Bitter Feelings

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Leaving the town as I hear her cries for me... even if painful... I need to put distance between me and her... it is necessary as getting close will only bring problems in the future no matter how similar a situation she is in... I can't let her into my heart... even if she is alone just like I was. She'll make new friends and family... later permanently forgetting me... 'Is that what you truly feel... Anastasia?' 'So you finally wanted to talk... I was wondering how long you were going to watch silently...' 'Why would I?~' 'What do you want...' 'Well you don't think it's strange? You haven't seen any knights in that Village?~' 'What exactly are you trying to tell me here?' 'Well to put it bluntly... that child is going to die.' I stop in my tracks. 'What do you mean?' 'They're going to kill her and she'll be all alone without her... mother...' As she says this she seemingly appears in front of me, smiling wickedly, she starts stretching as the sky darkens. 'I suggest you calm yourself... THEY are watching...' "I need your help..." She laughs. 'You need MY help? Now why should I help you? After all, I did already help by letting you know.~' I can't hide the now noticeable anger seeping through my expressionless face as she grins cheekily. Turning around, I dash back to the village, my hands darkening and turning into claws. The atmosphere grows chilly, causing the once-lush grass surrounding me to freeze and glisten with frost.

Quickly reaching the village, I notice how the people walking around the streets before have all disappeared as if a ghost town, I check every building not finding anyone. Going to the church, I open the doors only to find it empty like the rest of the other buildings, except noticing a way down into the depths of the church. I make my way down cautiously, feeling the burning sensation on my back again I get goosebumps as I quickly slash behind me breaking the wall but nothing else. The feeling disappears for a little as I continue down only coming back when I've reached the bottom. Now staring at the abomination holding Emily close my anger resurfaces as I see her bloodied body in its hand.

A cold expression dawns on my face as in a flash I blitz it now behind it I pierce it, pulling it away from Emily I throw it into the wall of the room, as the whole room shudders under the pressure my presence is bringing it I check on Emily. Noticing she is breathing and seems to be alright I focus back on IT. It pulls itself out of the wall letting out a horrible sound as I quickly shut its mouth I continue to smash its head against the wall making the room shudder as the cracks on the wall get bigger with each one. I forcefully start opening its mouth as I'm about to rip its lower jaw off the room finally starts collapsing. Quickly noticing a piece of the ceiling falling on Emily, I leave it and step in for her, taking the hit I fall to my knees with a grunt as I softly pick her up from the floor and pull her close, as I look up with a determined look, I jump up onto the ceiling. I start digging my way out as the room collapses I feel the air slowly start running out I speed up, not wanting Emily to suffocate, I dig even more until I see the sunlight shining through. I let out a relieved sigh, as I noticed Emily smiling as if knowing I was holding her close, the anger in me rising once more as I felt my chest heat up. The heat in my chest getting hotter, I let go of Emily as the armor-like structure surrounds her as she clings to my chest, the armor now covering most of my body as if part of me. Looking down at the hole from where I dug up as I'm fully covered in the 'armor' showing my now monstrous appearance my mouth opens as the heat rises to my throat to my mouth. Now firing what looks like a purplish fire down into the hole, making the church quickly go up in purple flames, before focusing on the rest of the village as it now also goes up in purple flames. Noticing that the fire has a different color as it slowly changes to black flames 'That's interesting....' Now walking through the flames unbothered, as the anger I felt finally settles down, the heat in my chest slowly dissipates as the 'armor' surrounding my body retreats into me, now carefully wrapping my arms around Emily softly, as I leave the Village to burn.

??? POV
"Sire... someone has defeated the demon we sent..." The man bows as he respectfully greets someone. "Do you have any clues as to who did it?" The man asks as he glances towards him, seemingly interested. "Not currently sire... but they left the Dark Woods Village up in flames after they left..." The man no longer interested waved at the other man to leave. 'Maybe one of those hero's got there...'

Having put distance between the Village SHE suddenly manifests in front of me once more. 'You didn't need my help... after all, it is my body you're controlling currently.~' SHE smiles happily as she glances at Emily. 'The child will be fine... only minor wounds...' I glare at HER "I already know that..." As my gaze returns to Emily's sleeping form my gaze visibly softens. "Will you heal her?" SHE seems thoughtful at first but then smiles 'Alright... since you're finally learning how to use my body I'll listen only this once... I'm looking forward to our shared life together now~' A questionable use of words as the small amount of wounds on Emily heal, her face visibly eases from relieving the pain. As my gaze stays on Emily I ask "What do I call you..." There's a moment of silence before SHE speaks once more 'You may call me Astraea...' I blink a couple of times. 'Such a sweet name.' 'I suggest you keep such thoughts out of your head...'

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