New Allies?

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"The situation in San Francisco seems to rise to stakes we have never seen before as the orb in the sky that night seems to have released some sort of life form. We'll keep you updated on any new information so stay tuned." The cameraman stops broadcasting as he gives a thumbs-up to the reporter. "We have to go into the danger zone... we need to see what happened and if this isn't some big military incident." She says curiously soft. "There's no chance I'm putting myself in a risky situation! Didn't you see that explosion?! It fried almost everything near San Francisco!" The man next to the bewildered cameraman declares. She sighs as she frowns " This is our big chance to be more noticeable as reporters. I've already checked with most people and they've said the other reporters seem to be hesitant about checking in person themselves and when someone goes checking others will to Dave." The man now named Dave shakes his head firmly. "We can get arrested. I only got into this because I wanted to be a supportive friend but this seems way above our pay grade Mia! That place was already labeled a highly irradiated area and by place I mean SAN FRANCISCO!" Dave says worriedly frustrated as the now-named reporter (Mia) looks at the Cameraman. "What do you think we should do Ethan?" Ethan grabs his notebook and starts writing down 'I'll go where you need me to go'. She smiles happily as she looks at Dave with a smug smile "Two to one~ So are you coming with us?~" Mia says playfully as Dave glares at both of them. "Fine but if we die I'll make sure I kill you in the afterlife," says Dave as he mumbles his frustration to himself. Mia happily fists the air "Okay then pack some supplies, we're going tonight."
Anastasia POV
Having dealt with most 'infected' I continue roaming the desolate city once known as San Francisco. As I carry the unconscious man on my shoulder, I find another group of survivors, who stare at me with fear. ('Seems I forgot to go back to my human appearance...') I take another step as they shudder in fear not able to move. A child in the group is the first to make any moves. A young boy scared out of his mind walks towards me. A lady in the group who I presume to be the mother of the child finally moves trying to get the boy back, making the others move as they block her path from supposedly getting herself killed. "D-don't hurt my Family..." says the boy timidly as he seems to try and offer himself as a sacrifice. ('Weird kid... but I can leave this guy with them? No... they'll die before they can leave the city') I reach down and pick up the kid by his shirt as I place him on my shoulder I make my way toward the group of people who now notice me walking toward them, everyone starts to scatter but the mother. Quickly using something I learned overnight, I raise my hand making everyone stop in their tracks. Lifting the kid off my shoulder I lower him down to his mother before moving toward the survivors. I grab each one and return to the lady as I lay them down on the floor I lower the unconscious man off my shoulder as I revert to my human appearance. "I suggest listening carefully before trying to run off," I say firmly as I let go of them. They stay still in fear even after I let the pressure go, that if they move something horrific. "I can lead you out of the city under one condition... that you don't tell anyone what you saw here got it?" I say firmly once more as they all nod in agreement. The mother struggles but is the first to speak, "W-what will happen with the other people trapped in the city?" She asks with fear in her voice. "I'll deal with it unless you're willing to help," I assert firmly. They all look hesitant to accept when one raises their hand. "Can we count on your protection during this time, Ms.?" Questions one of the survivors as they step forward, catching the attention of the group as the others exchange resolute glances, their expressions revealing that they've finally reached a consensus. "Yes, you will be under my protection during this duration of time. I only need you to stay behind me. Now does anyone who doesn't want to participate in this like to leave?" I ask softly, scanning each face intently, but it's clear—everyone is determined to rescue more survivors. Observing their resolute expressions, I nod in understanding. With a firm grip, I lift the unconscious man from the cold ground, as I carefully transfer him into the arms of one of the survivors. I then gesture for the others to stay close behind.

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