Chapter 24

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[TW: Violence and don't worry nobody is dying this time, I promise.]

December 7th 2023
Los Angeles CA

I've been dreading this day for over a month. Today I have to go back to the house and get all my shit out. We are all running out of clothes, and some of the stuff I left I really liked, and I know the kids liked too. 

I had my mom pick up the kids, and take them out for the day, while Megan and I handle this. We are going while Jay should be at work, but I can guarantee that he is gonna see us on the cameras and come harass us. 

"Babe you ready" I hear Megan yell. 

"Yeah, I'm coming" I tie my hair up into a bun before heading downstairs. 

"There's my pretty mama" she grabs me by the waist and gives me a soft intimate kiss. 

"Mmm your lips are so soft" she bites on my lips before letting them go. 

"And so are yours" I peck her lips one more time. 

"So, you ready" she asked, still holding onto my waist. 

"I mean I guess, I'm not gonna lie and say those messages haven't freaked me out a little" I answer truthfully. 

"Hey, I promise that he will never, and I mean never hurt you or put his hands on you again. Plus, Julius will be there just in case" I smile knowing she meant everything she said. Megan grabs my hand, and we head to the car. 

"Here goes nothing"

6 hours later

When we arrive, the big moving truck was already there, so we got right to work. I had all my clothes and the kids' clothes packed up. All our jewelry, hats, purses, shoes, and glasses packed up into boxes as well. I made sure I didn't leave any of our legal documents and made sure to grab all mine and the kids' technology that we left. I'm surprised I didn't find any of it destroyed. 

I also made sure to grab that damn camcorder, and I made sure the SD card was still in it, cause I'll be damned if he tried to get me with some damn revenge porn. 

I mean the videos are pretty old and I almost forgot we had it, but while we were grabbing stuff from my room Megan wanted to tease me and talk about making movies when we get back home since the kids are out, which reminded me to grab it. Just a horny freaky fuck. 

I don't mind though. 

Everything was packed up, and the movers are already heading to Megan's house with Julius. I had to grab one more thing which was my portable studio equipment. I know I could have had the movers move it, but I use this a lot, and I didn't wanna risk it breaking, I might be rich, but that doesn't mean I wanna spend money when I don't have to. 

Megan and I go to my home studio, grab my studio kit, and head out. As we are walking to the front door, we are greeted by a very unwanted surprise. 

Ugh I knew this nigga was gonna show up, and right as we are leaving too.


Why did this nigga's big, lipped ass have to show up and knowing him he waited for it to be just us two. 

"Jay what the hell do you want, we are trying to leave" Bey let out an annoyed sigh. 

"I see y'all are holding hands" he says completely ignoring Bey's question. I was gonna let Bey handle it, but he just ignored my girl, and I don't like that. 

"Well duh nigga, girlfriends hold hands" he looks at me as if what I just said was crazy. 

"Girlfriends?" is this nigga slow cause I know I didn't stutter. Before I could say something else, Bey interjected. 

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