Chapter 22: Feel Your Love Memories

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A few weeks past as the girls have gotten used to high school already. They've made a couple of human friends that actually like them here in school, especially the classes they were in and had with their friends. The boys knew that their girlfriends loved high school. Except for Maxine, she's usually the fun and laughable sea turtle teen in the world. But Mikey noticed that Maxine haven't been herself lately, it started to make him feel worried about her like the other night she couldn't get any sleep and he heard her whimpering in her sleep. Mikey figured that Maxine was having nightmares about the evil corruption.

The next day, Maxine wore her hair up in a ponytail, leaving the bangs in the front. She also wore a black shirt with a star on it, a yellow hoodie jacket with black sweatpants. Mikey walked up to his girlfriend who was putting her books in her locker right now. He wore a orange t-shirt with blue jean pants and white shoes on. However, Mikey wants to know what was going on with Maxine, so he can be there for her like he'd always have.

He'd started out with a wave, before speaking up. "Hey Maxine, can we talk about something?" He asked gently as the young sea turtle teen girl started to freak out a little bit.

Maxine eyes widen with fear and anxiety at the same time. "Oh no, are you breaking up with me? Is it because I'm a screw up? Is it because you don't like me for who I am?" She said in less panic as the orange mask turtle looked confused for a moment and then shakes his head.

"What? Why would you think something like that?" Mikey asked concerning about his girlfriend behavior lately. However, Maxine is afraid to tell him the truth about what's going on.

Maxine put on a fake smile. "No, reason." She said quickly as she started to sweat a little bit. Suddenly, the bell ringing as everyone started walking into the hallways, they were getting ready to go to their next period which is lunchtime. "I gotta go to PE class Mikey! I'll see you around!" She said quickly as he watches his girlfriend leave, then he heard his brother's voice from behind him.

"What's with Maxine?" Donnie asked curiously as he wore a different purple hoodie jacket with black sweatpants, then Mikey looked at him.

"I don't know. She's been acting strange for a few days now." Mikey said.

Donnie smiled and spoke. "Well, I'm sure she'll tell you about it sooner or later." He said, putting his hand on Mikey's shoulder right now.

Mikey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right."

"Come on, it's lunchtime." Donnie said as the orange mask followed him to the cafeteria. Liana, Eva, Raph and Leo had the same lunch period with each other. Meanwhile, during PE class as Maxine walked out of the girls locker room, she wore a orange basketball jersey and shorts. Coach Jackson put the girls in different teams, since they were playing basketball today. The team on the right side of the gym we're wearing orange jerseys and basketball shorts and the team on the left side of the gym wore white basketball jerseys and shorts.

"Have a good game, Maxine." Giselle said in a happy tone, wishing her mutant best friend Max good luck as the sea turtle teen girl glared at her with glowing green eyes.

Maxine scoffed, then smirked. "You too."

Inside of the mind as Shelby pulled both levers on the control panel, it started to turn green which caused the holographic screen positive memories glowing bright green, it's putting too much stress for Maxine to handle. Flashbacks from the corruption like Bishop called her a screw up, the time when she forced her to attack Mikey on purpose.

"I'm not a screw up!" Maxine heard her inner voice inside of her head. She'd started dribbling the basketball in her hand, while one of her teammates called out to her.

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