't breathe. This can't be happening infront off autumn.
"Cant breathe" I managed to get out between sobs. Autumn didn't say anything she walked me out the toilet and to the office which was literally the other side of the corridor.

I saw Marjorie and Reece staring but I couldn't care I couldn't breathe I was gasping for air.
Autumn sat me down on a chair and tried to calm me down.
I wouldn't I couldn't then it all went black.
I couldn't hear much but I heard autumn say
"She'll be fine she'll wake up in a minute this used to happen to me" after that I couldn't hear anything.

10 minutes later
I woke up and I was in a very bright room.
I opened my eyes and looked around I was led in autumns lap Marjorie and Reece were sat on either side of me and I saw my arms and looked down in shame.
"Char you alright" autumn asked softly.
"Yeah I'm fine can we go outside" i said trying to avoid them attending to my arms.
"I need to clean your arms then you can but who do you want to clean your arms" autumn asked with Marjorie and Reece nodding along.
"You autumn" I heard autumn say okay and then Marjorie and Reece say they'll wait in there car.
"Char we are going to go to the local park after this okay" she said whilst wiping my arms.
"Yeah okay but I need to get something from my car before we go" i said not wanting her to know what it was.
"Okay " she bandaged my arm and got her phone. I stood up and walked out the office. I went to my car and grabbed my bag. Before autumn could come out I quickly chucked my weed and my small bottle of vodka in the bag.
"You ready to go" she said looking curiously at my bag.
"Let's go" i said walking slowly not wanting the bottle to hit something else in my bag and make a noise. To my luck it didn't make any noise. We got in the car and arrived at the park and we went to sit at a bench.

Whilst they were all distracted talking I got my cup which was a quarter filled with lemonade and filled the rest with vodka and put the cup on the table. Luckily they didn't say anything just looked at me weirdly.
"Char my love you okay" Marjorie asked looking across the table to me.
"Yeah lifes great" I said sarcastically which shocked all 3 of them.
"What do you mean" they all asked they didn't know everything.
I looked at them and rolled my eyes.
"Charlotte" autumn said sternly.
"Ugh fine. 6 months ago me and my husband divorced turns out he was cheating for the last 4 years of my relationship and he had another kid with another woman. We are currently doing a custody battle which isn't helping the girls adjust to any of this. They are currently staying with there dad he has them Monday-Thursday and I have them Friday-Monday.
Haven't been coping with it well so I've been cutting smoking and drinking there you happy" I said the last bit sarcastically and took a drink of my vodka. They all sat there gobsmacked.
"Omg I said to much didn't I sorry I'll go" I quickly got up and sat in the park they saw I went there so they knew I was safe.

I thought no one was coming so I rolled a joint and started smoking in until I saw them all walking over. Fuck. It was too late to hide the joint so I just carried on smoking it.
"Weed char I thought you meant like cigarettes or vapes" Marjorie said sitting on the swing next to me. I shrugged my shoulder and took another puff. I looked up and looked all around me.
Autumn and Reece had the same look of concern and sadness. Marjorie looked like on the edge of tears. And I was just sat there with tears in my eyes refusing to cry again.

Suddenly autumn spoke then I realised I left my drink at the table and autumn was holding my bottle. Once again I thought fuck. "Charlotte why is there vodka in your drink it tastes like straight vodka" she said and I looked at the drink. "It's about a quarter lemonade and the rest is vodka" i said ashamed at it.
I just took another puff of the joint. And grabbed the rest of the vodka from my bag and chugged it the threw it in the bin next to me.
"Char i swear you are a lightweight" Marjorie asked looking at the drink autumn was holding. "I was but i can drink Atleast a bottle and a half of wine with only feeling tipsy" i said looking at everyone around me.
I finished the joint and stomped it out. I grabbed my drink off of autumn took the lid of and chugged it becuase if I didn't chug it she would have threw it.
Autumn went to reach for the cup but it was empty before she could grab it and I giggled.
"Char your going to Marjorie and Reece's house I'm going to stay aswell then tomorrow Marjorie can work with Reece in his office then you can stay in the office with me unless you want Marjorie there aswell because we all have work tomorrow and your not staying home alone and your not working " autumn said whilst we walked. And autumn had to hold me up becuase I was now drunk and stoned.
"I'll stay in the office with you" I said to all of them slurring my words.
"Okay char" I heard autumn say.
Autumn  helped me into Reece's car. Reece drove and Marjorie was passenger and Aut was sat next to me. I led down and put my head on her shoulder. She didn't move my head just kissed the top of my head and rested her head ontop of mine. Then I heard her say to Marjorie and Reece "not a word for either of you to anyone"
I heard a quiet yes come from the couple in the front. We came to a stop so I guess we are at Marjorie and reeces autumn came back to my side of the car and they helped me out and brang me straight to the guest room.
"Charlotte do you want to get changed on your on our do you need help" I wasn't hearing properly becuase the weed was making me sleepy.
"Help please autie" I said and saw a small smile appear on her face. She stepped to the door and grabbed the pajamas off Marjorie and she helped me into them. I was wearing short shorts and a long sleeve top. Autumn was about to leave the room but I said "autumn please sleep in her with me ever since he left I've been scared to sleep alone and I've barely been sleeping and you make me feel safe" I said nearly crying.
"Hey no need to cry ofcourse I will shuffle up then" I shuffled up and cuddled into autumn.
Her and winter broke up almost a year ago maybe I do have a chance with her.

1928 words

First chapter please ignore spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes I'm to tired to check through.

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