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*enchanted playing*


September 2011

Taylor was rushing through the hotel, she couldn't find her keys. Why was she so stupid. She was 21, she should at least be able to take care of her keys. Taylor almost stumbled over her feet as she ran through the lobby, where did she last put her keys?

Her mom was gonna kill her, everyday or so it seemed, she lost something. A phone charger, a book, everything. It was hell, it wasn't that she couldn't buy new stuff, just her mother always thought she was beyond irresponsible.

Taylor stumbled over her own feet, and if it wasn't for the soft cushioned chair she held on to, she would've fallen flat on her face.

Suddenly she heard laughing, it wasn't a kind laugh, clearly it was mocking her. But it was the kind of laugh that made Taylor want to laugh to, something about the voice, it sounded so innocent.

When Taylor looked up she saw a girl, maybe five, a wide grin on her face, revealing a tooth gap, and Taylor grinned at her.

Taylor noticed Nolan, a member of her team, he was one of Taylor's security guards and he was holding onto the girls wrist.

"Juno, don't laugh. That is very disrespectful." Nolan scolded and the little girls smile faltered instantly and Taylor could almost feel the fear of the little girl. He scared her as well, Nolan was intimidating to say the least. Her dad had hired him and Taylor was a bit uncomfortable around him, he was fantastic at his job, no doubt but he was just scary.

"It's fine, I laughed too, don't worry." Selena said, smiling kindly at him and the girl helping Taylor up, the girl smiled too but her smile faded away again when her father looked at her.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'm really clumsy." Taylor said and the girl seemed to try and hide a laugh that escaped her mouth. The grip Nolan had on the girls arm only tightened and the small girl winced slightly.

Taylor noticed the girl was wearing merchandise, it wasn't official merch and Taylor had no idea where she got it from, but it looked so cute on the little girl. It had the lyrics to long live printed on it and was a pale purple colour. The girl was wearing flared jeans and purple converse, and she looked so adorable.

"You like Taylor's music?" Selena asked and the girl nodded excited, looking and Taylor and Taylor smiled widely

"If you want I can show you around a little, I can show you my studio here if you want? If I find my car keys." Taylor offered and she could just see the excitement on the little girls face and Selena grinned as well.

"I'm sure Juno doesn't want to be a bother." Nolan said coldly and Taylor winced at the obvious disdain in his voice. The sadness on the little girls face broke Taylor's heart, the way you could see all the little girl wanted was to talk to Taylor.

"Oh she wouldn't be, Selena and I had no idea what to do anyway, and we would love to spend the day with her. You can have the day off." Taylor offered and Nolan inhaled sharply

"Please dad, it's my birthday." Juno whined and Taylor felt even more sad. It didn't look like it was Juno's birthday at all, no cake, she didn't look overly happy and she was forced to come to work with her dad."

"Juno." He hissed and Juno flinched a little and Taylor could see Selena next to her tense up as well

"We'd love to take her out for the day." Taylor insisted, and she knew that she was gonna manage that. This little girl deserved a beautiful and big birthday and Selena seemed to think so too.

After a while of convincing Juno was happily skipping alongside them, Selena had found Taylor's keys in Taylor's purse while looking for a piece of gum.

Juno was about the most extroverted child that Taylor had met, Selena was laughing the whole time and Taylor couldn't stop grinning. That girl was so funny.

"So miss Juno, what were your plans for your birthday?" Taylor asked, braiding the little girls blonde hair as it had been bothering the young girls

"Dunno, nothing. Dad is way too busy." Juno muttered sadly and Taylor's gaze met Selena's and she could see a flash of anger in Selena's eyes.

Taylor decided to play over it and try to get Juno's mind of that, she was determined to make this the best birthday ever.

"so anything you want to do today?" Taylor asked and Juno shrugged
"What do I choose from?" Juno asked curiously and Taylor looked at Selena
"Anything you want." Selena said and Juno's eyes widened in excitement

"Anything?" She asked, looking up at Taylor and Taylor smiled
"Absolutely anything you want to do."

Taylor made sure Juno's hair was perfect and Selena was quick to compliment it, the wide grin on Juno's face was everything to Taylor.

Juno was adoreable and nobody could say otherwise, within a few hours she had managed to wrap Taylor around her finger, and Juno was already aware of that.

Juno was nothing like the girl that stood besides her father, Taylor noticed that within seconds, Juno was, no doubt there, great at pretending to be a quiet and sweet little girl, but Juno was outgoing and as it turned out absolutely mischievous.

One game of Uno meant three caught attempts at cheating, considering how easily Juno had still won, a lot of unnoticed ones. But Juno was perfect, she was just the best.

By now Selena had somehow to order a cake and Taylor's assistant came back with the gifts Taylor chose, Juno was obsessed with the Polly pocket set Selena had somehow managed to buy. It was her favourite. Selena and Taylor also sent Taylor's assistant to get a couple cds for Juno, and dvds and books. Taylor was very picky with what she wanted Juno to get.

But the best part was the Polly pocket set, it was like a purple treasure chest, and inside it had an apartment, a pool and a beach.

Juno was busy playing and happily munching the cake, Taylor was mustering Juno a little concerned and Selena seemed equally worried. But no one dared to say anything.

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