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Once seated on the airplane of Taylor's privat jet, Juno was busy starring out of the window. So far the little girl hadn't realized that all she was seeing was clouds but Taylor assumed sooner or later she would eventually see that.

"Where are we going?" Juno asked for the hundredth time and again for the hundredth time taylor awnsered her "to my Nashville apartment sweetie." Juno seemed to think for a bit before asking "is it pretty?" The blonde asked and Taylor chuckled
"Do you mean the apartment bug?" Taylor asked and Juno shrugged and Taylor shook her head laughing "the apartment is very pretty, and till your dad comes to pick you up you even have your own room."

It was in that moment were Taylor noticed how Juno was holding the plushes monster, she held it so it could also look outside the window, this melted her heart, the way Juno had so much love for something so simple that Taylor deemed as ugly. It baffled Taylor.

During the heavy turbulence's Taylor half expected Juno to wake up, the little girl was sound asleep, face pressed against the window, mouth slightly ajar and she was softly snoring. The little girl didn't even move.

She was clutching a blanket tightly and her little face was peaceful for once, no anger, no sadness, no fear, no disappointment. Taylor always saw that on Juno's face, Taylor knew it at least assumed, Juno was never physically hurt, but emotionally. Taylor was sure Juno had experienced alot of emotional neglect, the hate for any physical touch, always being on edge, thinking every little saying that wasn't appreciation was seen as a way to hurt her, if Taylor told her to brush her teeth Juno took it as a reason to freak out and stomp her feet and throw a tantrum.

Once they finally arrived at Taylor's Nashville apartment, Juno was still a bit groggy and was fidgeting with the hem of her pink sweater. She was wearing mom jeans with it and Taylor thought she looked adoreable, in a couple of years Juno was gonna hate her for this outfit. Wait, no, Juno was only gonna be here for a week, Taylor's mind was going crazy. She had just gotten so used to having her around even though it had barely been two days. Like she had always belonged here.

"So this is the livingroom, it's nice isn't it?" Taylor said and Juno nodded softly and Juno seemed to have noticed something and she pointed to it. Taylor followed Juno's gaze and chuckled "that's my koi pond." Taylor chuckled and Juno looked at her a bit weirded out and Taylor started laughing.

"Why do you have that?" Juno asked, her nose scrunched up and she walked closer to the koi pond, now climbing onto the edge of it, balancing on it, looking at the fishes inside.

"Why not?" Taylor asked and Juno crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Taylor, the amount of judgement and sass in her eyes and in her face made her laugh, despite all the anger and disappointment that seemed to be the only thing on Juno's little mind, there was a hint of a silly and maybe goofy side to Juno.

"You're weird." Juno laughed and Taylor smiled at her, her gaze now fixated in the little monster, Juno was just as weird as her and Taylor had a feeling that once she broke through the tough shell of Juno, they were gonna get along very well.


Juno woke up, tears were streaming down her face and she was breathing heavily. She clutched her monster tight and Juno tried to shut out all the bad things in her mind. She had a nightmare about the paparazzi, but it wasn't just the paparazzi, one of the paparazzi had been her father. He was the one that tried to push a camera into her face, yelling the loudest.

Juno looked around the room, it was so dark she could barely see the curtains. She couldn't feel the blanket Taylor had given her, she found it lying on the floor and Juno felt bad. Was Taylor gonna be sad when she found that Juno had dropped the blanket and let it fall to the cold ground.

Juno wanted to go to Taylor, she liked Taylor. Taylor was always so nice to her and she made bad things seem less bad and Juno wanted her to help her but she was scared that if she was too needy than Taylor wasn't gonna want her around anymore. But she wanted Taylor to be around, Taylor was always so nice. Taylor has bought her the comfortable pyjamas, they were so soft and looked pretty, she had gotten her the monster which she had pretended to hate, she had ordered Juno, her all time  favourite breakfast.

Juno walked across the hallway, her bare feet padding against the hard wood floor, the floorboard creaking even under her light weight. Juno was terrified Taylor would be angry, even furious, when she went to her room in the middle of the night but the blonde singer had told Juno she could always come over if she needed anything. 

Juno held the monster by the hand, as if it walked alongside her. The pyjama sleeves were a bit too long and hung over her hands and Juno carefully twisted the doorknob to Taylor's room. Juno held her breath as she stepped inside and onto the cozy and colourful carpet.

Taylor must have woken up by the sound of the door because the singer sat up a little bit, putting the glasses on and trying to find the light switch to the lamp on the bedside table. Once the light was finally turned on, Juno stood there awkwardly, tears still running down her face and the monster now pressed tightly against her chest.

"Bug, what happened?" Taylor asked softly, wanting to reach out to hug Juno, but she knew she couldn't, she had to remind herself not to.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Taylor asked softly and Juno nodded, a tiny sob escaping her lips and Taylor sighed
"Come here baby." Taylor said padding the empty space on the king sized bed next to her and Juno looked a bit scared but did as told.

"Do you want to tell me what the dream was about?" Taylor asked as she wrapped her comforter around Juno who felt bad for taking the blanket that was supposed to be Taylor's but she didn't say anything.

She softly pushed her monster to Taylor, maybe Taylor would like it too and she wouldn't feel as cold because she didn't have the blanket.

"The men with the cameras today and dad was there too but he had the camera. He was the scary one." Juno said quietly and Taylor sighed, she had assumed the paparazzi were gonna be a bad encounter and she already knew that Juno was struggling with her father. But to Juno those paparazzi were faceless illusions of fear, what hurt the most was that onto these faceless illusions Juno projected her father.

"No one can hurt you here, I promise." Taylor whispered and Juno nodded but she wasn't entirely convinced. Taylor laid down in the bed, motioning for Juno to do the same. Juno left a tiny bit of distance between them but she was turned to Taylor so she could see the blonde singer. Juno was happy that Taylor was there, she made her feel less alone and Juno liked that, she didn't enjoy feeling alone.

"Do you want a hug?" Taylor asked softly and Juno wanted to say yes but she was too scared that if she did, Taylor was gonna be mad at her, even though Taylor had offered it. Juno shook her head but she moved just a tiny bit closer to Taylor.

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