Chapter 6

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Don't leave

No one spoke. Both of them stayed silent. The blonde was in shock after what had happened, but the brunette was not. Five was used to killing so he wasn't bothered about the people who he'd killed but Charlotte was really bothered by their actions. The girl hadn't killed anyone in a long time. The last person before these people was a women. She had not meant to kill the women, it was an accident. The blonde remembers the look on the women's face, she was scared, petrified... then her head exploded. Blood was everywhere, all over the walls.


Charlotte was sitting at the counter of a coffee shop, called Honeybea's. It was winter, meaning snow lay on the streets. The blonde had slipped multiple times on the way to Honeybea's. The women who ran the shop was called Bea. Bea and Charlotte were close, the women felt sorry for Charlotte due to the fact she was all alone in Reginald's massive house.

A dark haired woman started to argue with Bea. The blonde noticed, anger built up inside her watching how rude the woman was to her friend. Without realising she was in the women's head. The women had shut up and looked in terror at the floor. She let out a scream, before her head exploded. Blood was all over the shop. Her lifeless body dropped to the floor. Screams came from everyone in the coffee shop. Charlotte looked at the body in shock. Fear spread across her face. She didn't mean to do it.

In a panic the blonde sprinted out of the shop, leaving a whole cup of coffee on the counter. Tears streamed down her face, as she ran home. The blonde never left the house after that. She never saw Bea again, never stepped into Honeybea's again. The girl was scared they recognise her, she was also scared that Bea would never look at her the same again. Charlotte saw Bea's face before she ran out the shop. Bea looked at the blonde as if she was a monster. She was terrified of her, the blonde could see it in her eyes.

*Present day*
A tear fell down the girls cheek. The blonde was now crying silently, her eyes were staring out of the window at the Griddy's sign but she wasn't really staring at it, she was staring at the women's lifeless body lying on the floor.

The boy next to her was just thinking to himself, totally forgetting she was there. After he came out of his thoughts, he turned to see Charlotte tears streaming down her face. Five looked at the girl with a worried look. He didn't know what to do, no one ever cried in front of him. The brunette tried to speak but didn't know what to say.

Charlotte was still just staring at the sign. The blonde hadn't realised Five was staring at her. She was completely unaware of anything. The girl was reliving her worst nightmare. The dark haired women's death replayed constantly in her head. "Charlotte?" A voice snapped her back to reality.

The blonde was breathing heavily while tears poured out of her eyes. She turned to Five. The boy was concerned, confused and angry at himself. He was too busy wrapped in his one head he hadn't realised the blonde was crying, she could have been dying and he wouldn't have noticed. "Charlotte, are you okay?"
"Does it look like it!?" The girl snapped back. "Oh, Five, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap." She apologised.
"No, no, Charlotte it's fine. What's wrong?" Five gave a comforting smile.
"Nothing." The blonde sniffled, wiping her tears. "We need to leave before the police get here."
"Oh, okay." The boy returned his head to the windshield. He didn't want to push her to say anything, so he didn't. The brunette just drove them, away from the crime scene.

The pair arrived at an apartment complex. Five parked the car, outside the building as Charlotte looked around in confusion. She knew where they were. Why are we here? The blonde asked herself. Five grabbed the girls thigh as he locked the car from the inside. Without any warning the pair were in someone's apartment. The two were sat on a couch, Five still had his hand on Charlottes thigh. His touch was gentle against her skin. The boys hands were bigger then hers, his skin was also softer than Charlotte thought it would of been.

The blonde looked down to Five's hand, as she moved her gaze up his body and to his face, she realised how close they were. Charlotte looked at Five to see him already staring at her. The pair held the eye contact for a while. Suddenly the two were starting the lean in, the gap between got smaller and smaller. Five looked down to the girl's lips but before the two kissed they heard a key in the door. Both of them jumped away from each other. Five's hand finally left the girl's thigh. Charlotte and Five were now on opposite ends of the couch.

The door opened and the two smiled to their sister. Vanya's pulled a confused look, before smiling back. The brunette girl placed her bag down by the door before finally joining the two on the couch. There was only one source of light, it was the lamp. It radiated off warm light. The colour of the light made the room feel warmer.

Vanya turned to talk to Five but Five was staring at the other side of the couch to the blonde. Charlotte looked uncomfortable, it made him feel guilty about touching her without asking. His sister was speaking to him but he was too focused on Charlotte. Vanya is talking to you.
Talk to your sister.
Oh, okay. Five removed his eyes from the blonde and to his sister, who was talking about her book. Vanya smiled looking at Five, since the boy had keep glancing to Charlotte.
"Is there something going on between you two." Vanya looked back and forth at the pair. Charlotte's face turned bright red, but Five didn't even flinch at the word. The boy just waited for the blonde to answer.
"Erm... what!?" Charlotte gulped, causing Vanya to smirk.
"Oh my god, are you two dating?" The brunette girl grinned.
"WHAT, NO!" The blonde yelled, as she stood up. "I'm going home. Goodnight and goodbye."
"Wait, no Charlotte stay, please." Vanya begged. The girl looked to her sister then to Five. The boy just stared back up at the girl, he showed no emotion.
"Sorry, V. I need to speak with Diego." Charlotte smiled. "Five can I have the keys."
"No." The boy said sternly.
"Fine, I'll walk. Bye, V." The blond walked to the door but was stopped by a voice.

Don't leave.

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