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~the best day playing~

"I don't wanna go shopping." Juno muttered in the car and Taylor just suck out her tounge, she wanted to help Juno, even though Juno seemed to be pretty adamant about not wanting help.

"You need clothes and pyjamas so yes we need to go." Taylor chuckled, fumbling with the radio in the car. She wanted to drive herself, not knowing how confident Juno was gonna be around alot of people at the same time, she seemed fine earlier but Taylor didn't want to push her luck.

"You're mean." Juno whined and Taylor giggled even more, turning up the radio, under pressure was playing. Taylor couldn't help but look at Juno, who seemed to at least know the song. It looked like she liked it. She was mouthing the words along, Taylor wondered if she was too scared to actually sing, she wanted to say something but the girl seemed so happy, so content just mouthing the words.

Juno seemed to be on and off, her mind always in its own little space. Taylor sighed, she knew that however many days she was going to spend with her, it wasn't gonna be easy.

Juno was starring out of the window now, nothing was there, passing by trees and street signs and a gas station or two. However Juno seemed intrigued. It supposed Taylor as the girl never sat still; but now she stared out of the window and she wasn't bothered by anything else.

Once they arrived Taylor realized the only reason Juno was so calm, was that Juno was absolutely tired. The little girl slumped behind Taylor, tripping over her own feet every couple steps.

Taylor grabbed a shopping cart and immediately started loading the cart with clothes Juno might like. She tried getting a response out of Juno but nothing really worked and as Taylor asked Juno about a hoodie, the only response she got was a yawn.
"Come on, climb in the cart, then you won't have to walk." Taylor offered and without another word Juno climbed into the cart, her legs pulled up to her chest, head resting on her knees and tired eyes staring up at Taylor. Messy blonde hair that had come out of the neat French braids over the day framing her face like a halo, her eyes radiating tiredness and exhaustion and Taylor could only imagine how exhausting this day must have been for Juno.

Taylor held out a pair of navy blue pyjamas, dotted with stars and the little girl only looked up-nodded and Taylor placed them in the cart, also grabbing the same pair in a pastel pink shade.

Juno twisted a strand of hair around her hand, letting it go again before twisting it again. The exhaustion mixed with boredom appeared to be a dreadful combination for the young girl.

While Taylor filled their shopping cart with everything Juno might need, from clothes to shampoo and kids tooth paste that had a princess on it, Juno was already half asleep in the cart, her worn out converse, lightly tapping against the cart, no rhythm at all just a way to pass time.

Once they passed the CD aisle Juno suddenly perched up, she looked up at Taylor, seemingly a bit confused before she looked back at the nearest shelf.
"That's you." The blonde girl declared, pointing to one of Taylor's debut cds sitting on the shelf, and Taylor chuckled
"It is." Juno flashed her a quick smile, shy maybe, her eyes kept darting back and forth between the cd and Taylor, as if trying to piece together that this was really the same person.
"You sing our song." Juno declared now, reaching out to grab the cd, turning it around and showing the track list to Taylor.

"I do, do you like the song?" Taylor asked, though the awnser was quite obvious, Juno was wearing her merch, and knew the track list on the cd. Juno nodded, a tiny smile now gracing her lips as she put the cd away.
"Do you have the cd?" Taylor asked softly and Juno shook her head
"Heard it on the radio." She said quietly, her voice muffled by her tiny hand which was partially covering her mouth for some reason.

Without Juno being able to say anything else, Taylor added the cd to the cart, an even bigger smile now on Juno's face as she inspected the sealed cd closely and Taylor smiled softly at the little girl. Taylor didn't know what she saw in the girl, but something about her made her want to protect her, give her safety and love and Taylor's heart broke a little at the thought that Juno never received that at home.

Taylor was sure Juno needed a stuffed animal, she was sure Juno had a giant collection at home like every child did, but she still wanted to make sure Juno felt the comfort of it while she was with Taylor.

In the toy aisle Juno just looked up at Taylor, seemingly not very happy about where Taylor had brought her to.
"Go pick one out. You need one." Taylor insisted and Juno looked at her even more weirded out
"Stuffed animals are for little kids." She muttered and Taylor raised an eyebrow
"I don't think so." Taylor said and Juno looked at her, a hint of judgement on her face as she shook her head
"They are all ugly." Juno declared, for some reason now she had decided to climb out of her cart and she now stood next to Taylor. The only similarity between the two was the mane of blonde hair, but the obvious disdain on Juno's face told Taylor that the girl was anything but thrilled to be here.
"I don't think so, what about this one?" Taylor asked, holding up a white plusher bunny from a brand named Jellycat, Taylor had never heard of that brand but it looked cute enough.

Juno scrunched up her nose, clearly not thrilled but what was Taylor supposed to do. Juno refused any form of physical comfort and Taylor just knew how badly this girl needed it. She needed something she could hug, and cry to. But Juno seemed to have different things in mind.

"Then pick another one, but we're not leaving without one. What about this?" Taylor asked, holding up a bear and Juno just looked at her as if Taylor was going insane.

Suddenly Juno began making a few steps forward to the shelf, picking up what was probably the weirdest stuffed animal Taylor had ever seen. It was a monster, maybe cute in a different lighting, but certainly not something she would've wanted to have with her.
"This one."

"You can't be serious." Taylor burst out laughing, yet Juno didn't laugh, rather a hint of sadness flashed over her face, her tiny nails digging deeper into the stuffed animal, however her arms reaching out to put it away.
"Wait, wait, wait, Juno, do you want this?" Taylor asked softly, crouching down to Juno's height, looking the little girl into the eyes who just nodded and Taylor smiled softly.
"Of course you can have it. Let's go and buy it."

Once back in the car, Juno hugged the monster close to her chest and Taylor smiled softly. She hadn't been right about much with the little girl so far, but at least something.

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