Chapter 4

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The Funeral

Charlotte was suddenly in a room she did not recognise. The room was pretty basic, there was just a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and rug lay on in the middle of the room. Beside the blonde stood Five. The brunette boy was holding on the girls wrist. Charlotte looked up at him in confusion. "What the fuck!?" The blonde exclaimed.
"You were killing my brother." Five let go of her wrist.
"He thinks I'm a killer away." Charlotte rolled her eyes. The girl made her way over to the bed, sitting as she reached it.
"So why are you proving him right?" Five asked looking down at the girl.
"I-I-I don't know. I was angry, he leaves me for six years, then comes back and accusing me of killing our father." The blonde looked down to the ground. Five walked over to the girl, he sat down beside the girl on the bed. He too looked down at the floor.
"Charlotte, I don't know what's happened over the last seventeen years, but I do know how it feels to be alone." Five looked to the girl, to find her already looking at him.
"I know, you do." The pair made eye contact, they stayed looking at each other for a while.

Even though the two didn't know each other, they had a connection. Maybe Charlotte felt connected to him due to the fact she talked to the painting of him a lot in the last couple of years. And maybe Five felt connected to her because she can relate to how he felt while he was in the apocalypse.

The door flung open, but the two didn't break eye contact. Diego stared at the pair. "Ermm... Charlotte, can I talk to you?" He asked. Five was the one to break away. Charlotte followed his gaze to Diego.
"Diego, I'm fine. Luther just hit a nerve, I'll go apologise now." The blonde answered after using her ability to read his mind. The girl smiled up at her brother, while standing up. She turned to Five, "bye, Five." The brunette boy stood up. He was taller than her, causing her to look up him. Charlotte turned around to Diego, then the pair left Five's room. Diego looked at Five with a grin before shutting the door.

Diego and Charlotte started to search for Luther. The two finally found him in Dads office. The large man looked down at his sister in disappointment. "Look, Luther, I'm sorry that I hurt you but I did not kill dad."Diego stood in the doorway observing the conversation.
"Where is Dad's monocle?" Luther asked, ignoring her apology.
"Are you serious, right now? You know what, I take it back. I'm not sorry. See you at the funeral." Charlotte had hated her brother like this.

She couldn't believe it, he thought she had killed their father. Luther blaming her did not bring him back. He was in denial about the truth. Her brother was an ass sometimes but blaming her for their dad's death was too far.

Charlotte left the room and entered the living room, followed by Diego. Five and Vanya were in the living room talking about her book. Diego hated Vanya for writing that book, so he stormed out instantly. "Guess that answered my question." Five watched as he left. Charlotte immediately went to the bar. Five pulled a confused expression. A thirteen year old girl was drinking. "What—"
"It clears her mind, keeps her out of ours." Vanya explained before sitting down on the couch.

Five decided to go talk to Charlotte, to try to understand what she was doing. As he approached the blonde looked at him and laughed. "Cute uniform."
"Thanks." Five replied. Then the brunette sat down on a stool.
"Want one?" Charlotte asked, holding out a shot glass.
"No, need to get going soon." Five avoid eye contact with the girl.
"Well, at least go to the funeral." The blonde told him before taking a shot.
"Okay, if you stop." Their eyes finally met but only for a spilt second.
"Fine." Charlotte put down the glass, she then came from behind the bar and sat on the stool beside Five. They sat for a couple of minutes, avoiding looking at each other. The pair just sat in silence.

Their siblings then came into the room, telling them it's time for the funeral. The family all gathered outside in front of Ben's statue, Luther was carrying their fathers ashes in a jar. It was raining. Vanya, Charlotte and Allison had umbrellas. Allison shared with Klaus, Charlotte shared with Diego and Vanya shared with Five. Luther had no umbrella so the rain fell onto him. Their mother was also there. She had her own umbrella and stood in between Vanya and Charlotte. "Did something happen?" The woman asked.
"Dad died, remember?" Charlotte questioned her mother, moving closer to her.
"Oh, yes. Of course." Their mom said sadly, looking down at the floor.
"Is mom okay?" Allison asked the group.
"Yeah, she just need to recharge." Charlotte answered looking at her mother with concern. Diego looked down to her placing a hand on her shoulder.

A cane tapped on the floor, dragging everyone's attention to Pogo. He too had an umbrella. "Whenever, you're ready, dear boy." Pogo told Luther. The large man took a few seconds before he took off the urns lid. All the siblings waited patiently, for him to scatter the ashes. As he turned the urn their father's ashes fell to the floor. Now there was just a pile of sand like substance on the floor.
"Probably would of been better with some wind." Luther looked up to his brothers and sisters.
"Does any wish to speak?" Pogo asked. Nobody answered, Diego looked to the sky with a grin on his face.
"Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy—"
"He was a monster." Diego interrupted Pogo, his words caused Klaus to laugh. "He was bad person and a worse father. The worlds better off without him."
"Diego." Allison looked at her brother with a annoyed stare.
"My name is Number two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it." Diego looked at around to his siblings.
"Would anyone like something to eat?" Their mother said.
"No, it's okay, mom." Charlotte smiled up at her mother.
"Oh, okay."
"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead, but at least be honest about the type of man he was." Diego walked to stand in the centre of everyone.
"You should shut up, now." Luther looked down at his brother who was stood right in front of him.
"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number one."
"I'm warning you."
"After everything, he did to you? He has to ship you a million miles away." Diego stepped closer to his brother.
"Diego, stop it." Charlotte looked at her brother in shock.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego ignored his sister, as he poked Luther in the chest. Luther than lashed out, and the two began to fight. Diego dodged all Luther's punches before landing a few of his own. Everyone moved back.
"Boys, STOP THIS AT ONCE!" Pogo told the pair but they did not listen. Klaus tried to protect Five by putting his arm in front of him but the boy swatted it away. Luther finally lay a punch making Diego stumble backwards.
"Come on, big boy." Diego teased. Luther missed again and Diego got the upper hand, he punched his larger brother in the back four times.
"STOP IT!" Vanya yelled.
"Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus cheered. Luther missed again causing Diego to punch him twice in the face. Pogo just scoffed and walked away, Charlotte noticed this. The girl got bored of the fighting.

The two men stumbled back wards. Luther ended up stumbling into Ben's statue, knocking it over. As it hit the floor Ben's head was knocked off. Everyone was stunned. The head rolled along the concrete floor rattling as it did so. "Oh..." Klaus shuck his head.
"And there goes Ben statue, well done Charlotte." Allison looked at her sister with annoyance in her tone. Charlotte rolled her eyes before phasing away. Her umbrella dropped to the floor. It rolled in a circle for a bit before stopping.

Charlotte was now in the living room. The blonde was sat on the couch looking up at the painting of Five. Luther stormed in through the back door holding his arm. The girl didn't even look at him, she could tell it was him by his grunting. Allison came running in a couple of seconds later, followed by Vanya, who looked upset and angry. Not after long, Diego had escorted Mom in. Meaning outside there was just Klaus, since Five had blink  after Ben's statue fell. Charlotte fell asleep quickly.

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