The office

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2561 words
Tw⚠️ sh, drinking, smoking, ED

Chars PoV

I woke up at 6:15 to an alarm and I was led on top of someone. I opened my eyes and saw autumn staring down on me.
"Morning sleepyhead" she said smiling at me.
"Morning autumn my heads pounding" I said remember everything that happened last night I was kind of relieved they knew but at the same time I was scared of what they thought about me.
"There's paracetamol and water on the bedside table" I mumbled a thank you then sat up and took the painkillers.
"Remember you're in the office with me today and Marjorie is at reeces nursery you okay with that" she asked getting up. "Ye that's fine"
"Come with me char" I followed her to Marjorie and reeces car and she got a bag from the back seats.
"This was in my car but I chucked it in reeces when we left the nursery it's got my clothes in and there's leggings and a hoodie you can wear" she said shutting the door and walking back to the house. I followed and we went back to the guest room.

She got me out the hoodie and leggings.
It was black leggings and a white hoodie.
I walked to the bathroom and got changed and walked out to see autumn still getting dressed.
"Shit sorry autumn" I said then walked back into the bathroom and I thought 'she has a really nice body omg why am I blushing she obviously doesn't like me'
"Char you can come out it's fine" she said and I walked out to her sat on the bed fully clothed.
"Char it's fine I was basically fully dressed I had a bra on anyway" she said smiling at me.
"Okay I am sorry" she just smiled at me then grabbed our phones then gave mine to me.
"Come on it's now 6:50 Reece is making breakfast then we are going to work"
I just nodded and followed her to the kitchen island and sat down on my phone scrolling.
I saw Marjorie come sit next to me and she asked. "How you feeling today" my most dreaded question when im sober.
"Wonderful" i said sarcastically which she got the hint that I'm not ready to talk about it again right now. She nodded and got up then autumn came and sat next to me.
I got a message from ex-husband.
"I know we aren't on good terms right now but I thought I'd tell you I was wondering if you'd be okay if I took the girls on holiday for a week and a half " I looked at the message with a blank expression on my face what do I say I can't go that long without them specially since I will be on my own.
Autumn came and sat next to me. "What is it char" I just passed her the phone. She read it then said "what's the problem with that" I just looked at her.
"I want them to have fun but I don't want to be on my own for that long" i sad thinking she was going to call me petty.
"I'll stay with you or you stay with me" she said handing the phone back.
"You'd do that for me" i said shaking a little in shock.
"Ofcourse I would now reply to him so we can have breakfast" I nodded and she walked over to Reece.
"Yeah that's fine you can take them away will it just be you and the girls" I replied.
"No it will be me, the girls and my parents" he said.
"Ye that's fine tell the girls I love them and can't wait to see them after the holiday" i said smiling very slightly.
"Okay will do" he said
"They said they love you and can't wait to see you either" I smiled properly that time.
"Okay thanks bye dan"(exhusband name)
He replied bye then Reece walked over with breakfast. "Eat whatever you want but i didn't know what you liked so I made a bit of everything" he said then walked to the other side of the island to sit with Marjorie then autumn sat next to me.
There was eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and pancakes. I'm not hungry but I haven't ate in 2 days. I just don't have an appetite.
I was just playing with my food until they said it's time to go.
"Char you didn't eat anything" Reece said I thought 'shit I forgot Reece would notice straight away becuase of his ED'
"Wasn't hungry" I said and walked away and grabbed my phone, shoes and my bag.
I didn't have any alcohol or weed on me but there's a small bottle of vodka in my locker at work and 2 joints that will be enough to get through today.

At the nursery:

"Bye Marjorie, big brother" autumn said and walked towards me then unlocked the door to the nursery and we went and sat in the office.
"Char why didn't you eat any food this morning" autumn asked while sorting out her desk and I was sat on the sofa.
"Dunno wasn't hungry" I said then she heard my stomach grumble.
"Char when was the last time you ate"
She asked pulling her chair out to sit infront of me.
"Nearly 3 days ago" I mumbled so quietly I was shocked she heard it.
"Char why haven't you been eating" she asked quietly.
"Lost interest in eating didn't see the point in it over the past couple weeks I've barely been eating" i said avoiding her gaze.
"Char you have to eat come with me" she grabbed my hand and took me to the staff room. She went to the cupboard and got a pack of super noodles out and made them and passed them to me.
"Char try and eat some of these I know they are your favourite" she said sitting down at the chair across from me.
"How did you know" I asked shocked at how she knew.
"You used to eat them everyday until randomly you stopped eating them" she said completely unfazed.

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