Chapter 2: Revelations

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The library doors creaked shut behind me, sealing us inside a sanctuary of whispers and shadows. The once grand hall, now dimly lit by a scattered array of candles and portable lamps, felt both like a refuge and a crypt. The survivors huddled together amidst the stacks of dusty books and broken furniture, their faces pale and drawn, eyes darting with unspoken questions.

Marcus guided me to a clear space in the center, near a large oak table littered with remnants of first aid supplies and makeshift bedding. His presence, steady and solid, was a small anchor in the storm of confusion and fear.

"Everyone," he began, his voice calm but tinged with urgency, "this is Erina Yumo. She was at the epicenter of of town central, witnessed the attack and survived. She has something important to share."

I swallowed hard, the gravity of the situation pressing down on me. The expectant silence in the room made my heartbeat seem deafening. I stood before the small group of survivors, my heart pounding in my chest. The weight of their expectant gazes felt almost overwhelming. Each face told a story of shock, fear, and desperate hope. They looked to me, perhaps seeing something in my demeanor or my presence that suggested I could offer them guidance or answers. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

"I'm Erina Yumo," I said, my voice low and steady. "I'm 23 years old. Unlike most people, I don't have a BHASMH (Bio-organic Human Augmentation Synthesis Micro Hud.) Before all of this happened, I was on the verge of starting my first internship at the Quantum Research Institute"

A murmur rippled through the group, a mix of surprise and unease. In a world where BHASMH was the norm, my lack of augmentation was as alien as the events that had unfolded today.

"When the attack happened," I continued, my voice trembling slightly, "I saw a figure in the sky—Xilon. They called themselves a 'Supreme Phase Caster' and spoke of 'Absolute Hell Blaze.' The sky turned red, the heat was unbearable, and the ground split open. But somehow, I wasn't harmed."

I paused, the memory of the flames and the screams still vivid in my mind. "Xilon said I was 'chosen.' I don't know what that means, but I need to find out. I need to understand why this happened and why I survived."

The group's expressions ranged from disbelief to cautious curiosity. Marcus nodded, his eyes reflecting the weight of our shared confusion.

"We've all seen things today that defy explanation," he said softly. "Since the attack, some of us have noticed... changes. Abilities that we didn't have before. We believe these might be connected to the events you witnessed."

A young woman with bright green eyes stepped forward, her hands trembling slightly. "My name is Leena," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Since the attack, I've noticed I can move things with the air around me. It's small and uncontrollable, but it's real. I don't understand it."

Others began to speak up, their voices filled with a mix of fear and bewilderment. Stories of newfound strength, the ability to control elements, heightened senses. Each account added to the growing sense of unease and mystery.

Marcus ran a hand through his hair, his brow furrowed in thought. "We believe these abilities are connected to the attack, but we don't know how or why. We need to understand what's happening to us."

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination despite the uncertainty gnawing at my insides. "We need to find answers. If these abilities are linked to Xilon or whatever technology they used, we need to learn to control them. We need to understand them."

The group fell silent, each person grappling with the unknown changes within themselves. The air was thick with tension, but also with a sense of shared purpose.

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