Autumns house

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1703 words
Not proof read
Tw⚠️ smoking,sa,,violence, possible sh mentions

Autumns PoV

Char is currently asleep on my sofa. But I couldn't help but wonder did anything else happen other than the divorce. It was currently 8:25 and all she has eaten today is half a bowl of noodles. I go into the living room and wake her up.
"Char you have to get up you need to eat" I said shaking her lightly. She woke up and flinched as I went to touch her.
"What do you want to eat" i said plus I was slightly concerned that she flinched becuase Marjorie told me that char pushed her and flinched when she touched her.
"Can we just get pizza please" she said sitting up.
"Sure what one do you want" i asked sitting next to her but not to close.
"Can I just get a small pepperoni pizza please"
"Of course I'll be back I just need to ring them"
She nodded and grabbed her phone.
I dialled dominos.
"Hi this is dominoes what can i get you" the man asked.
"Hi can I get a small pepperoni pizza, a small cheese pizza and 4x cookies please" I asked getting the cookies in hope char will eat abit.
"Yes okay that will be £19.50 and your food should be with you in under 45minutes" the man on the other end of the line said.
"Okay thank you goodbye" I said and the phone ended.

I walked back into the living room and char fell back asleep. So I sat at the end of the sofa just admiring her.

40 minutes later

The doorbell rang. Was I really just sat there for 40 minutes watching her.
I went to the door and answered it.
"Hi order of 2 small pizzas and cookies" the woman said.
"Yes that's me how much was it again" I asked becuase I forgot.
"£19.50" "okay here's £22 keep the change"
I said feeling nice. "Thank you have a good evening" "you too" and she walked away and i shut and locked the door and walked back to char.
"Char foods here" she sat up and I sat next to her. I handed the pizza box to her and took mine and put the cookies on the tables.
Char started eating her pizza slowly. After she ate 4 slices she put her pizza back on the table.
"Welldone char im proud of you" she smiled and sat back on the sofa.
I ate my pizza and put the box on the table.
"Char do you want to go to bed" I asked
"Yes but can i sleep in your bed again I don't want to be alone" she asked looking at the floor. I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her face up to look at me.
"Of course you can you don't need to ask"
She smiled and I grabbed her hand and led her to my bedroom. I walked in and went to my wardrobe. I got out my black satin pajamas and grabbed char my nightmare before Christmas ones.
"Here I'll get changed in the bathroom" I said and smiled.

2 minutes later
I was finished changing then I walked back into my bedroom and char was still getting changed. I saw a huge bruise along her back.
"Fuck" I heard char say. Then she quickly put her shirt on. "Char what happened to your back" she looked at me.
"Can we get in bed then I'll tell you" I nodded and led in bed.
"Autumn can you hold me" she asked quietly.
"Come here" Charlotte shuffled over and rested her head on my chest.
"Can I tell you about the bruise but don't interrupt me please" she said not moving from my chest.
"Okay" I said worried about what's he was going to say.
"So basically 2 weeks ago my car was in the garage getting some repairs done so I had to walk to and from work for 1 day. Walked in the morning it was fine but on the way back. I was walking and saw someone behind me I thought nothing of it until I walked to the alley way to get to my house and the man pushed me against a wall and said. 'You make a noise and I'll kill you' so I stayed quiet. He threw me to the floor and kicked me in the back. Then he punched me across the face then he started to take my clothes off" she stopped she wasn't about to say what I thought she was. "He took my clothes and-and he raped me autumn he raped me. I didn't want it I swear he raped me and left my there to bleed or freeze to death. I've never felt so violated in my life I didn't want him to do it" and she started to cry.
"Who was it Charlotte" I asked not sure if she knew. "Autumn please don't hate me it was roger, your dad" after she said that I felt pure rage. "What" I said not being able to say anything else. "My dad my dad did all of that to you" she started crying harder. I felt her nod against my chest.
"Charlotte we'll sleep here tonight then I'll get Reece over and can i tell him" she was crying so hard I felt so guilty.
"Please tell him" she said and I nodded.
We both fell asleep.

Next morning at 10:45am

I woke up to Charlotte moving around.
"Char what time is it" i asked.
"Quarter to 11" Charlotte said sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Reece is going to be here in 15 minutes"
She nodded and went into the bathroom.
"Aut do you have any toothbrushes I can use"
Char said from the bathroom.
"Ye under the sink" I replied and walked in and stood next to her.
"How you feeling" I asked her after what she said last night.
"Not any better to be honest" she said i was shocked she didn't answer sarcastically.
"I'm proud of you for saying how you feel every other time you replied sarcastically" I put my tooth brush back and put my hand on her shoulder and looked at her in the mirror she blushed. I walked away.
'She blushed omg does she like me' I thought to myself.
She came out of the bathroom and I smiled at her then went downstairs to wait for Reece.
The food was still on the table so I put the cookies and the rest of char's pizza in the microwave and the empty box in the bin.

I heard a knock at the door. I went and opened it as char came down the stairs.
"Marjorie, big brother" i said turning around to look at char as they came in the house.
I sat on the sofa and char came and sat next to me.
"Char do you want me to tell them" I asked because I'm not sure if she will be able to.
"Yes please but can I go sit somewhere else"
"Yes but don't do anything please" she smiled and walked away.
"So basically last night char told me 2 weeks ago she was walking home from work and some man pushed her up against a wall and he started hitting her then he raped her multiple times" I looked at them and they both didn't say anything suddenly Reece spoke. "Who did it" "Reece don't go mad but it was father" I said preparing for him to go mad.
"Our dad raped Charlotte" I nodded.
"I knew he was a fucking monster but not that much of one" I always knew he was a monster but never expected him to go this far.
"Do you want me to go get her" "yes please"
I went to the garden to get Charlotte and she was there smoking a Cigeratte.
"Char" she took another puff of her cigeratte and said "yes Aut" "Reece wanted to talk to you" she took one last drag of her cigeratte before stomping it out then chucking it in the bin.
Char walked to the living room and sat down I sat next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Char why didn't you say anything sooner"
Reece asked her.
"He said if you tell anyone I'll kill you" she said closing her eyes.
"Char, marj can i talk to Aut alone please"
They both said yeah and walked away.
"Aut what's going on with you and char"
He asked and I looked away becuase I blushed.
"Nothing but Reece I have feelings for her I don't know what to do" I said finally admitting that I have feelings.
"Talk to her autumn she might feel the same"
I nodded and he walked to the kitchen to be with marj.

Marjorie's PoV
"Marj can I talk to you" Charlotte asked me.
"Of course my love what is it" I replied.
"I have feelings for autumn but I don't know what to do" she blurted out.
"Char you should shoot your shot she's a catch"
I said and smirked.
Then Reece walked in "gorgeous you ready to go" "yes I am bye char bye autumn message if you need anything" then we walked out the door.

In the car

"Reece char told me she has feelings for Aut" I blurted out.
"No way Aut told me she had feelings for char"
I got my phone and and messaged char saying
Marjorie - Reece just told me Aut feels the same tell her
Char- really
Marjorie -ye talk to her
Then I messaged Aut.
Marjorie- Reece told me you like char when we were in the kitchen she told me she likes you autumn tell her
Autumn- does she actually
Marjorie- tell her aut
Autumn- fine

Autumns PoV

After getting Marjorie's text I shouted char
"Char can you come to the living room please"
I shouted and she came and sat next to me.
"Aut" "char" we both said at the same time.
"It's fine you go first" char said to me.
" I have feelings for you Charlotte"

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