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The command center is a hive of activity as the team mobilized. Gojo stood at the center of it all, his face a mask of focused determination. The events of the last few hours have cast a long, dark shadow over him, and the weight of uncertainty presses heavily on his shoulders. He couldn't shake the feeling that time is running out.

"Expand the search parameters," he instructed, his voice cutting through the din of the room. "Check every corner of the city and beyond. Look for any unusual activity, any signs of illusion or deception. Whoever is doing this, they're playing a game we can't afford to lose."

Nanami nods, quickly relaying the orders to the teams stationed throughout the city. Kiyoko is deep in concentration, attempting once more to sense Miyu's energy, while Hiroshi and Takeda continue their analysis of property records and transactions.

But amid the frenzied efforts, Gojo's phone vibrates again. He glanced down at the screen, and there it is — a message from Miyu. Or rather, from whoever is pretending to be her.

Satoru, where are you? I'm scared... Please, just come to me.

Gojo's heart clenched at the words. It sounds so much like her — her vulnerability, her trust in him. He could almost hear her voice, feel her presence. But he knows better now. His instincts have saved him before, and he isn't about to ignore them. He locks the screen without replying and slips the phone back into his pocket, but his resolve is tested when the phone vibrates again almost immediately.

Satoru, I know you're confused, but I promise, I'm safe. I just need you here, with me. Please...

He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. Every message is a needle in his heart, a painful reminder of what he is risking. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not now. But as he tried to refocus on the task at hand, the phone vibrates once more.

I remember the first time you held me, the way you looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. Do you remember, Satoru?

His hand clenched around the phone, his knuckles turning white. How could they know? How could they recreate her words, her emotions, so perfectly? It is as if they are inside his mind, pulling out his most intimate memories and using it against him.

Shoko, noticing the tension in Gojo's posture, approached him cautiously. "Gojo," she said softly, "you don't have to do this alone. We're all here to help you find her."

Gojo nods, but his eyes remain distant, fixed on a point somewhere beyond the room. "I know, Shoko. But whoever this is... they know too much. They're trying to break me, make me doubt myself."

Nanami, overhearing the conversation, chime in. "Could it be a curse user? Someone who can manipulate memories or mimic voices."

Gojo considers this for a moment. It is possible — curse users with such abilities aren't unheard of. But this feels different. It isn't just the mimicry; it is the depth of knowledge, the intimacy. Whoever is behind this isn't just skilled — they are deeply invested in his and Miyu's lives.

"Maybe," Gojo replied slowly, "but if that's the case, they're someone with a lot of information, and a personal vendetta."

Kiyoko looks up from her meditation, her face drawn and serious. "I'm still getting faint traces, but it's like trying to see through fog. Whoever's masking her energy is doing it deliberately, and they're good. We need a stronger focal point, something more direct."

Gojo's phone buzz again, pulling his attention back to the screen.

I'm at home, Satoru. I'm waiting for you like I always have. Don't you trust me?

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