Dream a better dream Pt.3

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"Alright ladies, I need some of you all to hit that stage and the floors. The club and full but these niggas pockets are fuller." the girls are still talking as if Bobby didn't say anything, one thing about Boddy is she runs a tight ship. She doesn't hire lazy dancers or dancers with a drug problem, Bobby has seen a lot in her life, and that's why she is the way he is. Bobby is from Barbados, she grew up there until she was 15 years old and left home to make her life mean something other than just picking cane sugar in the field. Before she left her home and country, a man she worked with named Kofi, had stolen some of the cane sugar and sold it for double the price. One day their boss Tom came and found Kofi. Tom and another man came and tied Kofi up by his legs and hanged him upside down a tree, then they both tied his wrist with a thicker rope and pulled his arms apart from his body. Tom came and rounded everybody on the field up, it was so hot, that everybody thought it would be a break but when they got to the tree everything changed.  "Please boss, I'm sorry, IM SORRY!" Kofi is crying and pleading for his life to be put down. Tom started to laugh and stroke his beard "Not only did you steal from me, but you sold my cane to the same store owner as I. Now take this as an example of what not to do" Tom pulled out a machete and Boddy could see that it had some dried-up blood on it all over the big kief. Tom turned around and chopped Kofi's right hand, his hand hit the ground on a pillow of rocks. Kofi screamed in horror, his scream was so horrific Bobby passed out but the smell of blood made it worse. Tom was laughing at this whole situation "Can somebody pick Bobby up and get her out of this hot sun please." Tom said as an order, someone took Bobby in Tom's truck. After she woke up Tom gave her a bottle of water and took her home. Bobby was staying at her dad's sister's house, both Bobby's parents were part of a bank robbery, and after killing 2 cops they both got  20 years each.  After dropping off Bobby, Tom gave her Kofi pay for the $378.43. Bobby was shocked she didn't know what to say "Bobby thank you for your good today, I don't think that Kofi will be returning to the farm anytime soon." Booby nod her head to him, Bobby got out and started walking into the house but she stopped and turned around once she heard Tom's car door open. "Oh, Bobby I forgot to pay you for your day of work, here you." He gave her a big hug as if knew that would be the last time he'd ever see her. He got back in his car and road back the way they came.

After dinner when Bobby washed the dishes, she went to her room to get ready for bed. She sat at her desk and opened the envelope Tom had gave her, she opened it and she couldn't believe her eyes. In the envelope it was a one way ticket to America and a check with the amount of $50,000. Bobby cried in silence, she didn't want her aunt to hear. Bobby could scream, all she wanted was enough money to leave, it was note card in the envelope that read "Remember, every bush is a man. Safe travels- Tom. D "  Bobby doesn't know why Tom would do this for her, but it didn't matter she was free, free to be on her own in America. The next morning before anyone woke she packed all that she came with, which was just some clothes, her photo album, her tooth brush, and she only had one pair of shoes. After she got her thing together, she ran down the stair and out the door to her bike that was parked outside by the mail box. She looked backed at a place she called and kissed it good, she road her bike to the city where she gave it away to come city kids. she thought maybe they can sell it for money or food , she didn't need the bike anymore not here she's going at less. After she gave it way, she flagged down a taxi to take her to the airport. The rest was history, Bobby had went back to school in America and for her it would be hard. Not only did she drop out of school at just 10 years old she was already work on the sugar cane farm but she had to prove herself to a whole new country and she did! Bobby went from the middle school to a high school level education in just 6 month and being in America for over a year, Bobby went to college by the age of 16. She did some college classes before graduated, so all in all she was done with school all together. She did everything she said she was going to do. By 21 years old she wanted a business to call her own and she did, "Thee Claw" was born. The rest was history, until somebody asked her about her life.

"The only person who needs to be on the floor tonight is Honey Bobby, I'm she hardly dose anything." GiGi said , still pissed off at how from earlier. "I'm sorry GiGi, I didn't know that you owned The Claw. Shut the fuck up and stop fucking with Bean while your ass is on my clock. Did you or did you not beg me to put you up on the schedule for tonight?" For the first time the dressing room is quite and everybody is looking at GiGi to reply. "Exactly, you think cause you turn tricks you better then anybody in here huh?" GiGi didn't say anything, just looking at Bobby with a dumb look on her face. "That was question motherfucker." "No."  GiGi finally said. "No what?" "No, I don't think I'm better then anyone. I'm sorry Bobby I-" "Bitch don't say sorry to me. Honey is right there. Now say all that shit you was saying to me to Honey." Bobby said before she lit a bunt. Bobby doesn't put up this bullying an disrespect. "Fuck this shit, no!" GiGi has had enough of everybody , but she just don't that this was Bobby last straw. Bobby took another puff of her Blunt before passing it over to April. "Hold for me babe. GiGi get your trick ass out my club and I mean that shit right now, cause if not I'm have all these women you have a problem wit each get a they lick off of you. Now do you wanna leave with a ugly soul and bussed face or just the ugly soul to go?" GiGi was looking around and seen all the girls looking at her as if it was chow time at the zoo. She packed her bag and cleared her locked then left out the back door, she was still in her dancing gear when she left. After she made a beeline to the door all the girls was laughing at the whole thing. 

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