Chapter 5

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Coffee and company

The blonde awoken to see a blurred figure looking down at her. As the girl rubbed her eyes the figure turned into a familiar face, Five. Charlotte slowly sat up, still rubbing her eyes. Blonde strands of her hair fell into her face, but the girl quickly moved them tucking her hair behind her ears. "Let's go." Five suddenly said.
"What—" before Charlotte could argue she was in a car. Five had grabbed her wrist and teleported them. "Woah!" The blonde said, in surprise.
"Where can I get a decent cup of coffee?" Five asked as he started the engine.
"Griddy's, has got some decent coffee." Charlotte answered, still half asleep.
"Okay, Griddy's it is." Five smiled, before driving off. It was now dark outside, it was around ten o'clock now.

The blonde girl was extremely tired. Whenever she used her powers she felt like this. While Five drove she ended up falling asleep again. The girl rested her head against the window, her blonde her fell in front of her face. Five turned his head to the girl for a second, smiling as he saw how innocent she looked.

The car parked in the parking lot of Griddy's. Five turned the key, turning off the engine. The brunette looked at the blonde with a slight grin before lightly tapping her shoulder. The girl groaned, scrunching up her face. "Charlotte." Five said softly.
"What?!" The blonde snapped, siting up looking out the windshield. "Why are we here?" Charlotte rubbed her eyes.
"I need coffee, you recommend here, so we are here." Five smirked, before opening his car door.

The girls hair was a mess, her eyes were half open and her head was pounding. Once she realised Five was gone, she lay her head back down. Her head suddenly fell, landing on someone's palm. The hand sat her back up, turning she saw Five and rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm coming." Charlotte whined. After undoing her seatbelt she stepped out the car. Five closed the door, locking it before walking towards Griddy's.

Charlotte looked sick of her life as she followed him inside. The blondes head was killing her, she's never really had headaches often. This headache was different, she could hear voices. One of them sounded like Five, which confused her.

The pair walked to the counter and sat down on the stools beside each other. Charlotte put her elbows on the counter and held her head. "Are you okay?" Five asked concerned.
"I will be. Just need some alcohol." Charlotte smirked. Five looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. Five rang the bell twice, as the door to the diner opened. It was a man. He sat down on a stool too, he was two seats away from Charlotte. The man offered her a smile, she returned the smile before folding her arms on the counter and placing her chin on them.

The three waited for the waitress to serve them. While waiting the man took off his hat to reveal his half bald head. The lady came up to the three, with a smile on her face. "Sorry, the sink was clogged." She smiled. Charlotte smiled back at her. "What can I get you?" The blonde waitress looked to the man.
"Uh, give me a chocolate éclair."
"Mm-hmm. Sure. Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?"
"This kid wants coffee. Black." Five scoffed.
"This kid wants to go home." Charlotte groaned in pain.
"Cute kids." The women chuckled. Five gave a cheeky smile, showing all his teeth. Charlotte giggled at the sight. "Okay, umm I'll go..." the waitress mumbled.

She started to make the coffee, and the éclair. Five turned to Charlotte to start a conversation but decided best not to since she looked in so much pain, so he talked to the man instead. "Don't remember this place being such a shithole." Five found it difficult to start a conversation. "I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters and eat doughnuts till we puked. Simpler times, huh?" Charlotte smiled at the memory of coming here with Diego a couple of months ago.
"Eh. I supposed." The man looked uncomfortable. The waitress cleared her throat as she approached the three.
"Here." The lady handed Five the mug of coffee. As she handed the man his éclair, the man handed out money.
"I got his." He explained.

Five held the coffee in one of his hands as he looked to the man with a smile. "Thanks." The brunette didn't take a sip instead he placed the mug back down, examining the man. "You must know your way around the city." Five looked at the label on the man's shirt, it said something about a towing company.
"I hope so. I've been driving it for twenty years."
"Good. I need an address." After Five said that Charlotte fell asleep.

The pair talked for a while, until the man left. The brunette boy looked down at the girl, then to his mug. There was a little bit of coffee left, so he slid the cup across to her. It hit her arm making her wake up a little. The bright lights shone in her face. The girl looked into the mug before drinking it. "Thanks." She smiled. The sound of the man's vehicle was heard outside as Five quickly stuffed a napkin inside his pocket.

The door of the shop opened, causing Charlotte to turn. Five just looked into the reflection of the bell, he sighed as he saw them. "Hmm. That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me." The men pointed the gun at Five and Charlotte as the brunette boy spoke. Confusion was on Charlotte's face as she raised her arms, in defeat.
"Okay. So let's all be professional about this, yeah? On your feet and come with us. They want to talk." The man closest to Five said.
"I've got nothing to say."
"It doesn't have to go this way. We don't want to kill you, kids. You think, I want to go home with that on my conscience?" The same man spoke.
"Well, I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home." Five smirked to Charlotte. He grabbed a knife, giving her a signal to phase. As she phased he quickly teleported behind the man and stabbed him. Bullets fired around the room, one bullet went towards Charlotte, but obviously didn't hit her, instead it went through her and into the wall. Charlotte just stood and watched as Five fought the men.

The brunette suddenly appeared on the counter. "Hey, assholes." He laughed as they shot he disappeared. Not a single bullet hit him. The lights turned off. The men just started to try and shoot Charlotte but failed. The walls were now covered in holes. Five knocked on the glass door, drawing their attention. The men all looked around confused, Charlotte was now gone. The girl was now hiding behind the counter. Suddenly one of the men's heads exploded, blood went everywhere. Five took down another one, as Charlotte blew another man's head up. As two men went to shoot at Five both their heads exploded. Five was fighting three men now at the same time. He took all three down, while Charlotte made one man shoot his friends. Two men were about to shoot Five but he teleported causing them to shoot each other.

All the men were now dead. Five appeared in front of Charlotte, who was exhausted from using her abilities. The lights were now flickering, after most of them were shot. Charlotte's eyes were shut tightly. "Hey, Charlotte." Five spoke softly, causing the girl to open her eyes. The pair made eye contact. Charlotte looked away immediately. The blonde stood up and looked around the room, at all the dead bodies. A device caught her eye. The girl quickly jumped over the counter and walked over to the device. It was a tracking device. Five was suddenly next to her, he gently took it from her. Realisation appeared on his face. Without speaking he walked over to the counter and grabbed a knife. The boy cut into his arm, causing blood to ooze out. Charlotte pulled a disgusted face. Five then reached into the wound, pulling out a small beeping device. He stared at the device, before walking out. Charlotte followed close behind. As the boy dropped the chip on the floor, Charlotte looked at him with confusion.

The pair walked over to the car. Five opened the door for the blonde, before he walked around to his side and climbed in.

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